2. Expansion of sausage manufacture ОАО (Open Stock Company) «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant) The form of the description of the project А. Description of opportunities of the project А1. The name of the project: (а) Brief name: Expansion of sausage manufacture ОАО (Open Stock Company) «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant). (в) Complete name: «Expansion of sausage shop and construction of shop of raw smoked sausages ОАО (Open Stock Company) «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant) (с) Brief description: combine for slaughter, processing of meat and manufacture of sausage products. The basic purpose of the investment project is the expansion of existing manufacture of sausage products and development of new capacities on manufacture of raw smoked products. The financing will be carried out at the expense of the credits. А2. A condition of the project: In a stage of development of the technical project .business plan is made. All investors are certain determined. There is an arrangement on reception of the bank credit. А3. Participating organizations and their role (contact persons, telephone, fax, Е-mail, page in internet): ОАО (Open Stock Company) «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant) is borrower Slonim, Grodno region, ul. Chkalova, 35 Dr. Berdula О.Р. phone 8-01562-2-12-75 fax 8-01562-2-13-31 E-mail:Slmeat and mail.ru А4. The description of the project (approaches, tasks, components, results, stages, terms, general financing, advantages, influence on transients in economy etc.): The offered investment project includes civil and erection works on expansion of existing sausage shop and modernization of a building poultry shop under shop of raw smoked sausages, and also purchase of the appropriate equipment for manufacture of sausage products. These measures will allow to increase by 50 % of capacity of existing shop and to let out new kinds of production. The market demand grows by our production, therefore there is an opportunity of reception of the additional profit and creations of additional workplaces. Total cost of the project 1289 thousand $ USA. А5. The preconditions / history / the general program / the interconnected or similar projects: The open joint-stock company «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant) - one of the oldest enterprises of The Republic of Belarus - was created in 1922 on the basis of private slaughterer of item. For one week 60 heads of cattle and 150 heads of pigs for maintenance of military parts and local population were killed. Since 1960 meat processing plant began the development from construction of meat and fat shop, reconstruction of shop on processing a bird, refrigerator and boiler-house. In 1972 the sausage shop, household premises, transformer substation, garage and mechanical workshops was entered in build. The shop on processing a bird was reconstructed in shop on development of block meat and meat prepared food. In 1995 the shop on sanitary slaughter of cattle because of decrease of deliveries of cattle was converted in shop on manufacture of meat canned food with introduction in operation in 1996. In territory of combine there is a water tower, shop of monuments, station for gland removing, construction group, sewing shop, tare shop (engaged by manufacturing and repair of wooden container), large warehouse premises and hothouse. For improvement of a life and increase of culture of manufacture of the employees of combine the large physical-improving complex with a sports hall and pool was constructed. There is a hairdresser, tooth doctor, masseur, health control station, buffet and 5 firm shops. А6. The brief description of influence on an environment: Harmful emissions in an atmosphere exceeding ПДК is not expected. А7. Possible obstacles / problems / degree of risk: The high prices on energy, acting from Russian Federation, and also deterioration of a raw zone. Investment risk insignificant. А8. Term of realization and recoupment of the project (years): term of realization 5 years, recoupment of the project 2,8 years. А9. A branch accessory of the project: a process industry В. Clause of capital expenses (total investments necessary for realization of the project) В1. Physical components of the project (equipment, Work, В2. Capital investments (cost) services etc. necessary for realization of the project) Total (should be equalled to the sum С2 + D4) 1289 thousand $ USA В3. The sub-projects on accommodation В4. Cost the project С. Capital on a source of an origin available of the initiators of the project (proprietors, accomplices, sponsors etc.) С1. A kind of sources (grants, investments, individual share / the С2. The sum property and so on) Own means of the Investment 179 thousand $ USA 1110 thousand $ USA D. Required investments missing means D1. Lack of financial assets, kind of the financial help (credit, individual share etc.): crediting D2. Sources of financing D3. A type of the financial tool D4. The sum The Required investments Credit 1110 D5. The data on financial establishments, involved in realization of the project Е. Demand (consumers) and incomes Е1. A type of the consumers / markets, volumes, prices, incomes estimated benefit of the savings The basic consumers - retail trade enterprises, hospitals, military parts closed establishments, enterprise of public catering, school, fur farms, enterprise for processing of medical preparations, tanneries etc. The basic markets - The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Poland, Russia, Italy. Annual volume of manufacture of existing manufacture 6600 t. Sausage products with the proceeds 20 340 576 thousand rubles. And annual balance profit - 1570 342 thousand rubles. According to the carried out marketing researches the demand for our production is increased. Е2. The incomes (sale): Е3. The sum: 5 218,6 thousand $ USA The proceeds from realization 2002 5 218,6 5 218.6 2006 10 145,9 10 145,9 F. Operational and operational charges F1. Components of costs, strategy of a covering of costs, organization of manufacture etc. The strategy of a covering of costs is carried out at the expense of increase of volume of realization and decrease of conditional - constant expenses. F2. Clause of expenses Raw material the Charges on payment of work Amortization Other operational expenses F3. The sum 2002 2006 3477 8,6 147 489,8 6915 22,3 196 721,4 TOTAL: 4122,5 7854,7 G. Pure income G.1 Volume of the Pure profit (incomes Е2 a minus the operational charges F2) The income the Charges Profit up to the taxation the Taxes Pure profit G2. The sum, thnd. $ USD 2002 2006 5 218,6 4 122,5 1 096,1 596,5 499,6 10 145,9 7 854,7 2 291,2 1192,1 H. Source of the information about the project H1. The form of filling (whom, name, post): Avtaeva Elena Vasilievna (Автаева Елена Васильевна) - chief of a department of future planning and economic analysis H2. Organization (name and address): ОАО (Open Stock Company) «Slonimsky myasocombinat» (Slonim meat processing plant) H3. phone / fax/ Е-mail: phone (01562) 2-12-75/ Faxes (01562) 2-13 -31 H4. Date: 2001.