Dec 15th & 16th 8:30am to 2:30pm It’s that time of year again for St. Rose’s Santa Shop!! This event is a service provided by PRIDE parents. The kids will be able to shop for small items independently for their loved ones. This is not a fundraiser and PRIDE nor St. Rose will be making any money from this event. During the 2 days the children will be allowed to come down in small groups to the PLC to shop. Assistance shopping will be provided if needed. The items they purchase will be wrapped, tagged, and all ready for Christmas. Items will be $6 or less in increments of $1 to make shopping/paying easier. Please fill out the bottom portion and have your child bring it with them when they shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My child ___________________ may purchase items up to said amount for the following people: Mom ________ Sister___________ Dad__________ Brother_________ Other___________ Grandma___________ Grandpa____________ Allowed to spend extra $$: YES / NO