Algebra 1 Course Plans and Requirements Mrs. Cooks Room: 168 Voicemail: (262) 789 – 6461 Email: Textbook: College Preparatory Math (CPM) – Algebra Course Outline: Chapter 1 Functions Appendix A Representing Expressions Chapter 2 Linear Relationships Chapter 3 Simplifying and Solving Chapter 4 Systems of Equations Chapter 5 Sequences Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Inequalities Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Modeling Two-Variable Data Exponential Functions Quadratic Functions Solving Quadratics and Solving Complex Equations Functions and Data CLASS MATERIALS REQUIRED: Binder/paper, graph paper, pens/pencils, graphing calculator (preferable a TI-83+), book cover, box of tissues (if possible). COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bring textbook, calculator, paper, pencil/pen, and HOMEWORK to class EVERYDAY. 2. Homework will be assigned each day and is due the following day. Each assignment will be checked for completion and work shown to teacher’s standards. Students will make their own corrections. 3. Homework/Progress checks will be given on a regular basis for the purpose of assessing student understanding of the lessons. 4. Tests and quizzes will be announced ahead of time. Quizzes and Tests will be collected after they have been reviewed. Quizzes will be accessible to students to take and study from for tests. Tests will be stored in the classroom. They can be studied from in the classroom. 5. You must have your own calculator with you in class. Calculators cannot be shared during tests or quizzes. HOMEWORK GRADING POLICY: “PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT” Assignment completion is a key to your success in this class and will directly affect your quiz and test scores. Assignments will be checked as complete or incomplete. While assignments are not included in the student grade, it is required to be completed on a daily basis. If your assignment is incomplete, you will be assigned a time that you are expected to come in and complete the assignment to the teacher’s standards. Assignments (always due the following day) will be checked for accuracy by the student at the start of class. Completion will be recorded in Infinite Campus, weighted to 0%, as a means of communication and tracking of data. Students are ultimately responsible for the material in the assigned homework. Late/Incomplete work will be identified with a “M” (Missing) on Infinite Campus. GRADING SYSTEM: Grades will be based on quizzes, tests, and progress checks. Your effort in the class is extremely important. “Math is not a spectator sport.” Ask questions, participate in class, get extra help when needed, and stay on task. WEIGHTING OF GRADES 60% Tests 40% Quizzes/Progress Checks SEMESTER GRADES 50% for each quarter (1st and 2nd make up 1st semester; 3rd and 4th for 2nd semester) **No extra credit will be given. I want you to focus your time learning the material taught in class. WORK MISSED DUE TO AN EXCUSED ABSENCE: The student is responsible for finding out about work missed due to an absence. It is very hard to catch up if you are absent because of the structure of the curriculum and textbook, so make every effort to attend class every day because you will be responsible for doing all classwork problems assigned in class. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Tardies will be dealt with according to the school attendance policy. Use only appropriate language Do not copy Listen when others are speaking When given work time, use it to get work done Electronic devices (for educational purposes) in the classroom are allowed at the teacher’s discretion. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students are expected to conduct themselves in the highest ethical manner in this class. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and school policies regarding misconduct will be strictly enforced. Cheating includes giving or receiving information. Students are expected to show all work. Copying answers off of answer sheets (online and/or hard copies) or other students’ papers is considered cheating. If students choose to work together, each student must do their own work on their own sheet of paper and if identical work and answers are shown, it will be considered cheating. Test Retake Policy A student can retake a test regardless of what score was earned on the original test. A student will receive the better score of the two attempts on the test. All make-up work and retakes must be completed within three weeks of the original test being returned. All criteria must be completed and turned in one day prior to the test retake. No retakes will be allowed the last week of the grading period. The student must: 1. Make corrections to the original test while in the classroom during ELO on a separate sheet of paper and complete the test reflection worksheet. This must be done within one week of the test being handed back. 2. Complete all homework problems from the chapter, if not completed previously, with correct and quality work. 3. Do all “extra practice” problems assigned with correctness and quality. Check answers for feedback. 4. Meet with me in the middle of the process to discuss progress and get questions answered/explained and meet with me at the end to set a time for the retake. The burden of proof is on the student to demonstrate that effort was put in to improve your understanding and skills. If I don’t feel enough effort was put in to meet the criteria, more work may be assigned. PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parents/guardians, please read over this information. If you have questions or concerns at any time during the year, please feel free to contact me.