Business Law Syllabus LHS Room 96 Objective Business Law is a semester, block schedule course designed to provide students with a solid foundation in understanding the legal issues related to topics of business law and personal law. Areas of study will include how laws were formed, procedures in civil and criminal cases, making contracts, terminating contracts, responsibilities of minors, being a consumer, purchasing power, purchasing insurance, personal and real property rights, starting a business and leadership skills. .Assignments are individual, group, and project based. They will provide a solid foundation for future coursework. Grading The following grading scale will be used as stated in the student handbook: A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 59 and below Grading will break down as follows: 20%--Formative Assessments Examples: Daily work, assignments, and projects 60%--Summative Assessments Examples: chapter and unit exams 20%--Final Summative Exam Example: Cumulative semester final taken at the end of each semester Retakes &/or Corrections: 1. Students may only retake or make corrections to assignment that were completed in their entirety and turned in on time 2. Students will be given one chance to retake or correct as assessment 3. Students must complete the retake or correction within 2 weeks from the original assignment date 4. The student must initiate the retake or the correction. I will not track down students to have them retake or correct an assessment. Notebooks You are required to keep a notebook for entry and exit questions and notes. Since no books will be allowed to leave the classroom taking good notes will be essential. Attendance: All students are expected to be in class and on time daily. Students who know they will be missing class may get their work ahead of time. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to ask me what they missed and get the work. Classroom Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. Follow all LHS rules as given in the student handbook/planner Conduct yourself with class and dignity Do not get out of your seat while the teacher is teaching Electronic Devices are prohibited that includes but not limited to IPods, Cell Phones, etc.