Spring 2010 PSYC 300: Introduction to Brain and Behavior Instructor: Dr. Douglas Wallace Location: PM153 Office: 309 Psychology Time: MWF 9:00-9:50 Phone: 753-7071 Text: Kolb B, Whishaw IQ, An Introduction to Brain Email: dwallace@niu.edu and Behavior 3/e, 2010, Worth. Purpose of Course: This course will explore the biological basis of behavior. The student will first learn about the fundamental elements of the nervous system and their function. Subsequent lectures and readings will integrate these elements into the systems responsible for basic behaviors. Class sessions: Class attendance is not required (although I strongly urge you to attend every class). If you do not attend class, you remain responsible for all material covered in class and any announcements made in class. Lectures will cover material that is not covered in the text and will go into greater detail than the text does, so it is in your best interest to attend class regularly. Missed Exams: If you miss an exam and have an adequate excuse, you may take a make-up. I reserve the right to decide on the adequacy of the excuse. If an exam is missed and no make-up is taken, the student will receive a zero for that exam. Contact me as soon as possible if you miss an exam for any reason, by phone or e-mail. Quizzes: There will be a quiz at the beginning of most classes. Each quiz will include questions based on the material presented in the previous class. This course is based on a lot of unfamiliar terms that will be easier to learn through distributed practice rather than cramming before an exam. Paper: Describe how a topic (see list below) covered in this class has applied to understanding a phenomena relevant to your life. Your paper must be submitted as a MSWord file via email and be 1500 words in length. Cheating: Students caught cheating will be dealt with according to University regulations. Grading: Final grades will be based on three exams (25% each), the quizzes (20% in total), and the paper (5%). The grades are broken down as follows: A[100-90], B[89-80], C[79-70], D[69-60] F[59 and below]. Topics Origins Neuroanatomy Neuron Synapse Drugs and Behavior Development Vision Motivation Memory Sleep Exam1 Exam2 Web: http://www.niu.edu/user/tj0dgw1 Chapters 1 2 4 5 7 6 8 12 13 14 Exam3