Guided Academics Syllabus WELCOME! Contact Information Instructor: Mr. Bush Email: Phone: 231-780-4711 ext. 8349 This course is designed to teach Successful Study Skills that you can use in other courses in addition to giving you time and talent to successfully complete coursework from other classes. Materials: Agenda Book – MUST be brought to class each day 4 three-ring binders for each Core Academic Class Math – Checked on Monday Social Studies – Checked on Tuesday Science – Checked on Wednesday English – Checked on Thursday 1 Three-ring binder for Guided Studies will be provided – Black (Checked on Friday) o Agenda o Assessments o Notes o Grade Sheets o Daily Journal Categories/Grading: Final Grade Class Grade: 1. Agenda Book 2. Quizzes 3. Core Subject binder check 4. Guided Studies Binder Check including weekly notes 5. Study Time (Time management) 6. Journals 20% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% Trimester Grade: 80% Class Grade 20% Final Exam Grading Procedures 1. Agenda Book: You will be required to fill in your daily agenda for each core subject and record this in your school agenda book. You must bring this agenda book to Guided Studies everyday. You can earn one point per day by having the agenda filled out for each core class each day. 2. Quizzes: There will be regular quizzes, which will assess your note taking ability. The material covered on the quiz will cover the weekly topic discussed in class. 3. Core Subject Binder Check: Each student will be provided with a color-coded binder for each subject. Students are responsible for keeping this binder up to date and organized every day. Each binder will be checked weekly and awarded up to 4 points per week. 4. Guided Studies Binder Check: Each student will be provided with a notebook to keep in class at all times. The binders will consist of 4 separate tabbed sections, which will be graded on a weekly basis based on completion and organization. 5. Time Management-Study Time: Every day you will be provided significant time to work on agenda items from you core subject areas. There will be tutoring provided in each subject area during this time. You can earn up to 5 points per day by coming to class on time, prepared, using your study time working on appropriate class work. If at some point you are all caught up and passing each of your classes and do not have any tests or quizzes to study for you must bring a book for pleasure to read during class study time. This category is worth half your class grade! USE YOUR IN CLASS TIME WISELY! 6. Journals: There will be regular journals to help you keep track of your work. You will be required to complete a journal entries, reading logs, and class reactions. Daily Procedures: Each day will be divided into the following segments A. Silent Reading Time B. Agenda Updates/Check C. Class Daily Topic Discussion/Notes/Movie D. Binder Checks E. Study/Tutoring/Homework Time Topics to be covered in class: Classroom ice-breakers/Organization Skills Goal Setting Note taking skills/Study Secrets of Successful Students Efficient Time management Test Taking Skills How to improve your Grade point Ten Steps to Personal Success Developing Your Self-Esteem Revisit Goals Exam Preparation Classroom Expectations: On time: In your seat with your agenda Prepared – Bring needed materials Dress Code – Will follow school dress code Cell phones, music players must be off and out of sight Hall Passes – Agenda Books Time on Task: Stay on task and work on appropriate work during study time Participate: Classroom Activities and Discussions Respect: Yourself, Others, Property A note to Parents: We are providing this class to your son/daughter as an academic support to help each student achieve success in their academic classes here at the High School. We encourage you to review the syllabus with your son/daughter. Please fill out the following information, as communication is a key part of their success. We will be sending out a weekly email to all parents who provide an email address. The email will update you on what is happening in our classroom and at school. There are many avenues for you to check the status of your student’s success. We encourage you to access Parent Internet Viewer and also check your student’s individual teacher websites. It is a good idea to contact their individual subject teachers with any specific concerns you may have regarding their classes. Student Name/Printed _________________________________ Student Signature _____________________________ Date _________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent Signature _________________________________ ______________________________Date ________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Parent Email (please print): __________________ Parent Cell Phone: _________________________ Parent Work Phone: ________________________