Classroom Expectations – French/Spanish

Classroom Expectations – French/Spanish
Madame/Señora Wagner
Welcome to 6th grade World Language! I look forward to working with you this year. Together we will
learn to better understand native French and Spanish speakers through the study of their language and
culture. It is my hope that by the end of the year you will have gained a deeper understanding of the
importance of your ability to communicate with people of many backgrounds.
Profile: This is an introductory course. Through games, skits, interactive activities, music, and of course
your text and accompanying materials, supplemented by teacher-developed exercises, you will be exposed
to the language, customs and geography of those cultures we will study.
You will learn vocabulary in thematic units. Together we will practice greetings and farewells, numbers,
colors, prepositions, and dates. We’ll also describe friends, family, clothing, school and animals.
There will be an introductory grammatical component to your study as well. By the end of the year, you
will have taken your first steps in speaking and writing in the present tense using ER/AR verbs,
adjectives, nouns and articles. Don’t be intimidated by the word grammar. It is just the collective pieces
of language that we use to communicate with each other. We use it in English all the time without even
thinking about it! 
Guidelines: As your instructor, I believe it is important to make clear at the outset, what my
expectations of you will be for the year. The following list is not meant to be harsh in nature. I simply
believe that for a class to function well, it is my job to be clear and concise so that we all share the same
1. Effort and attitude mean a great deal to me. They will take you far in my class, even if languages don’t
come easily to you.
2. I am a passionate believer in the importance of World Language study, and I conduct my class accordingly.
I hope you will take my class as seriously as Math, Science, English and Social Studies.
3. Please speak as much French/Spanish as possible in class. You will mark your participation on your own
individual participation card. You should therefore be aware of how much you have participated at any
given time. It makes the class more fun, and you will learn faster. The more you participate, however
imperfectly, the better your grade will be. Speak your language of study at home to your parents. You will
find their praise and support encouraging.
4. You will essentially create a take-home text in your binder. Creating and maintaining a well organized
binder will be crucial to your success. You will receive many handouts and study guides and are expected
to keep quizzes. Studying from these will help you prepare for tests. Grammar notes and examples of
grammatical concepts will be kept in one section of your binder. Vocab will be kept in another. There
will be a comprehensive end of year test, and you will depend on your binder for study materials.
5. Please come to class prepared. Bring your binder, iPad, writing utensil, workbook, and homework every
day. Without these materials you cannot adequately participate. There will be random, unannounced,
graded, checks of your preparation for class.
6. Please arrive to class on time. Repeated tardiness will not be accepted without a reasonable excuse.
7. Behavior should be conducive to learning. If you use your class time unwisely, and/or make it difficult for
your classmates to use theirs well, expect disciplinary intervention and parental contact.
8. Good study habits are essential in the study of world languages. Even with beginners’ grammar, new
concepts will be based on those previously learned, and you don’t want to fall behind. In addition, you will
be asked to learn new vocabulary words each week.
9. Expect one or two quizzes per week. That may sound like a lot, but I believe that success comes more
readily with frequent, bite-sized evaluations.
10. You will receive a homework assignment almost every night.
11. If you are absent, then you must see me about missed homework, quizzes or tests. I post a make-up list
regularly and advise you to consult it often. You should always be aware of the work you owe, and make it
up promptly.
12. Please make an appointment with me for extra help when needed. I will not hesitate to ask you for an extra
help appointment, if you do not do so on your own when you need one. Please keep in mind that extra
help is intended for those that do their part at home and in class. Occasionally, a student will choose
not to work for a week or even an entire chapter, and when the quiz or chapter test draws near will expect
the instructor to re-teach the covered material. These requests will not be considered reasonable. On the
other hand, I will bend over backwards for everyone who puts forth effort. (Of course there will be in-class
reviews before every quiz and test.)
13. You will be asked to make digital flash cards for most vocabulary lists. You will also have a hard copy
vocab list for every chapter we study.
14. I look forward to the oral progress you will make through many in-class presentations and skits. These
may be filmed.
15. Please keep in mind that World Language classes are very heterogeneous in nature. (Students of many
different abilities will be present in each class.) Your patience is requested as we settle into a pace that
works for all students.
16. Please see me with any problems, concerns or helpful suggestions you may have. Your input is very
important to me. It helps me grow as a teacher, enables me to get to know you better, and improves
our class.
(Exceptions to these rules may be made on an individual basis.)
Please download these rules from Google Classroom into Notability, obtain a parental signature and then
upload them again.