6th Grade Syllabus - Canton Junior High School

Mrs. Burch, Room 112
Welcome to 6th grade science! Junior High is full of experiences that will help prepare you for high
school, college, your future career, and LIFE! These experiences will also challenge you and help you to
become better thinkers. This syllabus contains the policies, procedures, and expectations that will
create a learning environment where every student can be successful.
Course Description: What will I learn this year?
An inquiry-based approach will be used to develop concepts and skills aligned with the Texas state
science standards. You will be responsible for increasing your knowledge and skills in four primary areas:
1. science content
2. scientific inquiry
3. science process skills
4. lab skills
(ex: anatomy)
(ex: investigation process)
(ex: classifying)
(ex: dissection)
6 grade students will explore sciences this year through lab investigations, discussion, writing, reading,
technology, homework assignments, and vocabulary flashcards. You will be expected to master the
science content in order to be successful in each area, so you will need to be an active participant in your
education and learn everything you can! I encourage you to ask many questions and seek help anytime you
struggle. I am available during lunch and tutorials.
Units and Timeline:
1st Quarter
Safety & Scientific
Physical Properties of
Matter and its changes
Elements/compounds and
classifying Matter
2nd Quarter
Earth’s Energy
Conservation of
Force and Motion,
speed, velocity and
3rd Quarter
Energy and
Earth’s Structure
Rocks / Rock
4th Quarter
The Solar System
Space Exploration
and Interactions
of Life
Grades: How will I be graded?
Your grades will be updated weekly on Parent Portal (internet gradebook). If you have an average below
70%, you will be required to call a parent and make a plan for bringing up your grade.
The following areas will be what determines your grade:
1. Science notebook and organization
2. Daily assignments including vocabulary
3. Lab participation and reports
4. Tests and quizzes
5. Projects
Homework: :
All homework must be turned in before or on the established due date in order to be eligible to earn full
credit. Any assignment turned incomplete will receive the score earned on the assignment as is, or a zero
per the school policy. No late work will be accepted.
No extra credit or alternative assignments will be given to replace missing homework.
Attendance and Make-Up Work:
• It is so important for you to be in class everyday…you can’t learn if you’re not in class!
• Because it is important for you to be in class, you will only receive a hall ticket good for 3 emergency
“get out of class” passes for the nine week period, so use them wisely. (good for restroom, library or
office) This pass will also include one paper replacement for vocabulary sheet if you were to lose it
along with 2 homework passes that are good for 2 free 100s. If you do not have your pass you do not
leave the classroom, therefore keep it with your name on it in the front of your binder.
• If you miss class for any reason—excused or unexcused—it is your responsibility to make up the work
you missed. That includes daily warmups, vocabulary flashcards, labs, notes, homework, and quizzes or
tests. Please schedule time with me to make-up labs, or if you need help understanding missed work.
• All work missed must be completed within two school days per day missed in order to be eligible for full
credit. For example, if student is absent from class on Tuesday, he/she should obtain missed work upon
returning to class on Wednesday. The work would be due at the beginning of class on Friday.
Academic Honesty:
• Academic dishonesty includes copying another student’s work, turning in an assignment not completed
by the student, cutting and pasting information from the internet, and using others’ ideas or words
without properly citing the source.
• Students found plagiarizing, copying, or cheating in any way will receive an automatic zero for the
assignment. It is important you complete your own work—that’s how you learn! If you struggle with an
assignment or task, all you need to do is ask for help.
• Lab safety is of the upmost importance to me and a Lab Safety Contract will be sent home to be
signed by the student and the parent. I do want you to know that horseplay of any kind with tools,
equipment, etc. is not tolerated and will result with a visit to the principal and disciplinary action taken.
• Because of the nature of science, no food or drink of any kind is allowed in class.
• School policy on gum chewing will be followed.
• Assignments from other classes are not to be done during class time.
• 100% punch cards will be issued and all students wanting to participate are eligible. Once card is
filled, student can get a “free 100” on any daily work assignment. Tests and quizzes are excluded.
• I also utilize a Remind 101 text program that will let you and your student know about homework
assignments, dates of tests and quizzes so you can stay on top of your assignments and work load.
• Substitutes are to be regarded with the utmost respect, your behavior should exemplify that of a
Canton Junior High School student. Any negative reports will be dealt with upon my return – no
questions asked and you will automatically receive a zero for your lab management grade for the day.
Each person in the room is expected to exhibit behaviors that are respectful. Please be aware that I
have the authority and a responsibility to each student to take the necessary measures to insure that
each student is not only treated with respect while in this class, but receives maximum educational
opportunities to learn. I want everyone to be successful in science and feel that these items will assist
in every student’s success.
It is the student’s responsibility to share this course syllabus with parents!
Student’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature: