9th Grade English: Classroom Expectations


9th Grade English: Classroom Expectations

Welcome to Ms. Maddox’s 9


grade English Class!!!

Classroom Rules

1) Arrive on time.

2) Come to class prepared. Bring your class materials and a writing utensil. You will NOT be allowed to leave class to visit your locker!

3) Respect others, myself, and yourself. Listen when others are speaking, and raise your hand when you wish to speak. Do not interrupt or talk over your peers.

4) Hall passes will only be provided in cases of emergency. Go to the restroom and get a drink of water between classes. You must have your agenda signed to leave for the restroom during a class period.

5) Remain in your assigned seat unless otherwise noted. Do not walk around the room, open/close windows, sit in tables, or sit in another student’s desk.

6) Hate Speech/Bullying: Disrespectful speech will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, using the word “gay” as a synonym for stupid/pointless/etc.

7) Absences:

School Related - You must see me before your absence. All work must be complete prior to the absence unless otherwise noted.

Unplanned- See me when you return to pick up any missed assignments. Make-up assignments must be turned in no later than the number of school days the student missed. Quizzes/tests must be made up within one week of your absence.

Grading Policy

1) Students must complete all Embedded Assessments in order to receive a grade for the class.

An “Incomplete” grade will be shown on the report card until these projects are completed.

You will be unable to pass 9


grade English without completing all Embedded


2) Students will be evaluated with a point system. For each assignment (homework, quiz, exam, participation, project) there will be an assigned number of points. .

3) Know the Academic Integrity Policy. Cheating on an assignment will result in a zero as well as a lengthy and quite boring lecture!

Testing Policy

9th Grade English: Classroom Expectations


Show up prepared!


From the time the test papers are handed out until all the papers are handed back in, there will be no talking or leaving one’s seat without the teacher’s permission.


No hall passes will be given during a test.


A student who is absent from school should arrange for make-up quizzes or tests on the day he or she returns to school. Tests should be completed within one week of the student’s return to school. In the case of an extended absence, a student will be given a reasonable length of time to make up quizzes, tests, and oral class work.

No Zeros Policy

I. Students will be required to complete all given assignments unless otherwise noted by the teacher.

II. Rather than assigning a “0” for incomplete work the student will be required to make the work up by coming to class during one of the following times:

Before School

After School


III. If multiple assignments are missing the student will receive one warning to make-up ALL missing assignments within 1 day or they will be assigned after school tutorial in order to complete the missing work.

IV. Late homework assignments will receive half credit. Major assignments that are turned in late will be graded on an individual basis at the teacher’s discretion.

Please sign after reading.

Student Signature:___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________________________
