Chemistry 30 - Archbishop MacDonald High School

Chemistry 30
September 2015 – January 2016
Course Outline and Information
Virtual Classroom
Mr. James Kriese
Units of Study
Chemical Changes of Organic Compounds
Thermochemical Changes
Electrochemical Changes
Chemical Equilibrium Focusing on Acid-Base Systems
The unit exams are weighted relative to each other to reflect the above percentages.
Quizzes, Labs & Assignments 40%
Unit Exams
Your final mark in Chemistry 30 consists of 70% of your course-awarded mark and 30% of your mark on the
diploma exam.
A wide range of assessment information is used in the development of a student’s final grade. At Archbishop
MacDonald High School, individualized assessments provide specific information regarding student progress
and overall performance in class. Student assessments may vary from student to student to adapt for
differences in student needs, learning styles, preferences, and paces. It should be noted that not all
assignments are used to determine the final grade.
Please note that all assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date. Any
assignment handed in past that time will be considered late, and will receive a deduction of 10%. Late
assignments will be accepted up to twenty four hours following the due date.
It is expected that all students will be in class on time. When the classroom door is shut, any student who is not
already in class will be considered late. Do not knock to be allowed entry into the classroom, unless you have a
note from your parent or guardian, another teacher or administrator, explaining the reason for the lateness. The
door will be opened at an appropriate time shortly into the class.
Missed Quiz/Exam Policy
Students missing an exam or quiz will be assigned a mark of zero for that test. This absence may be excused
when a verified note or phone call from a parent (or guardian) explains the absence and confirms the parent is
aware that an exam was missed on that day. Please note that all absences must be excused through the main
office. The student is responsible for finding out if any anything was missed. Note that marks are posted online
at and continually kept up to date.
Missed exams or quizzes must be rescheduled immediately with the teacher. Please remember that parents
cannot excuse you from writing an exam. They can, however, excuse you from school.
Intellectual Honesty
Intellectual dishonesty includes copying the classwork, homework or lab work of another student; including
giving or receiving of the work of another student for the purpose of copying. Plagiarism includes the copying of
or the representation of another’s work as one’s own; including claiming information from the internet to be your
own work.
There is a fine line between discussing ideas with others and actually supplying information or having
information supplied to you. Collaboration with other students can assist with your understanding of the materials
but always have the final product be of your own ideas, words, and design.
Intellectual dishonesty is a mark against your character, trustworthiness, and integrity. Academic maturity means
that you can accept a low mark. Help is available if you are having difficulty with the course material or with
time management.
All work submitted for evaluation must be your own work and not copied in whole or in part from any source.