April 17, 2009
2:00 p.m. M123
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins,
Rick Maxwell, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Attendees: Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar McGuire, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich,
Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Doris Rousey,
Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Guest: Ray Attner
Ray Attner thanked everyone for the great work and the hours put into the credentials files for
the SACS visit this past week. The comments from the SACS committee members were very
positive. One change Rodger recommended would be to remove all social security numbers from
the files over the next year’s work.
There was a discussion about retention of files – what documents should be kept, for how long
and where. Rodger is looking at purchasing fireproof cabinets for the division offices.
Rodger told the deans to keep the all faculty credential files and future files in the same manner as
those submitted for the SACS review.
Sarah Ferguson asked where the LRC falls into the SACS credential process. None of the library
staff teach classes. Rodger reported that all the deans have a file indicating that they do meet the
requirements for their positions.
Sandy Wyche reported that Brookhaven won a number of awards at the Texas Intercollegiate
Press Writing convention. Four former students gave presentations.
Juanita Flint and Doris Rousey did a tour of the new Science building. Doris will send pictures to
Five retention programs are taking off. Doris is considering writing a chemistry supplement with
North Lake for the April submission.
Sandy reported that his area has scheduled a history/economics learning community for the fall.
Lisa Ehrich – any information about CORE implementation. Cedar Valley has nine committees
formed for implementation for fall 2010 class.
Michael reported that HDEV group working on LRNG 1300 – human development and other
faculty will work on tent of class.
Orientation has been redesigned to include faculty. Orientation will be 1 ½ hour segment – with
½ hour devoted to faculty presentations. Faculty participation in orientation can be part of their
six hour responsibility. Training will be included in the six hours.
Rodger mentioned that there will be greeter tables and close section class tables at orientation. It
should evolve into a trainer-the-trainer concept.
Kendra Vaglienti reported on an online competency committee – District committee will be
designing what competencies are required for online teaching. As a group we can coordinate a
process for what Brookhaven online teaching should look like – properly trained and have
specific competencies. Marie Maness is a fabulous source. Michael Dennehy mentioned
procedures for signing off on teacher qualifications and competencies.
SPOL – Michael reported on a meeting with a subcommittee charged with evaluating systems for
student outcomes. The district has received eight RFPs. In January Michael, Rodger and George
Herring reviewed writing a retention grant for purchasing software. A subcommittee formed to
implement SPOL. Dean of Institutional Effectiveness will be in charge. Everyone who creates a
one page plan will use SPOL. Michael chair of the committee. Nominations being sent to
George Herring for this position.
Faculty attended district committee on Friday. Daniel Hubbard reviewed all three of the
proposed systems – WEAVE, TK20 and Think. In final analysis Daniel recommended SPOL had
most value for Brookhaven – ties planning into the budget. Michael will recommend SPOL to
the district committee. If anyone has questions, please contact Michael. One important reason is
that SACS visiting team noted failure to comply with institutional effectiveness component –
SPOL is a web based program – not one computer specific – can be accessed from any computer.
Training is critical.
There was a question about one page plan evaluation – when will it happen. Rodger will check.
2008-2009 status reports are due. Everyone should have their own Word files with the
Question – is Brookhaven doing a 360 evaluation? Yes – administrators in June. Rodger
uncertain as to whether this instrument is ready for use.
Textbook Adoption - There was a question about choice of textbooks for classes. Full time
faculty can use different texts for the same course. However, adjuncts must use book decided
upon by lead faculty member in their discipline.
OnLine Teaching - Faculty members, Johnny Castro, Gus Herring, Sharon Jackson,
Marie Maness, Nimmy Nair, Phil Shelp, John Williams
Rodger stated the reason for meeting with the above faculty was to discuss processes for success
in teaching online courses. Marie Maness reported on a meeting she recently attended where
competencies were being established at a district level. She did say that Brookhaven can tailor
the process to meet its own needs. Rodger asked the group for input as to how we can meet the
Marie distributed copies of Assessments for Online Instructor Competencies developed by
Brookhaven College Online Faculty. She will bring these to a district meeting on Saturday, April
18 for discussion. She hopes to bring back more information from that meeting and will share
with thisgroup. LeCroy is development assessments for basic training modules. Brookhaven can
either develop their own or us the LeCroy model.
Marie reviewed the recommendations with the group. It is imperative that the faculty member
who wishes to teach online have demonstrated computer skills in e-mail, word processing,
spreadsheets and course specific applications among others. Marie reviews each proposed online
course to be sure the course meets Quality Matters standards.
Sam Govea distributed copies of recommendations that came out of Marie’s document. He also
distributed copies of Brookhaven’s eCampus Basics Training Catalog. Sam stressed training is
essential for success at online teaching.
Marie stated a designated person is required to sign off on who is trained to teach online. It was
suggested a checklist be developed to indicate % of competencies. Marie is willing to work with
faculty on assessing Quality Matters with their courses. Rodger would like to see additional
measures included and a better tracking mechanism. Faculty should be able to work with every
component of online teaching. If help needed, please ask. Sam recommends faculty member get
a temple to work on as an evaluation tool.
Issue: The next time Rodger goes to an IT meeting – use of instructional website and how it
is being used.
Rodger stated all faculty will go through a vetting process, working with Sam. Possibly use long
term online faculty member to assist in evaluating the courses. Every faculty must be
accountable and the evaluation must be documented.
Rodger suggested that after the Saturday meeting a subcommittee get together and develop a
process for teaching online courses with an evaluation piece included. Must include a class
visitation piece also. Rodger would like to see some of the competencies included in the
evaluation process for classroom visitation. A peer evaluation process including Quality Matters
for classes was discussed. Nimmy Nair, Sharon Jackson, Johnny Castro, Gus Herring and John
Williams agreed to work on this.
Marie will send the results of the April 18 meeting to the deans.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15