Classroom Management

Web Design
Classroom Management Sheet
Web Design is a
business course that provides
instruction in the principles of
web design using HTML XHTML
and current/emerging software
programs. Areas of instruction
include audience analysis, hierarchy
layout and design techniques, software integration, and
publishing. Instructional strategies should include peer
teaching, collaborative instruction, project-based
learning activities, and school and community projects.
teacher dismisses class, not when the bell rings.
Grades will be
averaged from the
following work:
assignments, demos,
trials, projects, and
accuracy of Web Design
There will be very little
homework in this class.
Completion of assignments and
projects may be completed
during resource time. You
will need to learn to allocate
time wisely.
The first time a student is late for class (less
than five minutes) there is no consequence. The
second time a student is late there will be a
mandatory meeting with the teacher after class. The
third time a student is late there will be a phone call
home to the parents. The fourth time a student is
late an extra class work (teachers discretion) will
be assigned. Failure to complete the extra work
will result in a 10% reduction in the students’ 9week grade.
Students are expected to treat the equipment
with the utmost respect. Vandalism in any form will not
be tolerated! Students are responsible for indicating
when equipment is not functioning properly.
Students are expected to
bring the appropriate
materials for class
(pencil/pen and paper for
notes). Students are
expected to treat everyone
in class with respect and dignity. Class ends when the
Any student who misses a day/days of class
has the same number of day(s) to make-up any
assignment(s). It is the students’ responsibility to
determine what work was missed during an absence. If
a student misses more than five classes, they are placed
on Failing Status. In order to receive credit in this class
the student must write a paper (topic provided through
discussion with the teacher) for each absence beyond