English III Course Syllabus Blue Springs South High School 2014

Mrs. Nixdorf
E-mail: wnixdorf@bssd.net
English III Course Syllabus
Blue Springs South High School 2014-2015
Room: 113
Plan Hour: 1st
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will further develop their skills in composition, research, analysis, problem solving, and
critical thinking. This course involves a review of the structure of English and usage skills in preparation for the ACT.
Students will develop their skills in drawing inferences in their reading and in analysis. Students will discuss major
themes in American literature and will write research based essays.
Language of Literature McDougal Littell
The Crucible – Miller
The Great Gatsby – Fitzgerald
Inherit the Wind – Lawrence & Lee
An American fiction selection of choice
Of Mice and Men –Steinbeck
Fallen Angels –Myers
A biography, autobiography, or memoir of an American
FREE-READING POLICY: Students who have concerns about a particular text can select an alternative of comparable text
complexity that addresses the objectives of the course and unit of study. The student, his/her parents, and the teacher
must agree on the chosen text.
CLASSROOM POLICY: Work hard and maintain a positive attitude!
“PHONES” POLICY: Cell phones and headphones are not to be used in the classroom, unless specifically permitted.
TARDY POLICY: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings or they will be counted tardy. The 3rd tardy will
result in disciplinary action.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students should commit themselves to act with honesty, responsibility, and integrity in all areas
of their academic lives. Students are accountable for everything they say and write and for the integrity of their work.
Students should not misrepresent their work by using the work of another and representing it as their own, nor should
they give or receive unauthorized aid. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, bringing answers into a
testing area, copying work from another student, providing answers for another student, or using unauthorized notes or
technology. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment, and a report to the student’s principal.
MAKE-UP WORK: Students are responsible for obtaining make-up work the day they return to class. In the event of
illness or emergency, students have one day for each day absent to turn in work or to make an appointment with the
instructor before or after school to make up tests/quizzes. Students with pre-excused absences must get their work
before the absence and turn in any major assignments in advance.
LATE WORK: Ample time will be given for students to complete assignments, and due dates will be clearly
communicated. As a result, work needs to be turned in on time. 50% credit can be earned by any student who turns in
an assignment within one week of the original due date.
(Students may see
their grades any
time before or
after school.)
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 0-59%
Grades are based on cumulative points and are distributed
approximately as follows:
60% Quizzes, tests, major projects/essays
30% Class folder with in-class assignments and daily work
10% Semester finals
DAILY REQUIRED MATERIALS: 2 pocket folders, pen/pencil, paper, flashdrive, assigned text
CLASS FOLDERS: Students are expected to keep all of their work each semester as handouts will be used as references,
essays will be revised, and class work will be collected periodically. Folder 1 should be organized in this way:
Test Practices
(handouts and
notes that will be
used all year)
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION: The most effective communication is accomplished face-to-face, so students should
make an effort to ask questions and seek help before or after school. If this isn’t possible, e-mail will provide the next
fastest response time. Students should not ask questions on Edmodo, as this site will be used only for turning in certain
assignments and major essays.
Login: ______________________
Password: ___________________
We understand the policies and expectations outlined in Mrs. Nixdorf’s English III syllabus.
(Student Print)
(Student Sign)
(Parent Print)
(Parent Sign)