SYLLABUS Public Personnel Admin POL 463/563 – Spring 2010 Instructor: Tuesday 6 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Rm 210 @ 7700 France Ave Jeff Bumgarner, Ph.D. My office: My phone: My e-mail: Morris Hall 207C (507) 389-1018 Office Hrs: M W F 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (by appointment only) Required Text: Condrey, S.E. (ed.) (2005). Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Course Description: This course explores the development of public personnel management in federal, state, and local governments. Specific topics include but are not limited to: compensation, position management, staffing, performance management, motivation, employee discipline, and workplace relations. Course Format: The course will follow a standard lecture format. However, from time to time we will engage in exercises during class. We may also view an occasional video to help keep things lively. Finally, a portion of the class will take place online via D2L and the discussion board. Discussion Board: Most weeks, you will find a discussion board question or questions posted on our D2L course page. The discussions are asynchronous (i.e. they need not take place at a particular time). During discussion weeks, you are required to post your response to the question(s) on the discussion board--where everyone in the class can read it. You are also required to react to at least one other posting (from a classmate). In other words, all students in the course are expected to contribute to the online discussion each week. This is done first by responding to the question, and then at some point reacting or responding to one or more of your fellow classmates' responses. For each of the lessons you should post comments at least twice: once for your own answer and at least once in reaction to others' answers. Discussion board questions are intended to be thought-provoking with no “right” answer per se. However, you are encouraged to inject more than unsubstantiated opinion. Perhaps you’ve read something in the text or elsewhere that would have bearing on the question. Or perhaps you have a personal experience that is relevant and can be shared. In any case, you will find it interesting to see “backand-forth” conversations take place over a week’s worth of time. Your discussion board posts are due within one week of the time that the discussion questions are posted, but always inclusive one full weekend. Keep in mind you are encouraged to post more than the minimum number (i.e. a primary and reactionary posting). An “A” grade for the discussion board will be directly related to regular and substantive participation. Exams: This course will have one midterm exam and one final exam. Each exam is worth 25% of course grade. Information concerning the exam formats will be provided in class, but they will likely consist primarily of essays. Term Paper: Each student is to write a 2500-word (or more) term paper concerning any topic of interest to the student, provided it relates in some way to public personnel administration. If there is any question about the topic you have selected, feel free to contact me about it and together we can determine the topic's appropriateness. The paper should include citations from at least seven (7) distinct scholarly or professional sources of information (e.g. books, scholarly journals, and government documents and reports). Internet sources, such as Wikipedia, may be referenced but do not count toward the seven. Be advised that the problem with internet sources, where an original source is not cited, is that anyone can say or represent anything on the internet; in other words, there are no controls to ensure the information presented is viable. 2 Also be advised, however, that articles and documents which you merely obtained by downloading them from the internet are acceptable toward the seven citations. In such cases, the internet is simply serving as a library for you to access independently existing resources. Those documents and articles can be cited for what they are with no mention that you obtained them using the internet. The style of the paper should follow that of the APA style manual. Your term paper is due in the dropbox by April 27. Grading: The grades in the course will be determined by applying the following proportions: Midterm Exam………………….. 25% Final Exam……………………... 25% Discussion Board. .………………25% Term Paper ………………………25% A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 and below Tentatively Assigned Readings: (Note: additional chapters and/or articles may be assigned) Jan12 Syllabus / Introductions Jan19 Personnel Management in Public Agencies (Introduction; Chs. 1 & 4) Jan26 Job Analysis (Ch. 23) Feb2 No MSU night classes Feb9 Compensation (Chs. 26 & 31) Feb16 Recruitment and Selection (Ch. 5) Feb23 Promotions / Assessment Centers (Ch. 24) Mar2 Employee Motivation (Ch. 21) 3 Mar9 Spring Break / No class Mar16 MIDTERM EXAM Mar23 Performance Appraisal (Ch. 22) Mar30 Labor-Management Relations in Public Agencies (Reading TBA) Apr6 Employee Discipline (Reading TBA) Apr13 Legal Issues in Personnel Management (Chs. 17 & 19) Apr20 Risk Management (Reading TBA) Apr 27 Human Resource Development (Ch. 13) May4 FINAL EXAM Make-up Work Missed exams or assignments cannot be made up without an approved excuse. No Class on the following Dates: Due to school breaks, we will not have class on: Feb 2 Mar 9 Every effort will be made to provide you with advance warning should any other class periods need to be canceled. If a class meeting is cancelled, I reserve the right to create and assign an additional class discussion for the week on D2L. Absences I do not grade attendance. Consequently, you need not ask permission to miss class. However, you are responsible for any material we covered in class. If you do miss class for any reason (legitimate or not), please consult with other students about what you missed. 4 Classroom Etiquette Please maintain good classroom etiquette. During discussions, please feel free to disagree with me or your fellow classmates. But let’s always be respectful of one another. Also, during class, please do not read a newspaper or surf the web. You will be asked to leave if you do. Academic Integrity: The academic integrity policy in this class is simple: any cheating on an exam or other assignment will result in a grade of “F” for the course. Additionally, I reserve the right to report the cheating to departmental and university officials for further disciplinary action. Statement on Disability Services at MSU MSU provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodation to participate in educational programs, activities, or services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodation to participate in class activities or meet course requirements should first register with the Office of Disability Services, located in 132 Memorial Library, 389-2825, TDD 711, and then contact me as soon as possible after that. Regarding the Weather Presently, I live about two and a half hours west of the Twin Cities. If severe winter weather materializes, please check our D2L webpage before class to make sure that I will be making it. Of course, I will make every attempt to get here. But if roads are simply too dangerous, I will be notifying you of class cancellation via D2L. GOOD LUCK ON THE COURSE. I’LL SEE YOU IN CLASS! 5