Tauranga City Aquatics Limited (TCAL) Minutes of a Strategic Meeting held Wednesday, 26th November 2008 PRESENT Warren Banks (Chairperson), Grant Seagar, Frances Denz, Michael King, Tania Delahunty, Ian Clarke (Strategic Facilitator) (Part). A strategic meeting of Tauranga City Aquatics Limited (TCAL) was held at 7.00 am on Wednesday, 26th November 2008, where the following points and actions were noted under the relevant agenda items. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS The full agenda was assessed and all confidential items were noted and transferred into the Confidential Section of the meeting. 1. APOLOGIES There were no apologies received for the meeting. 2. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Mike King advised that SGL are consulting and providing advice on the Mount Hot Salt Water Pools redevelopment project, per previous resolution. The conflicts of interest register was updated. 3. PREVIOUS MINUTES (dated 22nd October 2008) The minutes dated 22nd October 2008 were confirmed as a true and correct record. G Seagar / F Denz There were no matters arriving from the previous minutes. 4. REVIEW ACTION LISTS The action lists were updated and are attached in confidential. 5. CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence was reviewed and discussed. 6. MEDIA All media items were reviewed and discussed. TCC Ref: 2251992 7. GM REPORT The GM Report was discussed. It was RESOLVED to adopt the October 2008 General Manager’s report. G Seagar / M King 8. REVIEW PURCHASE ORDER AND CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS LIST Warren Banks approved and signed off the purchase order list and reviewed the credit card transactions. 9. OTHER STRATEGIC BUSINESS / LATE ITEMS 9.1 Future Meetings It was agreed that all future meetings would be held in the Hilda Hewlett Room at Tauranga Airport. Meetings will run from 7.30 am to 11.00 am. Tania will action the necessary bookings. 8.00 am - Ian Clarke, Strategic Facilitator, joined the meeting. 10. IAN CLARKE TO FACILITATE A STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP 8.45 am - Tania Delahunty departed the meeting. 9.30 am - Tania Delahunty re-joined the meeting. TCAL need to decide on a timeframe when all TCAL policies will be reviewed, eg. annually. Ian Clarke will attend the December meeting to finalise his document, including policies, director’s information etc. The outcomes of the discussions on SWOT are attached. Meeting closed at 11.00 am. TCC Ref: 2251992 Tauranga City Aquatics Limited Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis [from discussion with BOD 26.11.08] Key Strengths 1. independent mandate 2. developing business 3. high community participation at the facilities 4. diverse network – pools, health, fitness programs Key Weaknesses 1. neither independent or self sufficient 2. inherited poorly maintained facilities 3. structure of the company 4. TCC reliant for funding 5. Insufficient cashflow to reinvest for the future Key Opportunities 1. Leisure/wellness/beauty industry spend 2. strategic business relationships/alliances 3. financial efficiency 4. reposition non contributing facilities 5. create own brands and develop Tauranga City Aquatics Limited Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis [from discussion with BOD 26.11.08] continued Key Threats 1. contract management company failure 2. failure to deliver on SOI 3. major environmental/mechanical failure 4. change in legislation TCC Ref: 2251992