FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, ' ilft '' "" ; EVENING EDITiOf 1912 .Jlllziiiijjjii Ends Saturday, August IQth 25 Per Cent 33 Per Cent 50 Per Cent Reduction on All Suits Talks" This Sale Has Proven the Success It, Has Solely on Values--"Mon- ey Take Your Choice jof Any Raincoat or Overcoat at 1 33 Per Cent Discount 25 Per Cent 33 Per Cent 50 Per Cent Reduction on Men's, Ladies' and Children's Oxfords .'-- ' M t; ' "Money Talks" p i. Hub Clothing Marshfield foctlonory. Erroneous Information having caused tho announcement to that effect yesterday. PERSONAL NOTES I; FRED WILSON Ib In THOMAS ADAMS, Nick Adams and Stovo Nogy left on this morning's Btngo for Roscburg, Co'iulllo today on business mid pleasure, Ib In from Ten Ml FRANK TERRY, of Daniels Creek, Bpent a few days In town MUS. HILLIS SHOUT on business mid pleasure. n.nii nnnled by Mr. Vnu Clark, loft for Eckloy, Ore., this morning, wlioro they will bo met by tho Mr arnuiis, uncics 01 mo .Misses jiarK. Tho party will spend sovcrnl weeks outing In tho mountains, wlicro the Messrs. Smiths nro prospecting WALL of Catching n MarHlillelil visitor tndny. HE HIM IHIS AFTERNOON River-to- n CAUL MATTSON mnr Bandon ENTRIES IN PORT LB RAGE St! BALL C. K, PERRY mado a business trip to Myrtle Point yesterday. visiting her mother. WILL SNEDDON has gono to tor a visit with friends. In ! Shoe Co (Sh Spark Causes Fire Scare II. J. McDIARMID of Ilandon pnsso.l CHAS. FENSLER of tho Hub has returned from n visit with his wlfo throiiKh hero today en routo homo and daughter In Portland. Inlet from a trip to Florence. Oakland Defeats Portland! 3 Vernon Shut Oil Nominating Petitions Circulated for New Candidates for Commissioner. In Boie Property on North Broadway Today. Yesterday. ill NEFF nnd wlfo returned via A spark falling on a dry roof causPoit of Coos Hay politics aro livenfrom n visit with rela- ed a TE.UU OF STANDING scare this afternoon hut tho ing up considerably and thoro promtives near Spokane and St. Marys, blnzo lire Ib a Mnrshllold shoppor todny. W. LI was extinguished before any Idaho. IS Jl OS Vornon material diimngo was dono and bo- - ises to bo a lively raco for port commissioners. Tho new entries In the Los Angeleu ....65 II CARL W. EVERTSEN Is expected MR. AND MRS. E. D. McARTHL'U department had to time C. C. GOING Is making a trip to the' 63 M il homo this ovonlng from a trip to Oakland campaign todny wcro: and children left today for n cammMcDonnld & Vnughan camp wlioro rc"c." 10 8Ceno-- , .ll . ...... 17 various California points. Portland ing trip to nastendorf'8 beach. 11. l0 A. Powers. "0Mth; I" v cn.,i0,,,,nt he Is Installing a largo new range was . .46 (7. I Francisco , San corner roadway and Dr. E. MlngiiH. In tho cook house. 13 MRS. J. M. UPTON ha gono to llen-v- W. A. Sacramento Highland. MORRISON and wife, of It Is occupied by (1. E. II Henry Hill for a short visit with Mrs. Hunker Hill, plan to leave- In n few family. nnil Smith Mr. Ih Smith Hospital hi Word has been Ilc Allan Unndlcmnn near thcro. W. S. Chnndler. days for Portland to make tholr 10 Sanitary meat market. M J,''0'0,'1 hero of tho denth of Mrs. L. J. Simpson. PORTLAND, Ore., An. -. homo. "ouso Is owned by W. E. Holo of Polly Ernst, a former well known MRS. ROHHRT McOANN of North c. s. wns ilefented at Oallu! lnml V ash., ho having recently Wlnsor. lKnno. 5' tt) a. llonil Is n Mnrshllold uhnppor to- W. J. CONRAD nnd II. J. McKeown Coos liny resident, at Lnno hospital, U0B'it tho properly from 1. S. Knuf- Tho CoutW W. F. Squire terdnv. day. liuvo gono to tho upper Coqulllo In San Francisco. Yoatonlnv Din nninlnnllnr. nni . lrnninR l'OHIlllpd ns fOllOWl man a fow months ago. . ' &l country In hopes of bagging a deer At Los Angolcs w,10r0 tho F',nrk (nlno from tlons of E. A. Anderson und W. J. ITLLINGS OF COQUILLE I. J,,t . ... ARTHUR K. PECK Is spending n fow r.n Rust wero I' Vornnn or two. rmtt.. I. flln! II tlm I.. ...1 V.n.ii nnniuurt. i id iiiiniiwiiu, ' jnif u niiiiiw uuiu nan ' .vv...i ..v days with friends on South Coos " v..iu im Tiiii in- been burned In tho roof wIicmi jn h;KtioH having been obtnlnod by San Francisco r.uiw Ciniitf MISS MARY McCHESNEY Is River. wllon tll smoke was dotoetol a i.. j. linn iiiiu j. i. .Aic.en, rcspei'.-- i . '00 Tho Humid. FJl horo Sunday from Portland At Oakland i)iici(ci8 or wator extinguished lively. Tho offer of W. C. Roso of a slio lew MRS. J. LEE IJROWN and Mrs. Oeo. for a visit nt tho homo of Mrs. C. Petitions for tho othors wore start- - Oaklnnd tho blazo. i for n city hall was accepted. This) N. Holt aro visiting North llonil R. Peck. od today, W. .1. Rust circulating tho Portlnnd consists of a tract of land, 50 by '& DEVELOPMENTS friends today. petition W. F. of Squire. OF INVENTION. MRS. L. U. HUGHES and Mrs. Jack fcPt on tl10 Boutliwest corner of See- Two petitions wero secured for At Sacramento rapidity with which mwi's j Clnrov ntul bnbv nxnnct tn lonvn oml street (Elliott's Add.) and Hull THE North lleiid and It was umlorstoo'l Sacramoulo . W. O. UOHINSON. of Ilrldge. w.m over the forces of nature .u e being nnmed sOot, l'1' I1S00. next week for tho Hughos homo In looking after business In d Is being Incronscd by hclontlftc that they woio to bo circulated fori ''"8 Angeles ... Tho matter of plans for tho building California. yesterday. i.. .1. Simpson und C. S. Wlnsor. wns loft with tho commlttoa on losenrch and mochanlcnl Invention i ne nominating pot tlona must bo strikingly by Illustrated reports TI." of grounds, consisting of Councllmen the Inst MRS. AXKL 0. AIKEN expect In GEORGE 1IENNESSY. of the Smith filed with M)ss Vlolot Henderson, VnitTII IIKXII M.l week. mill, expects to lonve soon for tin Leach, Lyons and Skeels. Irnivo on tho next Redoudo for fcocrotary of tho Chniubor of The election of Walter Oerdlui Omitting reforonco to minor extended visit at his old homo In San Frnuclsco. not than August 17. to'i as chief of the flro department was such arts nsIn the steady progress of days prior lalor Maehlas, Maine. to tho port elect! an J. Pratt and grapJ aviation nmi wimiu confirmed. MRS. I). MdNTOSII was down from! Mica T.nla .InlnlSOD. Of telogrnphy. wo hnvo hn.i nf ov.n,.i which Ih to bo hold AuiMisb 27. .... ....I,... tnr n- lslt'. their ranch near the Coos River JOHN HERRON nrrlved In last even,l ,,n8 ,,w discovered thnt throo llfUUIIU promised of nn extra- IUIV lllllll,' A meeting of tho school board was achievements Creamery today. ing via. Drain nnd Allegany from ' ordlnnry S(,t'"s ranch at Mjrrm' of the charncter. Mllo Ton Tom Johnson voting prt-n- n These Include Shlppnrd Springs, Wnsh., whero ho held at tho offlco of Attorney J. 1. l ability to photograph wireless' ''mct n "'o boundaries of tho Stanley Wednesday evening. Plans mossngos 4W has spent n few weeks for th MISS MAUDE I10WRON hns u..t through tho "cw 1nrt of Con "'O' district, lining Mrs. Elmer Russell and for tho proposed new high school nlr: to ns they passpnorav benefit of his health. in tho Cong Ilnv wntcrHlimi. nmi nin. tuken n position at Sailer's con- -' convert tho nt Holon nnd Dorothy wno m lwhlch presented a cep I' " VMi cnmplng nenr Allegany w ?,J?.?Klr,?UsP U''nt C"n aUhoSTen'M.0. proper PICKENS N. MOODY, of the Oregon o at inv wl weoks, returned Home iw' Power Co., has rosumod his duties ablo features. transmute light waves Inn, ci'il'raced In the port district. co mln term have Jspending nfler his vacation nt vari- lent " McXoll this afternoon began Dr. Hlrd Clark will, b ' The Orentcst Fountain Pen nutl-- '. N?,VeB 8n t,,nt tl,p-- w offered ho ous Coos county points. staren ,lu rlrculntlnn of petitions for Dun- - for n fow days of Mrs. iwartthey wl I ncce t XMiiii, lMiuit nutl Policy to l0KrBh mov- to be a candldato for 'V1' cnncles are: 'mIss Ilrecko for the' tors of Sumner. MR AND MRS. G. A. SIGNALNKPS sixth grade: In th world ro back of "ol rom"SBl"c''Miss Pearl Walker of arrived hero Tuosdny evening nnndon. third urnde: Miss, itntm, '.'" ..""'" mi' ." cn exhibitions . ArrlnEton ...- : "Hy. my donr wlfo, don't wo need ... from Portlnnd, en route to Coos r..ii... U4 nipn- iiiifcui ..' .... iiiuiKer or nro. WatcrmansffiFountainPen wconu grntio.1 iii'iii "" linnn vlalMni? lfilntlVCS IH Hay. They are traveling by auto- Wl a l.omo of our own "i... This Is a notable n. r today. (triumphs of Invontlon txj hnvo boon "Mtomobllo?" mobile. Uoseburg Review. letumed to her home Pindlhit Imprint nnn fountain pen and you uill Meeting e of board of trustaes.put II"In forth so liii J liy no hubby imo hat It l'"t""l.rf lor what It short a time, The' beennso If wo got ilu n lur what II It jl.l lu do, opvipimi n T11II HILLY SMITH Is In chnrgo of .T. O. of the Coqulllo Library Association promise of somo of tlioni will bo ro- - the auto wo'll never bo homo." homo of MrSl colvocl A 1'KW IH TUU t'Ol'L't .K STYLUS, K"'l with Incredulltv. Mnrrls. i' . Lnngworthy's barber shop whllo nnu ,1?,i,nt H'0 o itf N0 i, irensm thorn, perhaps, will do all that is ox. Mr. I.angworthy and his family nro iiiiniMi iiiuiMiii.v ivt'iiiiiK. Knlek Is your wlfo over out of 1...1... all'11!. vnolnrilnr er's report showed a balance In tho pected by the sanguine scientists ifi enjoying nn outing, near Hridge. l" Jffi, t bw and tompor? where Ilnndon. iri'iisiiry oi ny su, u. H. Knnwltnn in Honk iiuir rnvo worked them on: No Indeed, she's always got next two weoks visiting UoN "51 ITi..-1,- mt them within the ranee Plenty of It FRANK WALRATII. who has been ". ". V,ii, ,?' frlonds nnd enjoying a jw u, i'.mi nun r.... jingi tpc. 01 nrnptirnl .,nnss Ih in llulHtn lil iin.mla rr.l n .. (M...1.V0I Thoy go In via. ocenn l'10 ,l0rd of trustees for. The Important feature nbout thni flinn Wnlrnth. of tlm lin'ora iintnl.'ioW r.0,nrv of " lu"u.8 I e ensuing yenr. ' Register. Eugono despite ".V"" "?.6UO.00O Is.thnt yi s'erdn.v for bis their a homo nt San .Uvovn ..1 lure nnd decree ihwi, Pedro. ti.i- - 7, "" . "7 .D"V1'"" ol. no Por. CURIOUS FACTS. 'neiUao pr,vat0 clinr- you have anytjitng' ""' If one nnd the same movemont. itles. nr rent, or want. I iii.M.iiifiu inni is increasing hunn Ill'TTZ and wife, of Hunl;r More than 400 different colored power by advancing human knowl- Hill, will leave tomorrow for a edge, month's visit with relatives and dyes nro produced from coal. friends at Oakland and Dallas. In the United Stntes there Is an The Sovon Stars Inn nt Oregon. averago of one physician to each 700 er. Englnnd. boasts of havlne bnen 1persons. MUS. RJORQUI8T of CntcliliiK A. K. F. B. Davics and C. loft on tho Allognny-Dral- n auto lino this morning. L .F. MORGAN, M. Eborhart Inlot Allegany ''"Jf I SS X , or , - ' 1 lo I !.- - - r u . Mnrxh-Hol- .TVIi ! Com-nioiio- I . Mi-s.'- i i i. n.-- lllTO: SfiilT SuZ"&MwWm """ - . ""?' lnS Tool1! r'n,u, - l"" v LHTf "..: . '" v,., - - - i w I I ... i I I . I .1 i, I ;., .;'.. , ... ... I " 1 I No. IJ No. Ufi.M. No. lin.MM, No. 412 I'UIn Gold Mount. Gold Mount, Strrl Silver iS.CO .S0 S3.S0 M.50 German Silver Clin Cap add to cott 25 centi. absolute (atlalaclloa 0 I'lia and Policy liuurei or uiouv)- - rcluodid. Dozens of Pens to select irom at Red Cross Drug Store A. n. F. II. VIRTUE, ond-han- d foi niQi-l- buslnoss "X. nMYl froni relatives as to what dinno.1. iiirneu irom an oxtendeu stay nt followed tho cortege . li nn .0I1.I. .....! linn mi,-; Cnlgarv, Canada. ' During his ab. .i.i "iii iiuiuo 01 itmo remains. The density or relative population sence he wns mnrrletl, his wife being n sister of Mrs. Fnlkensteln, of Cuba is noarly tho same ns that Hare your calll-cards printed at of tho Uulted States. of North Hond. The Times' offlc. MISSES VINA AND MINA CLARlC An unfilled want cause's anhappt An unfilled want causes unhannl. and Miss Hnrletto Wheeler, accom- - aess Times Want Ada brine results oess Times Want Ads brlcg result 1 -- '. i Tw OUHINB stimulants. RELIABLE a2tS Tl nV, At tho burial of n Scotch London The body of Hndley Is till being to llvos of sobriety nnd In tho ie.- here. hns re-- i mnn ,ls s,x l,Bs . draped in black.; held at Comillle in hopes of hear ng 0"KINE Is Prepare . ,1 DRINK HABI 1- censed for 550 years. HOWARD. Geo. W. Carle-toC D. Lash and Geore Finn-ngu- n Chlneso women never think of tak- nogs or ire and could elvo iiioi-eu- . plan to leave In n few days for Port Orford to take In tho ng the hair plus out of their hair, an annual output of when thoy go tol,ed. horsepower for the Agate Carnival there. CHAS, thirst:: J?r. absolutely tasteless HOME Wt results M, OWL WIOMS 71. ,,s T l?Lt Lto5 . t Cat bo'lven secretly ent ' U Bocret trearm In wo forms secretly in food n,i ,akeV' d08,r0 ,J usefulness PlnpilMorlwtV h. JfB" '" nI' about ORIUNB. TREATM,,e Si Ss.r?fo whft'' "n from.-"11- pP 1? !! LitSt prfoRIPTIOII PHARMACY. .ote that word Prescript'0 :