jVf.' ft", T ,:. ? " W -- 3?SE . i -- i ". .. iT ." .,v?" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. ' IN. Registrar Clark Desires Information for the Alumni Directory. The copy for tho Alumni Directory Is ready for tho printers. Ropllos have not boon rocolvod from tho following, Any ono who can tmpply correct ploaBCH Bond to B. Clarlc, -- ad-dro- . Registrar's ofllco: 1885. .. D. Pell, David It., M. Swonson, Ernont Otto, M. D. Trumbull, Charles, M. D. 1886. Coffman, Jennings, M. D. Lutz, Mary Alice, M. D. Morris, Don Frank, M. u. Voob, Fred William, M. D. 1888. Mathowson. Harley P. 1893. Crisaey,' Thoron Wllmot Darldson, Thomas Ansolm Ferris, Charles Sumner Moyors, Charles Wesley IL O'Hoarn, Stephen Patrick. ss , 1902. Ellis, John Samuel Kellogg, Ira Arlol McCall, Bertha Lillian O'Connoll, William Harold Stull, Dell Deronda Voss, Adolph Max Wells, Charles Edwin Carr, Claude John McCallum, Jessie Eugenia McComb, Harvey Amos Searls, Hubort Clayton Smith, Julia Eliza Graves, Winflold Wilkinson Hayden, Ambrose P. Hughes, Charles Benjamin Johnson, Casflslus L. Johnson, Georgo Arthur Kidd, Fred Garfield Long, Ernest William O'Connell, William Harold Spealman, Ernest Garfield Weems, Horace Wlnfleld Peterson, Walter 1896. Abbott, Julian Asahel Carlson, John Magnus Green, Phllambn Ballon 1897. Walker, Hugh Rich, Daniel Henry 1898. Andorson, Charlos Edward 1899. Aden, Anna Bonn, Charles Homer Cieland, Jcsbo Purinton Joffery, Leona Idllla Stolz, Jacob Franklin Franklin, Mrs. Viola Prlco Jones, Ernest D. For N Automatic Phone 3255.- - - CI I s Union Col lege Tailors " I' POST OFFICE m.DQ. OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We havs always as tat J ' I3P FIRST NATIONAL M .x BANK Cnpltnl S30O.000.00 t Surplus nad promts $100,000.00 ' Deposit 33,020,000.00 Cutshall, Lewis Alexander Holmes, Jolin Campbell KqcJi,. Arthur William Frederick Chain, Frank Leroy Billing, Arthur William Bowlby, Honry Leo ' Cook, Ada Ruth Daughters, Brlttahia R. Dlehl, Maybello Edith Edyards, Odeth Brancho Gray, Bernlce Ada Gregg, Hazel Marguolto v knewn VUIJE BROS. II AMD LAUNDAT Street. Auto a7S4, Belt 574 1905 -- ben yur business. We want 9, wmamsmmmmmmmmmmmmmakm C0TRELL& LEONARD' ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS and GOWNS HOODS To the American Colleges and Unlver lUes. Class contracts a spoclalty. Reliable materials. Reasonabla prices. WAITERS BUREAU Y. D. GRANT, X 9IBgcr First cl83 service Ritarantwd at nil re. ceptlooe, parties, eolations and Itanqaots. For information ring up r AntophoBo 9383 186 Ko. 10th St. x COOCXXX)OOOOOOOCOOOOOObCXsD SPECIAL ATTEHTIDN TO STUDENTS -. i ELECTRIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BADDER StfOP, 0 STREET, 1206 BVOQ UJLOCK V OOOOOOOOOOCXXXXJOOOOOOOCJOOO ' -- . U,', - i & fcfe - ..,: HV -- N ;:; fw&hV. - . i '. . s m;. afci'l ,i A&Lvii, . JL 'Ma '' V winHkii g" rt- -e " -- V 1 STUDENTS LAUNDRY Cullen, Peter Cnvin Orton, Olive Inez McDlll, AllcO ,- liijj Tailoring first-cla- ss at low prides, see Union' College Student Tailors. Norton, John Nathaniel Parsons, Andrew Clarkson Scliaper, Meta Elizabeth Griffith, Ollvo Scott, Elzada Estella Kolley, oGorgo David ,X Hart, Harriet Smith, Edward Catlett , Lamb, Dwlght Whipple Horning, TIcIa Blanche Smith, Maude Mabel KnottBi William-Linco- ln Jewell, Zella Eugonlo Smith, Robert Earl Smith, Arthur Phllandor Kellogg, Roy Burdetto Spinney, Maudo Josephine (Mrs. Tuckor, Honry Olterbein Laiio, Fletcher Wharton Frank W. Robinson) 1900. Mlxter, sEsmer Myrtle Swnnson, Hjalmar August Ray. Ralph Tellescn, Charles Clyde Alderman, Rena Bell (Mrs. M. A. Smith', Jane Sprott Martin) Volck, Frank Edmond Stoakes, Charles Stewart Walker, Clara Melven Anker, Peter Sigurd Johannes Geer, Frances Howard Boyle, James Ernest Wead, Elta Pearlo Hartzeli, Waller Lowers Brown, Arthur Farrand, Mary Abblo (Mrs. L. A. Hcaton, Roy Henry Bruce, John August Cook) Henry, Julius Edward Ferguson, James Molynoux Ferris, Maudo Suslo Martin, Margaret Johnson, Samuel Chatterton Hamilton, Gay Montague Miller, John William McCoy, Pearl Eugene King, John Joseph Mills, David L. Sturdevant, William Clinton Mills, Mamlo Caroline Taylor Elver L. Shlnbur, Cain, William Cornelius James Itlchert, Dobler, Georgo Francis Robertson, William James Nlmow Baumerti William Miller Wroughton, Oliver Loralne Donohuo, Patrick Josoph Sampson. Reuben Lauzer, Edward Simon ,Farquhar, Ralph Emerson Walker, Josoph Goodwlllle Fleming, Bruce Howard, Guy Clemens Lytic, James Leonard Hagelln, Frederick August i, Ernest E. Sprague, do hereby anHughes, Leroy Howard SlmB, Arthur .Aipnzo nounce myself as candidate for stuJames, Arthur Aloxandor, Marvin Marshall Johnson, Fred Gustus Anderson, Theodore Andreas dent member of the Athletic Uoard of Johnson, Oscar Edwin. Backus, 'Albert (tho University of Nebraska, for tho. Jouvenat, D. Leon Baker, William Wallace ensuing term and further declaro that Kutchor, Charles Abraham Burkott, Horace Edward it Is my intention to bo in school for Lambert, Flavlus Webb Davis, Charles Lester Lemon, Orlando A. Hinckley, John Scofield said term. Lundburg, Edward Alexius Johns, William Andrew ERNEST E. JSERAGUE. McDonnell, William Kohn, Honry August May 8, 1Q06. Majors, Franklin Perry Loiter, John Henry Martin, oIluertClyde Magney. Rena Adophus To Whom i. May Concern: I, AnPercy, Allon Truman MaxsonRobert Lee tone Lott, a member of the class of Patterson, John Albert Rakestraw, Ellas Vern 1907, intending to be in tho UniverRoth, Sidney Roscoe Wardwell. Hczeklah Church sity the coming yoar; hereby anSathor, Charles Anthony Brown, John Fredoiick Capoll, Clarenco Swift Shank, Milton Jako myself nounce as a candidate for stu1 Smith, Edward Catlett Gallagher, Marguerite dent member on thojUhletlc Board Stengle, Barney Martin Christenson, Chrlshan Jensen of the University of Nebraska. Storch, Arthur Monroe 1901. ANTONE LOTT. . Georgo Vergil Stuart, Baker, James Edgar Warren, Andrew Frederick Brlch, Paul Antonius To Whom It May Concern: I, Wllhito, oRscoo L. Maybach, Helen Sarah (Mrs. TheoWilliams, Klngsley William Lloyd a mem'ber Denslow, of class tho , dore Hartman) . Wllloughbjv-Fre- d M. of, .1907, intending to bo in the UniverStuobi, Edward Constant Woods, Ralph Ma Sweet, Juno sity the coming yoajr hereby announce Wrlgllt, Ellas Allon BoswolirJamoB Henry myself as a candldato for student Bartlett, Arthur Leslie Brooks, EarTBrIsblh ; Iversen, John Christian member on the Athletic Board of tho ElmoiiOrr Joffery, Jensen, Frank Malono, Francis Frederick University of Nebraska. Jungbluth, Edward Christian Allen, Clarenco Luzerno LLOYD DENSLOW. Martin, Joseph William Battcrson, Julia Harriet Neal, Halbort Fletcher Brow, Fred Hiram To Whom It May Concern: I, M. M. Nielsen, Marie Anna Clough, Ray Frederick Wolton, a member of the class of 1907, Smersh, Otto Georgo Coffman, Marshall intending to be in tho University the James Westfall Smith, Barnum Duff, John Alfred Joseph Goodwlllle Walker, coming year, horoby announce myself QubsQr, Nicholas James Hargltt, Georgo Thomas as a candldato for student member on Hoganf Victor Benjamin Haughawout,. Margarot Elizabeth tho Athletic Board of tho University Humphreys, James Mation 1904. of Nebraska. Johnson, Antone M. M. WELTON Jwa'nphier, Gocfrgo Lyman Altken, Daisy Elsie (Mrs Andrew Soybolt) . Y. W. c. A. Larson, Theodore Becker, Arthur Frederick " McCracken, Ralph Meek Noct Suntlay the Junior service will Grimm, Dora Joy bo held at 3 o'clock. Those who did McNaughton, WIllIamFrancls Hand, Mary Ethelwyn uot hear Dr. Swearingeu last Sabbath Miller, Howard Schultz Herrlck, Murton Russell missed a treat, but wo feel ,aure that O'Connor, WJlHani Bernard . McLaughlin, Laura Ida tho Juniors' have secured In Mrs. Hln-ma- n Olstbn, "Otto ono who will bring ua a message Mooro, Arthur Russell Owen, JohnTMark Mouck, William Qulhn and make, it well worth while to at- Richards, Frederick Arthur , Raasch, John Mr.rtln tend that serylco. Stark, Herman Frederick - h STUDENTS Pryor, Ralph Hubert Remstr, Alva Richards, Edward Everett Sampson, William Reuben Smith, Harry Leslie Smith, Harley Marlon Stong, Robert Charles Sward, Francis Ludwlck Towne, Verne William Waltman, Edward Ellsworth Warner, Orlyn Dorpnon Duncan, James Floyd Elson, Myron Deronda FInlay, Sylvia Imogeno Fox, Theodore William Gilbert, Alvin Walter Johnson, Georgo Arthur Nelson, Henry Gilbert Hull, Arundlo Miller Comstock, Ada Delia Elson, Thomas Hughes Fairchlld, William Josoph Griffith, Edna Ethel Langley; Henry Gabriel Lauvor, George Myers McDermott, Louisa Woodward, Frod Nicholson, Lester Ernest QOOtjOQOO OOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOO Owen, Walter Lew 1903. 1895. i Schaefer, Ida Edna Shumway, Fayo Perclval Varuska, Katherlne Walker, Cora Malvlna WIrth, Rose Loulso Wright, Fred Raymond Athen, Nellie Olln Brich, Frank Joseph Crouch, Howlson Edwards, Hugh Robert Farnsworth, George Elmer Gooding, Leslie Newton Herbert, Agnes Runyon Prltchard, Fred J. Alter, Charles Ernest Baker, Earl Aaron Buchanan, William Ryburn Konop, Thomas Frank Kuser, William Larsh Marshall, George Jefferson Welsh, Martin Calhoun Rlchert, Cornelius ADDRESSES WANTED. ' ! jS '.', , '... S. jfc f Vh g I Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean K ...OPTICIAN... 1123 ft 8 g Your Patronage Solicited Liilis' Dining Rooi In fi, M. TO OPJBN Irl Q tu i,fn J. Vrifkt, ir CiimcIIh li,K, Union Shining Parlor 8hlae, Hvs 'cents; chairs for laaios. 101S O St .V lff J ''-l'- . 4 ft. f-- w Jji 0( &rjjfj O STREET DON'S CAFE ' , W ir:'i