Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology
This course presents a study of basic medical terminology structured around a survey of the systems of the human body
in health and disease. Abbreviations are emphasized, and introduced with the terminology appropriate to each system.
Prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, and relevant symbols are included in the
content. A word building and deconstruction approach can be used to learn word parts for creating and analyzing new terms.
This provides the opportunity to decipher unfamiliar terms. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation. The successful student will acquire the foundation for fluency in modern medical language and will have demonstrated
an ability to apply this language to the workplace and life situations with precision, accuracy, and clarity.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this class will be able to • Generate and interpret written language utilizing standard medical terminology.
• Use and understand medical terminology in verbal discussion. Interpret and use the abbreviations and symbols
encountered in descriptions of medical treatments and procedures.
• Analyze medical documentation for its meaning and application.
• Apply the medical terminology learned to the specific requirements of the workplace and learning environment.
• Appreciate that developing precision in the use and understanding of specialist terminology is essential to
accurate and safe communication, and is a life-long learning opportunity.
Student Competencies:
During this course the student will • Become familiar with the rules used to build medical words from Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, word roots,
and combining forms.
• Interpret abbreviations and the practical ‘shorthand’ symbols encountered in descriptions of medical treatments,
procedures and diseases.
• Extract the meaning of medical terms by their word parts and application within text.
• Learn medical terminology used in everyday products and conversation.
• Apply pronunciation rules to medical terms. Practice pronunciation of medical terms.
• Evaluate the accuracy of dialogue and/or conversation using medical terminology.
• Explain the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations used in medical text and dialogue.
• Interpret case studies and other medical documentation.
• Generate medical documentation utilizing word-building and acronyms.
• Discover the meaning of medical terms by using a dictionary or other resources. Identify connections between medical
terminology and words in common use.
• Analyze diseases and conditions for their medical terminology meanings. Determine the source and validity of information
contained within medical news articles.
• Make inferences about information contained within medical news articles. Correctly interpret information presented
through the media, such as newspapers, television, and the Internet.
• Be able to speak knowledgeably and display understanding of specific terminology in selected sub-specialty fields.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive your certificate.
Robertson College Online 417 14th Street NW, Calgary AB T2N 2A1
toll-free 888.892.5262 fax 204.926.8320
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