Biology 170 Human Biology - Tacoma Community College

Biology 170 Human Biology
Dr. Regina Hoffman
Office Phone (253) 460-4399
Required Text
Marieb, Elaine N. 2008. Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology 9 ed. Benjamin
Cummings. ISBN 0-321-51342-8.
Interactive Physiology CD that comes with the textbook and access to the related
website which should be free.
Computer requirements for TCC online education can be found at: .
Course Description
This is a one-quarter course in human anatomy and physiology without a laboratory
component. The course will give a broad overview of human biology for the nonscience major. After an introduction to basic aspects of chemistry and cell biology,
the course will outline the major systems of the human body including
integumentary, muscular, skeletal, nervous, lymphatic, cardiovascular, respiratory,
digestive, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive.
Course Objectives
College Learning Outcomes:
Tacoma Community College has identified six college-wide learning outcomes that
form the foundation of our educational emphasis: 1) communication (COM), 2)
critical thinking (CRT), 3) responsibility (RSP), 4) information & information
technology (IIT), 5) living and working cooperatively (LWC), and 6) core of
knowledge (COK).
Course Objectives:
Understand some basic concepts of organic and inorganic chemistry. (COK)
Understand the basic biology of the cell, including mitosis and DNA
replication. (COK, CRT)
Grasp basic concepts of plasma membrane functions. (COK, CRT)
Acquire and use the basic vocabulary of anatomy and physiology. (COK,
Know the four major kinds of body tissue and understand their unique
functions. (COK, CRT)
Comprehend the structure and function of the integumentary system. (COK)
Learn the major components of the skeletal system and understand how they
Learn the major muscles and be able to describe the physiology of muscle
contractions. (COK, CRT)
Describe the structures and functions of the central nervous system ad the
peripheral nervous system. (COK, CRT)
Describe the functions of the endocrine organs and how they maintain
homeostasis. (COK, CRT)
Explain the functions of blood. (COK, CRT)
Describe the structures and functions of the heart and blood vessels. (COK,
Comprehend the body defenses provided by the immune system. (COK,
Describe the structures and functions of the respiratory system. (COK, CRT)
Learn the major components and functions of the digestive system. (COK,
Understand the basic role of the urinary system in removing nitrogenous
wastes and maintaining fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance. (COK, CRT)
Describe the structures and basic functions of the organs of the reproductive
systems. (COK, CRT)
Work together with peers in Blackboard discussion forums. (RSP, IIT, COM,
Tentative Schedule
Assignments are due:
Introduction assignments-Syllabus quiz, Survey and Introduction are due during week 1
(by January 9th). If all three are not submitted when I log in on January 9th, you will
be DROPPED from the course.
Discussion groups – We will not be doing discussion groups this semester.
Interactive Physiology– Due by Thursday Midnight the week they are assigned
Lecture Assignments – Due Thursday Midnight the week they are assigned.
Exams: Every week on the material for that week, between noon on Thurs and midnight
on Sundays
FINAL EXAM: is comprehensive, required to pass the class, and must be proctored.
The following are a list of possible times with proctors for you to take the exam.
Proctor: Regina Hoffman
Proctor: Kim Harrington
Proctor: Ralph Hitz
Room 16-210 (24) Wednesday March 21 5 to 7
Room 16-209 (24) Tuesday March 20 2:30 to 4:30
Room 16-208 (24) Monday March 19 11 to 1
t If you do cannot show up at one of the above times, you must arrange a proctor.
Acceptable proctors include the TCC testing center ($35 fee), a TCC employee at
the Gig Harbor Campus,other college testing centers, or librarian BUT NOT friends,
relatives, neighbors. Textbooks or notes are not allowed. Proctors must send me
an email indicating their qualifications and willingness to proctor the exam and the
agreed time when you will take the exam. The proctor must be approved by
March 3rd.
General Schedule:
Week of:
January 3rd
Work Due
Survey, Introduction, Syllabus Quiz
January 3rd
Introduction, Ch1
Chemistry, Ch 2
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 1-2) – by Thurs
Exam 1 (Ch 1-2) – Thur-Sun
January 9th
Cells and Tissues, Ch
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 3) – by Thurs
Exam 2(Ch 3) - Thur-Sun
January 16
January 23rd
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 4-5) – by Thurs
Exam 3 (Ch 4-5 )– Thur-Sun
Skin, Ch 4
Skeleton, Ch 5
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 6)– by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Muscles – Thurs
Exam 4 (Ch 6) – Thur-Sun
Muscles, Ch 6
January 30th
Nervous, Ch 7
February 6th
Senses, Ch 8
Endocrine System, Ch
Blood, Ch 10
Immunology, Ch 12
Cardiovascular, Ch 11
Respiratory, Ch 13
Digestive, Ch 14
March 5th
Urinary, Ch 15
March 12th
Reproduction, Ch 16
March 19th FINAL EXAM
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 7) – by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Nervous –
Exam 5 (Ch 7) - Thur-Sun
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 8-9) – by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Endocrine –
Exam 6 (Ch 8-9) – Thur-Sun
Lecture Quizzes (10&12)– by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Immunology –
Exam 7 (Ch 10&12) – Thur-Sun
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 11) – by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, CV - Thurs
Exam 8 (Ch 11) - Thur-Sun
Lecture Quizzes (13-14)– by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Respiratory –
Exam 9 (Ch 13-14) – Thur-Sun
Lecture Quizzes (Ch 15) – by Thurs
Interactive Physiology, Urinary – Thurs
No exam this week
Lecture Quizzes (15-16)– by Thurs
Exam 10 (Ch 15-16) - Thur-Sun
Course Requirements
ANGEL access to this course is through the TCC portal.
Tutorials on using Angel can be found
Technical support information for Angel is found on the front page of the course or can
be obtained by calling 1-866-425-8412
Some course content utilized pdf files, flash files, or movie files. All necessary software
is available for free download and links will usually be provided.
FREQUENTLY! I can more quickly respond to messages sent through ANGEL
using Email. If your default ANGEL email is incorrect (or your TCC inbox is full), you
will not receive the reply.
Course Prerequisites
ENGL-095 and READ-095 with a "C" or higher, and MATH-090 with a "C-" or higher,
Or, equivalent assessment in those areas.
Grading Policy
Grading is NOT on a curve. You will be graded on your demonstrated knowledge of the
material regardless of others’ performance. This means helping your fellow students
will in no way penalize you.
Evaluation is based upon a weighted average of the following assignment
Weekly Exams 45%
Lecture Quizzes/Assignments 40%
Final Exam 15%
Grading Scale
95-100 4.0 A
94 3.9
93 3.8
91 3.6
90 3.5 A89 3.4 B+
88 3.3
87 3.2
86 3.1
85 3.0 B
84 2.9
83 2.8
82 2.7
81 2.6
80 2.5 B79 2.4 C+
78 2.3
77 2.2
76 2.1
75 2.0 C
74 1.9
73 1.8
72 1.7
71 1.6
70 1.5 C69 1.4 D+
68 1.3
67 1.2
66 1.1
65 1.0
64 0.9
63 0.8
60-62 0.7 D0-59 0.0-0.6 F
Your grades will be posted regularly on Angel.
The dates for withdrawal are found in the academic calendar at the following site:
WI will only be given in cases of extreme emergencies. For Medical or Active Military
Service withdrawals, consult with the Registration office.
Incompletes will be given only in extreme cases beyond your control and then only if the
coursework is nearly complete.
Attendance Policy
Successful completion of this course requires a regular and substantial time
commitment of approximately 12 to 18 h per week.
Assignment/Exam due dates are firm. Late work is not accepted. Missed
assignments or exams cannot be made up.
Please do not disappear! You can contact me using the Angel discussion boards,
email, IM, or phone
Exam Policy
Exams dates are firm and no exceptions will be made.
There are 10 exams (not including the final) and the lowest exam grade will
be dropped. The dropped grade will often be for technical issues preventing
completion of the exam.
Exams will be open from Thursday at noon until Sunday at midnight except
the final. NO MAKEUP EXAMS will be given. If there is a technical issue with
ANGEL during your exam, report it through ANGEL technical support
IMMEDIATELY, and let me know by email. If the technical issue prevents
successful completion of the exam, this will be the dropped exam.
You will be allowed 35 minutes to complete the exam from the time you
begin. This allows little time for looking up answers. Therefore, I recommend
not treating these as open book exams.
For the final exam you will be allowed 70 minutes.
Academic Integrity
As stated in the TCC catalog, “Students are expected to be honest and
forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or
other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and threaten
the educational environment for all students.”
My academic dishonesty policy is as follows:
First offense: The student will receive an E (0%) for the assignment.
Second offense: The student will receive an F in the course and the student
services will be contacted for further potential disciplinary action.
 Plagarism will not be tolerated. Copying tables, figures or text directly from
another source without attribution will result in an E on the assignment. If an
idea is primarily due to another source, acknowledge the source.
The complete Administrative Process for Academic Dishonesty is available on
the TCC website at:
Disability Policy
Students with Special Needs:
Students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet
these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary aids or services due to a
disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7 (253) 566-5328.
They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your disability from
an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will
be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The disability
accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to me
before the accommodation is needed so that appropriate arrangements can be
Homework due dates are firm. NO late work is accepted. Leave yourself
enough time for assignments for occasional technical issues.
An introduction discussion, student survey and a brief quiz over the syllabus
are due. Each is worth 5 pts. THESE THREE ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE
Weekly Lecture Assignments/Quizzes: The course will have lessons for each
chapter with goals for each section, a brief summary of the section, a slide
show lecture (youtube) and associated questions. Completion of these
questions should be done within the lesson and submitted when finished.
You must hit the “Score” button and then “Submit” for the
lesson score to be entered.
There is a re-try option for all of the question sets.
A .pdf file of the slides used in the youtube lectures are
available in the folder for each week.
Interactive Physiology Assignments: Assignments using the Interactive
Physiology disk (accompanies the textbook) are due by midnight Thursday on
weeks assigned. The required portions are indicated in the assignment
description. You can either print out the questions as you go through the disk
or you can have two different web browsers open. You can save and access
the quizzes as many times as you like, but only submit once.
All Assignments – Due by Thursday midnight the week they are assigned
Lecture Exams-- will be open Thursday at noon and closing at midnight on
Sundays except the final exam