Human Physiology Syllabus BIO262 Rhonda Gamble Ph.D. 573-518-2195 Spring 2007 1-16-07 5 credit hour Mineral Area College Dept. Chair: Teri Douglas Office Hours: TWR 1:00-1:50, TR3:00-3:50 PREREQUISITES: HUMAN ANATOMY and CHEMISTRY with at least a grade of C This course is part of the nursing school curriculum and will occasionally accommodate non-nursing or pre-nursing students in the course dependent on available seating and successful completion of prerequisites. TEXTBOOK: Vander’s Human Physiology 10TH Edition by Widmaier METHODS: LECTURE, LABORATORY, FILMS, WEB ACCESS, COMPUTER SIMULATIONS, WRITING and RESEARCH PROJECTS EVALUATION: A series of multiple choice and short answer examinations including both lecture and laboratory materials are given at the completion of the lecture and laboratory sequence indicated in the accompanying outline and calendar. Ten point Laboratory reports are included in the overall grade for the course. Some lecture exam will come from review/reading sections noted on the outline over topics that are not presented in a lecture format. Several 10 point quizzes over lecture topics. COMPETENCIES/ OBJECTIVES/SCOPE: The student will accomplish the following competencies upon successful completion of the course in Human Physiology (BIO262). Successful completion is defined as receiving a grade of C or better in the semester course. These competencies should be attainable with the various evaluation methods with include lecture exams, laboratory reports and quizzes. This course is a continuation of the Fall Human Anatomy Course. Both courses complete the study of most organ systems of the human body. This course involves the study of the functional activities of the human body. These studies range from cellular and molecular to organ physiology with consideration for the interrelationship of all body systems 1. The student will be able to relate chemical concepts to cellular processes ranging from chemical behavior across cell membranes to the relationship of DNA to protein synthesis 2. Students will develop an understanding of several metabolic pathways utilized in producing energy for cell function. 3. The students will demonstrate their ability to understand the scientific method by conducting experiments and relaying information using scientific reports. 4. Students will apply the chemical processes associated with cellular processes to several organ systems. 5. The student will compare the chemical signaling used in the endocrine and nervous system. 6. Students will be able to contrast skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle and describe their functions in the human. 7. The student will demonstrate a functional knowledge of the components of blood and the various attributes of the immune system. 8. The student will understand the functions of the respiratory and renal system and their function in regulating the cellular environment. ATTENDANCE: Participation in all lecture and laboratory activities is highly recommended. Laboratory assignments are due one week after the lab. There are no make-up exams or labs. The lowest lecture exam will be dropped. Students making above a C on all lecture exams will have 1% added to their final grade. The final cannot be one of the tests dropped. Late labs or quizzes are not accepted. The use of cell phones, food or drink is not permitted in the lecture hall. Please also respect others in the class by maintaining quiet during lectures and arriving on time. Offenders may be asked to leave the class. GRADING: 92-100 A, 84-91 B, 75-83 C, BELOW 75 F SPECIAL POLICIES: ADA: Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your needs if you have special requirements as addressed by the American with Disabilities Act. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students plagiarizing or using another=s work may receive an F on the assignment or in the course and may be subject to further college disciplinary proceedings. Students may appeal any such decisions by following the grievance procedures outlined in the Student Date book/Planner available in the bookstore. TUTORING: Please check with the instructor about available tutoring services. The Excel program at Mineral Area College provides tutors qualified students. HONORS OPTIONS: The class may also be taken for honors credit. Please check with the instructor to see if you qualify.