1 COURSE SYLLABUS DOROTHY HEIGHT ACADEMY OF LEADERSHIP LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS 06.4150001-1 # of Carnegie Units: .5 Semester/Year: Fall/2013 Instructor: DKHicks Class Location: Room 1115 Tutorial Day and Time: Wednesdays, 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Telephone: 404-802-5100 E-mail: DKHicks@atlanta.k12.ga.us COURSE DESCRIPTION Legal Environment of Business is the second course in the Small Business Development Career Pathway. This course concentrates on the legal aspects of business ownership and management. Legal issues will include contracts, sales, consumer law, agency and employment law, personal and real property, risk management, environmental law, and government effects on business. The impact of ethics on business operations will be studied. International business principles are infused in the standards for Legal Environment of Business. Mastery of these standards through project-based learning and leadership development activities of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) will help prepare students with a competitive edge for the global marketplace. LEARNING OUTCOMES The learning outcomes are derived directly from Georgia Performance Standards. The students will: Summarize the ethical responsibilities of business owners Summarize the effects of diverse cultures and customs on business Determine ethical issues directly related to government regulations Identify rights and responsibilities of contract negotiations Analyze the importance of sales regulations Identify consumer protection legislation and its effects on business Analyze the role and importance of agency law and employment law as they relate to the conduct of business in the national and international marketplaces Explain the legal rules that apply to personal property and real property Analyze the function of commercial paper Analyze the function of bankruptcy law Explain how advances in computer technology impact business law Explain laws and regulations that apply to the environment and energy Analyze the role of government in managing a business Analyze the purpose of business insurance Analyze the risk involved in product liability Analyze automobile insurance Analyze business property insurance Analyze health/medical and life insurance Analyze unemployment insurance Analyze disability insurance 2 Analyze insurance ethics and insurance fraud TEXTS, READINGS, AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Required Text: Law for Business and Personal Use, by Adamson-Mietus (15th ed.) Supplemental Text: Understanding Business and Personal Law (7th ed.) Glencoe Macmillan Useful Websites: HG.org, lawinfo.com, expertlaw.com ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS, EVALUATION PROCEDURES, AND GRADING Activities and Assessments: Learning activities will consist of class discussions, individualized instruction, group/research discussion, student presentations, and student/teacher lectures. Quizzes, tests, projects and presentations will be used for assessments. Evaluation Procedures: The school-wide assignment tasks and assigned weights include the following: Homework (15%), Classwork/Participation (20%), Quizzes (15%), Sponge/Exit (10%), Projects (20%), and Exams (20%). Grading Policy: A: 90 – 100%; B: 80 – 89%; C: 70 – 79%; F: Below 0-69%. CLASS POLICIES The student should exhibit his/her best behavior at all times. Appropriate consequences will be administered based on the severity of the behavior. No eating is allowed in the classroom. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating or plagiarizing will result in a grade of '0' .The student is expected to show respect and honesty at all times to teacher and peers. Food is not allowed in the classroom. The students should use the restroom, get water, and take care of personal necessities BEFORE coming to class. Students are expected to DRESS FOR SUCCESS on Wednesday’s in either black or white attire or both for credit. Required Class Supplies • Pen (black or blue ink only) • Pencil • Flash drive/Jump drive to save computer assignments • 1 ½” or 2”, 3”-ring binder (5 tab dividers for the binder) o Objectives & Essential Question(s) o Journal Section o Notes Section o Worksheets Section o Misc. Section Make-up Work It is your responsibility to request your make-up work and the date that it is due. You can make-up assignments if you have finished your daily assignment early or on Wednesday’s during tutorial times. Missed assignments must be made up within three (3) school days. You can look for assignments in the Make-Up Bin. Retrieving missed assignments must be done the day you return to school. Homework: Completion of homework assignments is expected and required for success. It is expected that the assignment will be completed by the beginning of the next class period. Homework will be checked on a regular basis. 3 Tardiness, Class Cutting and Suspension The student should arrive to class on time. If a student accumulates excessive tardiness, the student will be referred to the Leadership Team. You MUST have a tardy PASS when entering the classroom. If the student cuts class, the student will not be allowed to make up missing work. A suspended student must follow all school guidelines to ensure that they have the assignments that will be covered during their suspension. Students who are suspended must also follow the procedures listed above under the heading "Make-up Work." CLASS OUTLINE/CALENDAR (Tentative) Week 1 - Chapter 1 - Ethics and the Law Week 2 - Chapter 2 - Criminal Law Week 3 - Chapter 3 - Problems in Society Week 4 - Chapter 4 - The Law of Torts Week 5 - Chapter 5 - A Dual Court System Week 6 - Chapter 6 - Trial Procedures Unit Activities - People’s Court Twelve Angry Men - Absence of Malice - A Civil Action - Movie Review for Final Week 7 - Chapter 7 - How Contracts Arise Week 8 - Chapter 8 - Genuine Agreement Week 9 - Chapter 9 - Capacity to Contract Week 10 - Chapter 10 - Consideration Week 11 - Chapter 11 - Legality Week 12 - Chapter 12 - Form of a Contract Week 13 - Chapter 13 - How Contracts Come to an End Week 14 - Chapter 14 - Assignment, Delegation, and Breach of Contract Unit Activities - People’s Court Review for Final Week 15 –Chapter 18 – Buying and Insuring a Car and Mock Trial Week 16 - Mock Trial Week 17 - Chapter 23 – Employment Contracts & Minors and Employment Week 18 – Chapter 32 – Writing Checks 4 ACADEMIC HONESTY Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses or purchases ghost-written papers or products. It also occurs when a student utilizes ideas or information obtained from another person without giving credit to that person. If plagiarism or another act of academic dishonesty occurs, it will be dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct policy as stated in the Atlanta Public Schools Handbook and the Benjamin E. Mays High School Handbook. Student Signature____________________________________ Date_________________ Parents Signature_____________________________________ Date_________________