Child Development Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Jefferson City High School 2015-2016 Mrs. Blake Phone: (573) 659-3556 Email: I. Course Description: This course is designed to enable students to better understand human development from conception through age three. Students will develop skills to effectively enhance all areas of a child’s development. II. Course Materials a. Bring writing utensils to take notes, every day. b. Note guides – packets will be provided to take notes for learning and studying. You will be expected to complete all required activities as part of the learning process. I will be checking note guides and taking grades periodically. All assignments must be done at that time for full credit. c. We will use The Developing Child textbook in class. Every student is responsible for their textbook used in class. A separate book must be checked out to take home. d. Every student is required to take the “Baby Think It Over’ simulator for 2 days or complete an alternative project. This project will be 10% of your total grade. III. Course Policies a. All assignments should include your name; any paper without a name will receive a O score. b. Assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. No assignments will accepted after the unit test is taken. c. Drinks and snacks are acceptable IF you clean up your mess. You will not eat while using laptops. If trash or spills become a problem, you will be limited to water only. d. No cell phones to interrupt classwork. Continuous problems will lead to parent contacts and possible referrals. NO CELL PHONES OUT DURING A TEST! e. Parents will be notified any time a student’s grade falls below 70%. IV. Grading Policy/Assessment Grades are based on the student notes, daily assignments, projects, tests, quizzes and a comprehensive final exam. You are expected to keep track of your own grade. Grades are available online and will be updated by Tuesday of each week. I will give you a grade update in class approximately every 2 weeks. Grading Scale A = 93-100% A- = 90-92% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 67-69% D = 63-66% D- = 60-62% Below 59% = failing This class does have an end-of-term final that is comprehensive (includes all material covered in class) that is 10% of your grade. You should keep class notes and vocab until the end of term to help prepare for the final. Keep returned papers until you check grade reports for errors. Grading categories Tests and projects – 50% Notebooks and assignments – 30% Baby Think It Over Project – 10% Final Exam – 10% V. Course Procedures a. Come to class prepared!!! Passes out of class will be limited. b. Backpacks, purses, etc. must be placed on the floor and should remain there until class is over. c. You need to be in your seat, quiet, and ready to work when the bell rings. Absences: Good attendance is very important! If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get missed assignments from me. You will receive a 0 on any missing assignments. It is also YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to turn in missed assignments on time, without a reminder from me. Please see me before or after school, or sometime during class that will not cause an interruption, to discuss what you have missed. Make-up work: All missing/make-up work is due the day the unit test is taken. Make-up tests will be taken during academic lab or before/after school within 5 days. Cheating: I will not tolerate cheating or copying. You are capable of completing the work on your own. I need to know what you have learned, not what you can find on another paper. If caught cheating on a test, you will receive a 0 and a call home. NO CELL PHONES OUT DURING A TEST. Tardies It is important for you to be on time for class. If you are tardy please come in quietly, have a seat, and begin working – try not to interrupt class anymore than necessary. After 3 tardies I will call home to notify your parents you continue to be late to class. After 4 tardies you will be required to serve a 15-minute lunch detention. Behavior 1. 2. 3. Expectations: Be respectful. Be responsible for your actions. Keep a positive attitude. Behavior Consequences: I will follow school guidelines as outlined in the student handbook regarding disruptive and inappropriate behavior. Please review your handbook. VI. Additional Information I am available before and after school in Room 162 or 169. Please feel welcome to come and see me about any questions or concerns, or need additional help. You, or your parents, may also call or email me. Remember, there are also Wednesday/Thursday academic labs if you need extra help or to complete make-up work. VII. Personal Statement Welcome to Child Development. I enjoy teaching this class and want it to be a great learning experience for all of you. The skills you learn will be useful in many situations throughout your life, both personal and professional. Every student has the opportunity to be successful in this class as long as you participate and turn in work on time. Due to the subject matter in this course, we have a lot of lecture and discussion on personal issues. I want everyone to ask questions and participate, but please remember to be respectful of others. Welcome to Child Development! Child Development Learning Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate factors that influence child development Investigate changes, adaptations, and responsibilities needed for parenting roles Summarize reproductive systems, the fertilization process, fertility problems, and prenatal development Identify factors that affect pregnancy and cause birth defects Evaluate and recognize appropriate activities and decisions during pregnancy 6. Explain the process of labor and delivery 7. Summarize characteristics and care of a newborn 8. Distinguish among developmental stages of an infant from birth to one year 9. Distinguish among developmental stages of toddlers 10. Devise a comprehensive plan for childhood wellness 11. Identify appropriate guidance and discipline 12. Summarize criteria for quality child care 13. Identify careers related to childcare and guidance