KIN 101 Orientation to Kinesiology

Department of Kinesiology, Physical Education and Athletic Training
KPE 101 Orientation to Kinesiology, Physical Education, Athletic Training
Course Coordinator:
Office Phone:
Cell Phone :
Faculty of the K.P.E.A.T. Department
Dr. L.M. Kugler
Catalog Description
An introductory course dealing with the expectations, opportunities, organizations and nature of the
professions students in the Kinesiology Department might pursue. Topics addressed will include
essential computer skills, research and writing techniques and methodologies for department
assignments. An overview of major course requirements, internships and graduate school opportunities
are presented. Living a purposeful life will be a course theme.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students will tell their personal story as bookends of the course.
Students will converse about the PLNU Kinesiology heritage, general education and major
Students will articulate personal and professional ethical standards of practice.
Students will describe career options; professional organizations/societies; national and international
opportunities for service and employment.
Students will perform information search on selected topics.
Students will effectively read and write technically in AMA format.
Students will define and utilize foundational exercise science materials presented in class and
Students will defend the imperative of leading a healthy lifestyle and be informed about how to assess
their own fitness.
Students will dialogue about issues of faith, ethnicity and gender in society.
Students will describe a life of purpose and map a course to that life.
Warren, R. The Purpose Driven Life. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2011.
Course Requirements
A. Personal reflection papers
“To know me is to know…” A self-declarative statement of who you are and what has shaped
you as of August 2011.
B. “To know me is to know that this semester has resulted in…”
A reflection paper on the impact of this semester on your life as of December 2011.
C. Reading and reaction to (see “Assignments” section of the Eclass and in the course outline of this
The Magic Thread, The Preciousness of Time and The Paper Bag Analogy
Dr. Anderson directs and provides feedback
D. Purpose Driven Questions
Six assignments in which students frame the questions designed to lead a small group discussion
of the tenets of the Purpose Driven Life. See Appendix A
E. Technical Reading and Writing Assignments
Assignments in which original research is reviewed
Due Dates
1. Read assigned article and identify missing elements
2. Paragraph of Summation from a self selected article
3. Journal Article Review from a self selected article (1 page max)
4. Review of literature (3 pages max; 6 references minimum)
Select one topic from the following to accomplish paragraph, journal article and literature review
1. The etiological factors of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries in females.
2. The ethical dilemma of human growth hormone supplementation by college
3. The efficacy of the use of sport psychology imaging techniques for
enhancement of athletic performance.
4. In a society where fitness and appearance are celebrated but obesity is
epidemic how is the academic discipline of physical education in primary and
secondary schools socializing young Americans?
F. Hand Mechanics for use of Chopsticks
G. Attendance/Participation
The student’s course grade will be affected by excessive absences (2 or more)
Grades will be determined by the combined use of the Inspection Method and the Absolute
Grade Scale.
Academic accommodations
All students are expected to meet the standards for this course as set by the instructors. However,
students with learning disabilities who may need accommodations should discuss options with the
Academic Support Center during the first two weeks of class. The ASC will contact professors with
suggested classroom needs and accommodations. Approved documentation must be on file in the ASC
prior to the start of the semester.
Academic Honesty
The Point Loma Nazarene University community holds the highest standards of
honesty and integrity
in all aspects of university life. Academic honesty and integrity are strong values among faculty and
students alike. Any violation of the university’s commitment is a serious affront to the very nature of
Point Loma’s mission and purpose.
Academic Calendar- we will observe the PLNU academic calendar. Please consult prior
to making travel plans.
Course Outline
Date Presenter
8/30 Leon Kugler Your Invitation to the Banquet; Here are your chopsticks
Purpose Driven course;
Kinesiology /-ol'æjè/ [Gk, kinesis + logos, science],the scientific study of muscular activity
and of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of body parts;
Personal responsibility for _____________’s learning
Your Name
Mission of PLNU Kinesiology
Majors and Career options
“To know me is to know that…”
Word processed, single spaced, max 3pgs Due 9/2 before noon via Eclass
Hand mechanics analysis: Eating jelly beans with chopsticks Due 9/19 in Class
No class Labor Day
Ted Anderson
Commitment to Fitness
Reaction to 3 articles:
The Magic Thread, The Preciousness of Time and The Paper Bag Analogy
Due 9/23 to Dr. Anderson by 3:00pm
Leon Kugler
Your Life Purpose
Due: Present your biomechanical hand analysis: Eating jelly beans with chopsticks
Start daily reading today in Purpose Driven Life and read each successive day
completing Days 1-7. Create 3 “Purpose Driven Discussion Questions” and a one
paragraph “Applications to My Life”
Due for class on 9/26 in hard copy. See Appendix A for format.
9/26 Leon Kugler
Technical reading: Components of professional journal article
Small group Purpose Driven discussion (Days 1-7) around the “Purpose Driven Questions”
students prepared prior to class. Student leader of group discussion appointed at class session;
all students be prepared to lead the discussion. Hard copy submitted after class.
Daily reading in Purpose Driven Life Days 8-14
“Purpose Driven Questions” 1-3 completed and submitted in class 10/3
Reading Assignment: Read NATA Journal Article posted under Course Materials on
Eclass and complete Reading Assignment Worksheet. Submit the word processed
document via Eclass Due 9/30 before noon
10/3 Leon Kugler
Biomechanical Bases of Kinesiology
Small group Purpose Driven discussion (Days 8-14)
Biomechanics Application
Daily reading in Purpose Driven Life Days 15-21
“Purpose Driven Questions” 1-3 completed and submitted in class 10/10
Be aware of first technical writing assignments Due 10/14
10/10 Denise Nelson Library/Web literature search strategies
Meet in Ryan Library first floor classroom
Resource search strategy application
Due at class: Purpose Driven (Days 15-21) questions 1-3 submitted in hard copy at class;
no small group discussion
Purpose Driven (Days 22-28) questions 1-3 submitted in class 10/17
Locate and read a professional journal article and complete a paragraph summary of that
journal article.
Write the paragraph in technical style. Reference the article following the paragraph in
AMA format. Submit the word processed document via Eclass Due 10/14 by
Be prepared in class 10/17 to identify your academic advisor plus the what, why and how
of your current major and career target.
10/17 Shane Peterson
Health and Fitness as a profession
Small group Purpose Driven discussion (Days 22-28)
Purpose Driven (Days 22-28) questions 1-3 completed for class time in hard copy
Health and Fitness Career Application
Daily reading in Purpose Driven Life Days 29-35
“Purpose Driven Questions” 1-3 completed for class
10/24 Jeff Sullivan My Life Journey and Life Purpose; Athletic Training Career Options
Small group Purpose Driven discussion (Days 29-35) questions 1-3 completed for class time in
hard copy
Daily reading in Purpose Driven Life Days 36-40
Locate and read a professional journal article and complete a journal article review
written in AMA and technical style Due in hard copy at class 10/31
10/31 Jerry Arvin
Personal Integrity in a Life of Purpose
Small group Purpose Driven discussion (Days 36-40) questions 1-3 completed for class time in
hard copy
Due: Journal Article Review
Create Literature Review paper (3 pages max; 6 references minimum) Due 11/21 in hard
11/7 Nicole Cosby
Case History of Lower Extremity Pathology Differential Diagnosis
Injury Assessment Application
Continue work on Literature Review paper Due 11/21
11/14 Ann Davis
Planning for a balanced, purpose driven life
Imperatives of influencing children to move for fitness sake
Lit Review Paper Due: 11/21
11/21 Alisa Ward
“Beyond the U.S. Borders-Serving Abroad in Your Chosen Profession”
Service abroad application: If you could do LoveWorks or Study Abroad where would it be?
Due: Literature Review paper
12/5 Alan Nakamura
The Art of Coaching
Compose a monograph entitled “To know me is to know that this semester has
resulted in…” due in hard copy at the Final Exam
Do not use your technical writing style…Use your flamboyant literary style
Leon Kugler Final exam:
Due: “To know me is to know that this semester has resulted in…”.
Discussion of your personal discoveries and growth this semester:
Appendix A
Purpose Driven Questions
Frame germane questions designed to lead a discussion on the tenets of the daily reading in Purpose
Driven Life. Bring this completed document to class each week with the intention to lead/participate in
discussion on the readings you have done the previous week.
Assignments/Due Date
Why am I here? 9/26
Formed for God’s family? 10/10
Shaped for serving God? 10/24
Assignments/Due Date
God’s Pleasure? 10/3
Becoming like Christ?10/17
Mission possible? 10/31
Name______________________________ Date_______________________
Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Applications to my life