Course Outline: Math 9 Ms. Johnston Math 9 is a course focused on developing key math skills by exploring real-world math concepts and problems. Specifically, the course builds on concepts learned in earlier grades and uses these to approach more complex math problems. The course will work on developing the following key math processes: Communicating learning and math concepts Connecting math topics to other subjects and life experiences Mental math and estimation to provide reasonable answers Problem solving skills to approach new math concepts Mathematical reasoning Use of technology as a tool for learning and problem solving Visualisation to conceive math concepts and solve problems Course Content Rational Numbers, Powers and Exponents (Chapter 2 & 3) Polynomials (Chapter 5 & 7) Linear Relations (Chapter 6) Solving Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities (Chapter 8 and 9) Symmetry and Surface Area (Chapter 1) Scale Factors and Similarity (Chapter 4) Circle Geometry (Chapter 10) Data Analysis (Chapter 11) Supplies 3 Ring Binder Lined and Graph Paper Pencil and Pen Calculator (scientific is best) Ruler Textbook: MathLinks 9 (McGraw-Hill Ryerson) Contact and Office Hours Students requesting additional assistance or time to make up tests can make an appointment at lunch or after school. Remember that most topics build on previous classes so stay on top of your assignments and catch up as soon as possible if you miss a class. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions or concerns.: Classroom Rules 1. Class attendance is essential for success. Please arrive on time and prepared to work. 2. Treat others with respect at all times. 3. Remain quiet during announcements and remain seated until dismissed by the teacher at the end of class. Make constructive use of class time. 4. You are responsible for completing assignments and tests. Please ensure they are handed in on time, and missed work is completed quickly upon returning to school. 5. Ask for help when needed. That’s what the teacher is there! 6. Cell phones and other electronic devices should turned off and left in your bags or locker during class time. Grading and Evaluation A B C+ 86 -100 73 - 85 67 – 72 C CD 60 - 66 50 - 59 (Pass) 40 - 49 (Fail) Assessments a) Tests(Report 1: 60%, Report 2: 50%) Includes quizzes and chapter/section exams. Students are responsible for completing exams missed. Expect to write exams after school or at lunch upon the day of your return. b) Homework/ Classwork (Report 1: 30%, Report 2: 25%) Homework assignments and class work will checked and collected occasionally. Students should expect several open-book assessments each week based on homework from the previous day. Any assignments or assessments missed due to legitimate absences are the responsibility of the student and should be completed and handed in upon your return. Assignments not handed in will result in zero. Late assignments may be penalized. c) Midterm Exam (Report 1 and 2: 10%): Tuesday, April 15th d) Final Exam (Report 2: 15%): Tuesday, June 17th Website Information Ms. Johnston maintains a website containing course outlines, assigned homework, notes, and links to other useful websites. If you are absent from school or unsure of the required work for the next day, please visit the website so that you can start catching up. The website address is: