Sir Robert Borden High School-OCDSB

Sir Robert Borden High School
Communications Technology, Grade 11
TGJ3M Course Outline
Mr. Kevin Shea
Sir Robert Borden’s “Communications Technology” course examines communications
technology from a media perspective. Students will develop knowledge and skills as they design
and produce media projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. These
areas may include TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and
graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive
new media. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues,
and will explore college and university programs and career opportunities in the various
communications technology fields.
Units of Study:
1) Resources and Facilities
2) Graphic Design
3) Video camera Shooting
4) Video Editing
5) Animation (if time permits)
6) Audio
7) Careers and Professional Practices
8) Summative Project
1. Application
 Activity projects
2. Knowledge / Understanding
 Unit/activity tests
 Quizzes
 Activity exercise
3. Communication
 Activity exercises
 Presentations
4. Thinking / Problem Solving
 Assignments/worksheets
 Activity projects
 Independent study (career)
 Activity exercises
5: Summative Evaluation
 Formal Test (theory and practical)
6. Portfolio
This is based on 70% of your final mark.
Assessment Methods
Students will be assessed through hands on projects, written reports, and research/presentation projects.
Group evaluation and self-evaluation will be incorporated in the research/presentation projects.
Assignments will be marked in the form of a rubric, which will be provided at the beginning of the
Class Fee:
There will be a voluntary class fee of $20.00 to help cover the costs of materials used in this
course. The fee is due by the end of the second week of class.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Every student is expected to keep a neat, well-organized notebook (network space) for:
 class notes and handouts
 homework assignments and tests
 project and task materials
 research work
2. Students are expected to be willing and active participants in all course activities.
3. Students will contribute to a positive learning environment by:
 practicing safe work habits at all times and unsafe or hazardous situations to the
 arriving in class on time and either taking their seat or going directly to work
 bringing all necessary materials to class
 being respectful and polite to others and respecting their property
 completing all assignments both on time and with sufficient effort
 treating all equipment with care and ensuring proper knowledge of its operation
 reporting software or equipment problems to the instructor
 refraining from bringing food or drink into the computer labs and technology area
 honoring all of their commitments
 cleaning up your workspace and putting everything away before you leave the class
Attendance Policy:
You are responsible for catching up on class notes and completing any assignments for which you
were absent. If you are absent for a task that uses equipment, you are still responsible for
understanding the material, and arranging for time to make up the task in the lab or shop.
Guidelines for Missed Evaluations and Academic Fraud :
In-class Evaluation: e.g. tests, quizzes, tasks or presentations - missed activities will be assessed a
zero if in the teacher's judgment the student's justification is unsatisfactory, or if there is an
established pattern of negligence or missed deadlines.
Other Evaluation: e.g. reports, assignments and missed activities will receive an incomplete mark.
If the student does not demonstrate achievement of the expectations missed in these activities
through other evaluation(s), the teacher will adjust the affected mark categories to reflect the most
consistent level of achievement.
If a student participates in academic fraud (e.g., cheating on tests, plagiarism in assignments),
he/she is deemed not to have met the expectations associated with that particular evaluation; a
mark of zero will be assigned.