The Colonization of America 5a/2b As the European explorers claimed the lands of North America, the English began to establish permanent _______________ along the Coastal Plain region. The Coastal Plain region is located along the _____________ Ocean and Gulf of ____________ and has broad lowlands providing many excellent ____________. Some colonies were established for ______________________ reasons, like finding gold. These were mainly in the ___________. Other colonies were established for ________________ reasons. These colonies were mainly in the ______________. English Colonies and the reasons they were established 1) _____________ ____________ (Lost Colony): established as an economic venture. 2) ________________ Settlement: first _______________ English settlement in North America (1607), was an economic venture by the Virginia Company. 3) ________________ Colony: settled by _______________ from the Church of England who wanted to avoid religious persecution. 4) _______________ ________ _______________: settled by the _____________ to avoid religious persecution. 5) ___________________: settled by the _______________, who wanted religious freedom to practice their faith without interference. 6) ___________________: settled by people who had been in _____________’ prisons in England. They hoped to experience economic freedom and start a new life in the New World. 5a The Colonization of America On the chart below, enter either a or a next to each settlement below depending on why the colony was colonized (economic or religious). Be sure to put the $ or cross in the correct location column based on where the settlement is located on the east coast (north or south). Settlement North South Roanoke Island Jamestown Plymouth Massachusetts Bay Pennsylvania Georgia What outcome do you notice about the chart? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ The first ___________________ colony to be established in the New World was ____________________ __________________. It was established for _______________________ reasons. They hoped to find ___________, gain _____________, and increase England’s _____________. Unfortunately, the colony ran out of ____________________. What happened next is a ____________________. In 1590, ships returned with supplies, but found the settlement ___________________________. The letters ___ ___ ___ were found carved into a tree and the word Croatoan was found. This was the name of a nearby tribe. Historians still do not agree on what really happened to this “_____________ Colony.” Draw a picture of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. In 1607, England established ________________________. This settlement would become the first _____________________ English settlement in the New World. Like the Roanoke colony, it too was established for ______________________ reasons. A group of businessmen called the ___________________ Company was granted a charter by King James I to settle the new lands. Although life was difficult, this settlement did grow and prosper. Draw a picture of Jamestown. The next successful English colony was _____________________, Massachusetts founded in 1620. Traveling on a ship called the _______________________, this group of people called the __________________________ or _____________________________ were in search of ____________________________ freedom. They wanted to ____________________ from the Church of England, which was against the king’s orders. Rather than face religious persecution or _______________________________, they left England. Draw a picture of Pilgrims separating from the Church of England. Ten years later, in 1630, a religious group called the ________________________ left England in search of greater _________________________ freedom. Unlike the Pilgrims, they did not want to separate from the Church of England. Instead they wanted to ________________________ the religion. Like the Pilgrims, however, they settled in _________________________________. Their colony would be called the Massachusetts _____________ Colony. It was north of Plymouth. The Puritans would later be known for their extreme methods to purify their religion which led to accusations of witchcraft. Do you know a town where witches supposedly lived? ______________ Draw a picture that will help you remember the Puritans. In the 1680s, the colony of __________________________ was settled by a group of people called _____________________. The Quakers were not well liked or accepted in England. They settled in the New World in hopes of finding a place where they could practice their __________________________ safely without interference. You know a famous Quaker. __________ ____________________ (Hint: He is often pictured flying a kite with a key.) The last American colony that we have to know is ______________________. James Oglethorpe was given a charter to settle the colony in 1733, by people who had been imprisoned (that’s right in jail) in England for not paying their debts (bills, taxes). These debtors came to the new world for economic _________________ or hopes of starting a new life debt free. First, however, they had to pay off their __________ to England. They worked as _________________________ _______________________ without pay until the end of their ____________________ when their debts were paid off in full. Draw a picture below that helps you remember that Georgia was colonized by debtors. Questions for 5a Notes 1) Why were the colonies established? 2) What happened after the European explorers claimed the land for their country? 3) Why were “permanent” colonies important? 4) What was the first colony established in the New World by the English? 5) Why was this colony established? 6) What could have happened to this colony? 7) What was England’s next attempt at establishing a colony? 8) Why was Jamestown settled? 9) Which colony was founded by a group of people called the Pilgrims? 10) Where was this colony located? 11) How did the Pilgrims know that America would be a safe place to practice their religion? 12) Which group of people began the Massachusetts Bay Colony? 13) How were the Puritans different from the Pilgrims? 14) How were the Puritans and Pilgrims similar? 15) Which group of people settled the colony of Pennsylvania? 16) How were the Quakers similar to the Pilgrims and the Puritans? 17) What was the name of the last American colony settled by the English? 18) What group of people settled this colony? 19) Why did this group of people come to the new world? 20) How were the people who came to Georgia different from the Quakers, the Puritans, the Pilgrims, and those who settled the Jamestown colony? 21) In one brief sentence, summarize why people came to the New World.