Tic-Tac-Toe Menu Subject / Concept: Social Studies: Early English Settlements Complete any row, column, or diagonal. Using three different sources, research a single landform. Write an expository paper explaining how the physical feature was formed and provide four examples of the landform, including detailed illustrations of each. Using a blank United States map, draw and label the two major mountain ranges and the Great Lakes. Identify Austin, Research the difference Texas on the map. Explain how between the geographic North to locate each of the above Pole and the north magnetic physical features if travelling pole. Write a play to share your from Austin. Use: latitude, findings. longitude, cardinal/intermediate directions, boarder states, etc. Analyze the video on history.com: “Mystery at Roanoke. “ Explain how the use of chalk drawings affected the telling of the first settlement’s story. Your Choice Create an advertisement to convince immigrants to settle in your colony. Include geographical features, resources, climate, and possible occupations for the new-comer. Choose one of the three colonies; reread the Chapter 6 section for your chosen colony. In a short paper, paraphrase the information and create three illustrations (beginning, middle, end). Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth colonies. Include as many facts as possible. Pretend you are a member of one of the colonies. From a colonist’s point of view, write 5 journal entries to depict your daily life in a new settlement.