Marketing & Management I – Principles Course Syllabus Course Code: 5000 Grade Level: 10/11 Credit: Instructor Information: Teacher’s Name: School’s Name: Room Number: Planning Period: School phone w/extension: Email and Web Page information: Mrs. Joy Rich Riverdale High School K6 2nd (615) 890-6450 Extension 23572 1 Course Description: Marketing & Management I – Principles focuses on the study of marketing concepts and their practical application. Students will examine risks and challenges marketers face to establish a competitive edge. Subject matter includes economics, marketing foundations/functions and human resource leadership development. Skills in communication, mathematics, economics and psychology are reinforced in this course. Marketing I satisfies the Economics requirement. Materials/Supplies Needed: In-Class Textbook (Provided): Marketing Essentials – Glencoe 4th Edition 3 Ring Binder (Black), Dividers, 3-Way Presentation Board, Notebook Paper, Ink Pen Dress for Success Attire (Dress for Success Day is one time per Six Weeks, may wear same outfit!) Males wear dress shirt, tie, slacks, belt, dress socks, dress shoes, (suit jacket optional) Females wear dress shirt, knee length or longer skirt, slacks, professional dress, dress shoes, dress socks/hosiery, (suit jacket optional) DECA Membership Dues: $25 by September 19, 2011 (check out Course Goals: Standards set by the State Department of Education Standard 1.0 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the marketing foundations and the impact on individuals and businesses. Standard 2.0 The student will demonstrate an understanding of economic concepts/principles in a global economy. Standard 3.0 The student will demonstrate an understanding of selling. Standard 4.0 The student will analyze promotional tools. Standard 5.0 The student will analyze distribution strategies. Standard 6.0 The student will examine human resource skills needed for career success. Standard 7.0 The student will examine the importance of price planning in product development. Standard 8.0 The student will demonstrate organizational and leadership skills. Standard 9.0 The student will understand the importance of academic integration in the area of marketing. Topics Covered: Methods of Instruction: Basic Marketing Concepts Demonstration Free Enterprise System Hands-on World Economies Reinforcement International Trade Simulations/ Role Play Domestic Marketplace Lecture/PowerPoint Promotion Group Discussion Selling Group Presentations Distribution Written Projects Pricing Strategies Branding, Packaging, and Labeling Marketing Careers Finding and applying for a Job Student Expectations (work habits and routines): The students are expected to: Be punctual and come to class prepared. Participate in class discussions, group activities, project presentations, DECA events, etc. Develop oral and written projects to be presented to the class. Complete outside reading and projects as assigned. Develop professional leadership and teamwork skills. Grading Scale: A = 93 - 100 B = 85 – 92 C = 75 – 84 D = 74 – 70 F = 69 and below Grade Distribution: 40 % Classwork/Homework/Participation 40% Tests 20 % Class Folder (Students will be required to keep up with notes, reviews, tests, and projects in their 3 ring binder which will remain in class. Each six weeks this folder will be checked for completion. If all items are present all points will be received, any missing items will deduct points.) Make-up Policy: The make-up policy will be in agreement with Rutherford County Schools Attendance Policy. If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive 80% of whatever you make on your missing assignment. If you have an excused absence, you will receive 100% of whatever you make on your missing assignment. It is your responsibility to come to me and get your missed work. I will give you the five days to finish turning it in. If you do not turn it in within the five days, I will not accept it and you will receive a 0 for the missing assignment. I have read the syllabus for this course and agree with all the information provided. I will work cooperatively with the instructor to ensure my child participates in all class projects and assignments and if I have concerns I will not hesitate to email the instructor. Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________________ Honors Entrepreneurship Course Syllabus Course Code: H5005 Grade Level: 12 Credit: Instructor Information: Teacher’s Name: School’s Name: Room Number: Planning Period: School phone w/extension: Email and Web Page information: Mrs. Joy Rich Riverdale High School K6 2nd (615) 890-6450 Extension 23572 1-3 Course Description: This course will include enhanced marketing information as it relates to entrepreneurial activities. Subject matter will include introductory entrepreneurial concepts, business plan development, management responsibilities, and legal and ethical issues of business ownership. Course Standards: Standards set by the State Department of Education Standard 1 The student will evaluate the role of entrepreneurs in a free enterprise system. Standard 2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of economic concepts in a global economy. Standard 3 The student will examine entrepreneurial trends and opportunities. Standard 4 The student will analyze the components of a business plan. Standard 5 The student will formulate a marketing plan. Standard 6 The student will select a site and design a layout for a business. Standard 7 The student will evaluate the purchasing process. Standard 8 The student will evaluate the management function Standard 9 The student will evaluate plans for financial management of a business. Standard 10 The student will examine the legal and ethical issues relevant to business ownership. Standard 11 The student will identify and evaluate technology used by entrepreneurs. Standard 12 The student will develop a business plan. Standard 13 The student will demonstrate organizational and leadership skills. Standard 14 The student will understand the importance of academic integration in entrepreneurship. Standard 15 The student will demonstrate Entrepreneurship principles in a work-based learning experience* *Only Those Students Enrolled In Cooperative Education Will Complete This Standard. Topics Covered: Going Into Business For Yourself Researching And Planning Your Venture Managing Market Strategies Managing Your Business Processes Managing The Finances of Your Business Growing Your Business Methods of Instruction: Demonstration Hands-on Reinforcement Simulations Lecture/PowerPoint Group Discussion Group Presentations Written Projects/ DECA Materials/Supplies Needed: In-Class Textbook (Provided): Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management – Glencoe 3 Ring Binder, Dividers, 3 Way Presentation Board, Notebook Paper, Blue or Black Pen Dress for Success Attire (Dress for Success Day is one time per Six Weeks, may wear same outfit!) Males wear dress shirt, tie, slacks, belt, dress socks, dress shoes, (suit jacket optional) Females wear dress shirt, knee length or longer skirt, slacks, professional dress, dress shoes, dress socks/hosiery, (suit jacket optional) DECA Membership Dues: $25 by September 19, 2011 (check out Student Expectations (work habits and routines): The students are expected to: Be punctual and come to class prepared. Participate in class discussions, group activities, project presentations, etc. Develop oral and written projects to be presented to the class. Complete outside reading and projects as assigned. Develop professional leadership and teamwork skills. Grading Scale A = 93 – 100 B = 85 – 92 C = 75 – 84 D = 74 – 70 F = 69 and below Grade Distribution: 40 % Classwork/Homework/Participation 40% Tests (Includes Written Project) 20 % Class Folder (Students will be required to keep up with notes, reviews, tests, and projects in their 3 ring binder which will remain in class. Each six weeks this folder will be checked for completion. If all items are present all points will be received, any missing items will deduct points.) Make-up Policy: The make-up policy will be in agreement with Rutherford County Schools Attendance Policy. If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive 80% of whatever you make on your missing assignment. If you have an excused absence, you will receive 100% of whatever you make on your missing assignment. It is your responsibility to come to me and get your missed work. I will give you the five days to finish turning it in. If you do not turn it in within the five days, I will not accept it and you will receive a 0 for the missing assignment. I have read the syllabus for this course and agree with all the information provided. I will work cooperatively with the instructor to ensure my child participates in all class projects and assignments and if I have concerns I will not hesitate to email the instructor. Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________________