Peek at the Past Week Look What We Have Been Up To… Friendly Reminders: ELA: -We reviewed the sight words and letters/sounds -Our new letters were Ee… ask me what words have this letters in them! I also know Ee has a short and long sound. -We also learned about the H-Brothers! We met Theodore and now know what sound th- makes. -We learned a few new reading strategies! Ask me about our friend Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish, Stretchy the Snake and now Chunky Monkey! Math: -We learned about heavier and lighter. The important thing is BIGGER doesn’t always mean HEAVIER! -We used balance scales to compare the weight of two objects. -We are counting by 5’s and 10’s to 100! Social Studies -We are focusing on the character trait “kindness”. I wrote about how I can be kind at school and at home. Science -We started learning about Space! Ask me about the moon. -We started writing in our Space Journals! -We also started learning about the brain and how we can be mindful thinkers. *Parents – Now that your child has a reading level, they will get a new book every Monday, and the log needs to be signed and returned every Friday. The book and log are in a freezer bag with your child’s name on it. *THE 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL IS APPROACHING, PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD’S FOLDER FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DAY. THE STUDENTS NEED TO BRING IN A COLLECTION OF 100 THINGS THAT FIT INTO A FREEZER BAG. I AM ALSO LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR THE MORNING OR AFTERNOON SESSION, SO PLEASE FILL OU T THE FORM AND RETURN BY MONDAY. *Scientist and Star Student of the Week …….next week is Kieran Cook! Upcoming Topics: Theme: Space and 100th Day ELA: reading strategies, H-brothers Letters: Oo (long and short sound) Sight Words: review & on, over, of Math: comparison of capacity Read Alouds: -TH by P. Scheuneman -What If You Had Animal Teeth by S. Markle -The Little Red Hen pictures by M. Velthuijs HOMEWORK: *Please remember to work on your child’s NEW homework packet with them a little bit at a time. *Read each night…10 minutes Ms. Brill – February 21, 2014