Ch # 4 Notes


Solano Community college:

Chem 160.

Ch #4- Basic concepts about Matter.

Chemistry- The Study of Matter.

Chemistry- A scientific discipline concerned with the characteristics, composition, and transformations of matter.

Matter- anything that has space and occupies volume.

Physical States of Matter:

Solid Liquid Gas

-def SandV no def S. no def S/V

def V.

Properties of Matter:

A property is a distinguishing characteristic of a substance that are used in its identification and description.

Knowledge of properties is useful in:

1. Identifying a substance.

2. Distinguishing between different substances.

3. Characterizing a newly discovered substance.

4. Predicting the usefulness of a substance for a specific application.

Physical Properties:

The inherent characteristics of a substance that are determined without changing its composition.

Examples: taste color physical state melting point boiling point

Chemical property: a characteristic of a substance that describes the way the substance undergoes or resists change to form a new substance.

Ex: hydrogen peroxide in presence of heat or light decomposes into water and oxygen.

Table 4.1-P.100

Intensive property: A property that is independent on amount of substance present.Ex: color, temp, MP,BP

Useful in identification.Not additive.

Extensive property: A property that depends on amount of substance present.

Ex: mass, length,volumeThey are additive.

Changes in Matter;

Physical Changes:

Changes in physical properties (such as size shape and density) or changes in the state of matter without an accompanying change in composition

Examples: tearing of paper, change of ice into water, change of water into steam, heating platinum wire( deposition , Sublimation)

C h e m i i c a l l C h a n g e s

In a chemical change new substances are formed that have different properties and composition from the original material.

A Chemical Reaction: A process in which at least one new substance is produced as a result of a chemical change.

Table 4.2, P.102

Do Ex:4.1, P.103.

Pure Substances and Mixtures:

Pure substance: A single kind of matter that can not be separated into other kinds of matter using physical means. Ex: pure water, pure sucrose. They have a definite and constant composition.

Mixture: Physical combination of two or more pure substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity :ex; salt and pepper. They have variable compositions.

They can be broken down by physical means. Table: 4.6.

Types of Mixtures:

Heterogeneous mixture; It contains two or more visually distinguishable parts , each of which has different properties. Ex: mix of sugar and sand, oil and vinegar,.

Homogenous mixture: A mixture that contains only one distinguishable phase, which has uniform properties throughout. ex: a sugar water mix, air, alloys. Fig. 4.8, table.

Types of Pure substances: elements and compounds.

Elements: Fundamental/Elementary substances that cannot be broken down by chemical means into simpler substances.

Compound: A pure substance that can be broken down into two or more simpler pure substances using chemical means. Ex: water.

Physical combination=mixture.

Chemical combination=compound.

Discovery and abundance of the Elements:

113 known elements.

88 occur naturally.25 are made in labs and are unstable and hence radioactive.

H is dominant in the Universe (91 %) Helium (9%)

O is dominant in Earth’s crust( 60.1%),silicon (20%)See fig 4.13.

Names and Chemical symbols of the Elements:

Chemical symbol: One or two letter designation for an element derived from the element’s name.Table.4.3.
