GRADING SCALE SURVEY To All: As some of you may remember, our district is looking at possible changes in our current grading scale. I asked for input from you and, as promised, am sharing my responses to the following 4 questions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Does your district have a uniform, district-wide grading scale? Does your school have a uniform, school-wide grading scale? If the answer to #2 above is yes, what is your current grading scale? Does your athletic conference have a uniform, conference-wide grading scale to determine eligibility? Responses: School A 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. A 100-93, B 92-86, C 85-76, D 75-68, F 67-0 4. No School B 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. A 94-100, B 86-93, C 76-84, D 70-74, F 0-69 4. No School C 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. A+, A 4.000 (100-94.5), A- 3.750 (94.4-91.5), B+ 3.250 (91.4-88.5), B 3.000 (88.4-85.5), B- 2.750 (85.4-82.5), C+ 2.250 (82.4-79.5), C 2.000 (79.4-76.5), D+ 1.250 (73.4-70.5), D 1.000 (70.4-67.5), D- 0.750 (67.4-64.5), F 0.000 (64.4 and below) 4. No School D 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. A 93-100, A- 92, B+ 91, B =84-90, B-= 83, C+ 82, C 75-81, C- 74, D+ 73, D 66-72, D- 65, F = 0-64 4. No School E 1– 2– 3. We use a 10 point scale 4– School F 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. 100-90-80-70-60 4. We are directed by the superintendent to go to a 2.0 GPA for ’08-‘09 1. School G I am recommending a school-wide grading scale to our board in May. We currently have about 6 grading scales being used in this school. Needless to say, it won’t be that way next year…and some of the teachers are upset. School H 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. 90, 80, 70, 60 4. No School I 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. 93-100 A 85-92.99 B 77-84.99 C 69-76.99 D 68.99 and below is failing 4. No School J 1. No 2. Yes 3. A = 100-94, B = 93-87, C=86-78, C = 77-70, F = 69-0 4. No School K 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-100 4. No 1. 2. 3. 4. School L No Yes A+ 99-100, A 95-98, A- 93-94, B+ 91-92, B 87-90, B- 85-86, C+ 83-84, C 7982. C- 7-78, D+ 75-76, D 71-74, D- 69-70 Do you think your conference should have /use a standardized, conference-wide grading scale to determine eligibility? We would prefer to stay with our own locally developed scale. School M 1. No 2. Yes 3. 4. No