CLOSE READING The answers you get from reading depend upon the questions you pose. -Margaret Atwood What is Close Reading? “ Essentially, close reading means reading to uncover layers of meaning that lead to deep comprehension.” Nancy Boyles, Educational Leadership December 2012/January 2013 9-12 “…students must grapple with works of exceptional craft and thought whose range extends across genres, cultures, and centuries.” Note on Range and Content, CCSS, page 35 Close Reading Requires: Creating a safe environment where students feel free to discuss their understanding-or lack of understanding. Understanding your purpose in reading Understanding the author’s purpose in writing Looking for and understanding systems of meaning Engaging in a text while reading Formulating questions and seeking answers to those questions while reading Close Read Process Introduction of text with minimal commentary 1. Cold Read with Purpose (star an idea you want to discuss and ? An idea you don’t understand.) 2. Read aloud (Stopping often for discussion and clarification) 3. Paraphrase a section of the article that includes key ideas. ◦ ◦ A. Shoulder partner discussion. B. Discuss differences and similarities together in class. 4. Text dependant questions 5. Identify important and/or unfamiliar vocabulary. Discuss meaning of vocabulary how it is used in the text. Questions… Text-Dependent Questions to Spark Interest Video Time frame Close reading can be done in a shortened format, however time needs to be set aside for an in-depth close read at least once or twice a month. It is not uncommon for a close read to take more than one class period. Close reading is a process to teach our students how to “dig deeper”-think about their thinking. How do we grade/assess this? Close reading is a process used to teach students to read text for deeper meaning. Therefore, grading a close read is not always necessary. If teachers feel that grading needs to take place, participation and completion would be the acceptable form of grading. In Closing… Close reading does not change what you teach. It changes how you teach subject matter. Through reading, information will presented and learned more in-depth. Close reading should be done in all subject areas at all levels because when students are taught to think independently about text meaning, they will be successful academically and college and career ready.