Grading Sheet Speech Journal Speech Name_______________________________ Topic ______________________________ excellent good poor 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 Introduction (5) Gained attention of audience , included listener relevance link and preview points. Outline (5) Typed & in correct outline format Language (5) Creative & culturally sensitive Delivery (15) Adequate eye-contact & vocally expressive Used purposeful gestures and movement Met Time Requirements Journal Speech Checklist __ copy of grading sheet __ copy of outline for professor __ 2 3x5 notes cards to speak with * no more than these 2 note cards are allowed Total_____________/30 Journal Speech Assignment Every week of the semester you will write an answer reflecting on an interpersonal journal question. This assignment has you choose one of those weekly questions and present a 3-5 minute speech explaining your answer. GUIDELINES FOR THE JOURNAL SPEECH: Prepare a three-part introduction which gains attention, presents the question to be answered, and motivates the audience to listen. Clarify your main point with an analogy. An analogy is a comparison of something more-well-known to your audience to something less-well-known. Provide a detailed explanation of the essential similar characteristics between the two things being compared. Discuss one website that is related to the question you are answering. Provide a conclusion which restates your position on the question in a memorable way and provides a sense of closure. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF SPEECH: Your preparation outline must be typed and it must use complete sentences arranged in a logical outline pattern. On your selected speech date, you must turn in your preparation outline you must be prepared to speak At the Beginning of Class. You cannot use your outline but you can use 2 3x5 note cards. You must have and a grading sheet. The one-point speeches should be between three to five minutes long. This assignment is worth 30 points.