WELCOME TO CURRICULUM NIGHT! TOPICS TO DISCUSS Curriculum/Grading Homework Policy Discipline Consequences Incentives Questions??? RM 108 CLASS SCHEDULE Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday 8:15-9:15 Morning Work/ L.A. Morning Work/ L.A Morning Work/ L.A Morning Work/ L.A Mass 9:18- 10:03 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading 10:06-10:51 Math Library Spanish Math Math 10:54- 11:40 Spanish Math Math Spelling/Vo L.A. cab. 11:45-12:30 L U N C H 12:35-1:05 Computers Spelling/ Vocab. Science Science Art 1:10-1:40 Science Writing S.S. S.S. Science 1:55-2:25 S.S. Music Gym Gym S.S. 2:30-3:30 Religion Religion Religion Religion Free Time Friday CURRENT CURRICULUM Reading Writing Writing Process; Narrative English Shiloh Complete Sentences Math Place Value Addition and Subtraction Social Studies United States Geography Capitals Religion – Theme: Building the Kingdom of God 8 Beatitudes GRADING POLICY Point System Class Work – 1-3 points Homework – 1-5 points Quizzes – 10-20 points Tests – 20- 50 points Projects – 20- 50 points Presentations- 10- 30 points Power School GRADING SCALE A+ A A- 97-100 94-96 91-93 B+ B B- 89-90 87-88 83-86 C+ C C- 81-82 79-80 75-78 D+ D D- 73-74 71-72 67-70 F < 67 HOMEWORK POLICY Monday- Thursday, No homework on Friday About 45 minutes- 1 hour each night If finish before that time, they may read or complete extra credit Those who can not finish in with in the time period can hand in a note from their parent or guardian. Those who are not prepared or do not have their homework will receive a pink slip. 3 pink slips = lunch detention 3 lunch detentions = call to the parents www.stgilesschool.org DISCIPLINE Incentives Wow Chart; class party of some type Konrad Cash Earned by following the 3 be’s receive candy, homework passes, pop, extra recess, etc. Consequences Sign Clipboard = lose 5 minutes of recess Processed – school wide 1 process= call to the parents 5 processes in 2 weeks = Friday School QUESTIONS Are there any questions?? Sign up for Nov. Conferences in the hallway! February Conferences are optional.