“Egypt`s 10 Greatest Discoveries”

“Egypt’s 10 Greatest Discoveries”
Structured Viewing Guide
1. What did archaeologists discover buried under the Great Pyramid?
2. Why did King Khufu order it buried there?
3. What artifacts (treasures) were discovered in King Tut’s tomb?
4. Was King Tut murdered? Why do some scholars believe that he was murdered?
5. What have we learned from modern technology (x-rays, CT scans) about King
6. Discuss what you have learned about ancient Egyptians belief in the afterlife.
7. Who built Abu Simbel?
8. How long did Ramses II rule?
9. What is the dual role of the pharaoh?
10. Under Ramses II’s rule what group of people were the Egyptians at war against?
11. What do the hieroglyphs at Abu Simbel tell about the Battle of Q’DESH between
the Hittites and Egyptians and Egyptian brutality?
12. What happened to all the riches buried with the tombs of the pharaohs at the
Valley of the Kings?
13. Who (or what) discovered the Valley of the Golden Mummies?
14. When was the discovery made?
15. Why is it such an important discovery?