Chem Honors Policies 2014

Classroom Policies
Mrs. Hernandez 2014-2015
Chemistry Honors
Required Materials: Each student should have the appropriate textbook, a laboratory
instruction packet, a laboratory journal with carbonless pages, a notebook for class notes,
a charged calculator, a charged chromebook, and a method for organizing handouts. A
three ring binder for paper and handouts is not required, but is recommended.
Activities: The graded activities in this class will be lab reports, tests, homework, and quizzes.
Homework will be assigned regularly and is expected to be completed neatly and on time. Examples of
homework assignments include problems to be solved, short written work, and online assignments.
Readings in the text are also homework and are important to your understanding of the material.
Homework is not collected and graded. It is primarily for your benefit and to stimulate discussion in
WebAssign is an interactive chemistry web site. You will have a webassign assignment during each
unit. It is required to be completed by 11:00 pm on the day before the test for the unit.
Lab reports: Lab reports will be graded on organization of the report, analysis and accuracy
of results, conclusions, and neatness of presentation. We will complete labs on a
frequent basis, so keep up! When each lab is finished, you are expected to tear out
copies of your pre-lab and laboratory notes from your laboratory journal. These will be
attached to your formal lab write up.
Quizzes will be announced and unannounced, so it is very important to keep up with the material
assigned in class.
Tests will always be announced. A Quarter Opportunity is offered at the end of each quarter that can be
used to drop a low test score from the quarter. To be eligible for the Quarter Opportunity to replace a
low test score, you must have completed all 3 chapter tests. In addition, for any chapter test for
which a grade of lower than a 70% was earned, test corrections must be completed.
Letter Grades: The standard percentages listed in the student handbook will correspond to each of the
letter grades. Your quarter grades will be determined in the following manner.
Tests will be 50% of the grade,
Labs/Lab quizzes will be 30%,
Quizzes will be 15%
Homework will be 5%
Academic Honesty: There are important benefits to working with other students in this class, and I
realize that studying together is an excellent learning tool when used properly. Be sure that when you
are working with others, that you really are helping each other to understand the material. It is NOT
ok to simply share answers, and students who are found to be cheating will receive a zero for the
assignment, and school policy requires that the Dean’s office be notified as well. This is also true of
lab reports, even though you will be assigned partners. Your data section should be identical, and you
may work together to analyze the laboratory results, but your write up should be your own. In the
case of any labs being turned in with identical or nearly identical work, all participants will receive
General Philosophy: Chemistry is a rewarding subject, but it is one that requires work. Expect to work
hard, but also to feel a sense of accomplishment. Help each other to succeed in this class by listening
to your classmates, respecting their comments, and adding your own ideas to class discussion. We
will all reach further if we approach this year as a team. I look forward to a good year.
SAT II: This course is good preparation for the SATII Chemistry Exam. If you earn high marks and
would like to take the SATII Chemistry Exam, you should consider taking it at the end of this year,
rather than waiting until the end of your junior year. See your counselor for more information about
colleges and required tests.
Class attendance: There is a high correlation between class attendance and performance in this class.
Students are responsible to secure and show an authorized absence, and to obtain assignments and
notes for the days that were missed. This should be done immediately.
If a student has an absence on the day of a lab, he/she must arrange a time to make up the lab.
(See Make up Policy) Labs must be made up within one week of returning. If the absence is on the
day of a test or a quiz, the student will be expected to make that up on the day of his/her return
unless the absence has been an extended one. Finding out the homework assignments and
completing them after an absence is your responsibility. Absence is not an excuse for missing work.
This includes turning in or checking in work. If you are absent the day an assignment is collected or
checked for credit, it is your responsibility to seek me out and ensure that you turn in your assignment
or get credit for completion.
If you are absent for any reason, the following steps should be taken PRIOR to making an
appointment for extra help.
1. Check the online/printed calendar to see what was missed
2. Get notes from online or another student and READ them!
3. Write specific questions about what you don’t understand
4. Visit the learning center or website to get questions answered and use resources
provided there
5. Only after completing all previous steps contact your teacher and set up a meeting to
have SPECIFIC questions answered.
Make Up Laboratory Work: Laboratory Make up work must be completed as soon as possible upon
your return to class. The chemicals and equipment cannot be left out for extended lengths of time, so
if you do not complete the work in a timely fashion, you may lose your opportunity and receive a zero
for the laboratory exercise. Also, when a make-up time is scheduled for a lab, it is your responsibility
to be prepared. You may be asked to leave if the teacher does not feel that you are adequately
prepared for lab.
Tardiness: Tardiness to class is a disruption to your teacher and your classmates. It is
expected that you will be on time and ready to begin at the bell. Should you be late to class,
enter as quietly as possible so as not to disrupt others, and speak to me after class. This
includes the break between periods during a double. You are still expected to be on time for
the second period.
Learning Expectations: Come to class prepared to learn and work. Respect yourself, others, and the
learning environment. Advocate appropriately for yourself. Complete and submit quality work that
reflects your very best effort.
Behavioral Expectations: There is a great potential for danger when working in a laboratory, and
safety rules should be followed at all times. Students are required to read the rules of the laboratory,
sign a safety contract, and have a parent or guardian do the same before participating in laboratory work.
The equipment should be handled carefully, and at no time should a lab station be left unattended. You
are financially responsible for any broken equipment! If behavior in lab becomes a problem, students
may not be allowed to participate in a lab activity.
In terms of technology use, I expect you to be a good digital citizen. This means that you do NOT have
your cell phone on or out during class. Do not have headphones in while I’m teaching. You need to
come to class with your chromebook charged on a daily basis. In addition, stay on task with the use of
your chromebooks and other technology in class.
Above all, you are here to learn chemistry, and I am here to help you learn. Any behavior that interferes
with these goals is inappropriate. Please respect your own and others rights’ to learn!
Cleanliness: This classroom and laboratory are your responsibility to maintain. Please
respect the work that the custodial staff does in this room, and do your part to keep it
clean by not writing on the desks or throwing litter on the floor, and always clean up
your lab station when you are finished. This includes the common areas of the lab as
Detentions: Should a detention be given for tardiness, or behavior problems…etc., it will be served in
my classroom at my convenience. You may not be late for a detention or you will receive two…etc.
Office Hours: I welcome the chance to meet with you on an individual basis. If you find you are having
difficulty, please let me know and we can set up a time to work. I am available during free periods, or
after school, but please let me know in advance so I can set the time aside. Unfortunately I am
unable to meet before school due to my day care schedule for my children. If before school is your
only available time, I will make arrangements for you to meet with another chemistry teacher.
Late Work: I will accept some late homework, but not for full credit. Late homework will be worth a
maximum of 80% of the total possible points for the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted
beyond one week after the due date for the assignment, or when I return the graded assignment to
the rest of the class, whichever occurs first. Lab reports are handled differently than homework
assignments. You are allowed one late lab report per quarter with no penalty. The next late lab will
lose 10%, then 20% and so on.
Chemistry Content Targets
I can express a chemical or nuclear reaction in words or by writing a balanced equation.
I can visualize matter using pictures and words.
o compounds, elements, mixtures, solids, liquids, gases
I understand the differences between a chemical change and a physical change and I can
recognize them.
I can predict amounts used or made in a chemical reaction.
I can explain the differences between elements in terms of atomic structure.
I can predict shape and chemical properties of a substance by drawing molecular structures.
I can describe the behavior of gases in words, pictures, and equations.
I can describe the nature of a solution using words, pictures, and equations.
I can predict the products of chemical reactions.
I understand the structure of the Periodic table and can use it to find information.
I understand the concept of the mole and can apply its use in calculations.
I can qualitatively describe the factors that affect the reaction rate of a chemical reaction.
I can qualitatively describe a chemical reaction at equilibrium and how it is affected by outside
I can describe the energy gained or released in a chemical reaction and use a variety of
methods to calculate the energy changes involved in physical and chemical processes.
I can qualitatively and quantitatively describe the factors that affect the reaction rate of a
chemical reaction.
I can qualitatively and quantitatively describe a chemical reaction at equilibrium and how it is
affected by outside factors.