CHEMISTRY 11 - Mrs. Earland`s Class Resources

Teacher: Mrs. E. Earland
Rm. C301
Office Hours: Recess, Lunch, 3:00
Remind 101: text @mrsearland to (604) 332-3348
Topics Covered:
All timelines are approximate.
Quantitative Chemistry:
Unit I: Safety & Matter - 2 weeks
Lab Safety and equipment, Physical and Chemical Changes, Classifying Matter, Heating and Cooling
curves, Separating Matter
Unit II: Mathematics in Chemistry - 2 weeks
Si Units, Scientic Notation, Uncertainty in Measurement, Significant Figures, Density, Graph Analysis,
Unit III: Review of Naming & Chemical Reactions - 2 weeks
Nomenclature and Formula’s for; Ionic, Covalent, Acids, Polyatomics, Multivalents. Word & Formula
equations, Ballancing and Types of Reactions, Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Unit IV: Quantifying Matter – The Mole - 5 weeks
Avagadro’s Hypothesis and Number, Mole Conversions, Percent Compostition, Empiricle & Molecular
Formula’s , Molarity, Dilution Calculations, Ion Concentrations,
Unit V: Quantifying Reactions – Stoichiometry - 4 weeks
Stoichiometry Problems, with Molarity, Limiting/Excess Reagents, Percent Yeild,
Unit VI: Gases - 4 weeks
Introduction, Gas Laws, Molar Volume, Gas Reaction Problems
Theoretical Chemistry:
Unit VII: Atomic Theory and Bonding Theory - 8 weeks
Early models of Atoms, Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes, Atomic Theory, Electron
Configuration, Periodic Trends, Bond Classification and Bond Theory, Electronegativity, Solubility
Predictions, Polarity of Water, Aqueous Solutions
Unit VII: Organic Chemistry - 4 weeks
Hydrocarbons, Alkanes, Alkynes, Alkenes, Functional Groups,
Marks Distribution:
This course is assessed cumulatively, meaning that there are no divisions into terms.
1) Mark Allocation:
Labs/Assignments/Lab Quizzes:
2) Overall Distribution: School mark will account for 75% of the overall mark.
Final Exam: 25% of the year overall mark
NOTE: Graphing calculators are NOT allowed in the course nor in the Final Exam. No exceptions are made.
Please purchase an inexpensive scientific calculator for this course.
Assessment: Each unit in this course has a series of quizzes as well as one unit test.
If you perform better in the unit test than the average of your quizzes combined, I will void the
previous quiz marks for that unit.
At the end of the Quantitative Chemistry section of this course, there will be a cumulative
Extended Labs Assessment lab. If you perform better in this cumulative lab, I will void all relevant
previous lab marks leading up to this Assessment lab.
If you perform better in your Final Year End Exam than your June mark, I will give your Final
Exam mark as your overall mark for the year.
All of the above caveat are dependent on a strict policy of:
NO unexcused absences on class and/or quiz & test days.
NO late assignments/labs.
A “G” standing for work habits throughout the year - I will perform spontaneous HW checks, and if you
have not done your homework 3X in a term, your work habit mark will no longer be a G standing. I
also reserve the final right to judge whether you are at a G standing at any point during the year based
on your productivity in class and overall attitude in the course.
Rules & Regulations:
Class Conduct:
1) Regular attendance is required for a senior course as this – And NO you will not be able to survive simply
by accessing my notes on the web and understanding the day’s lesson – Otherwise, we would not need to
have teachers in classes. Being in class allows you to follow the flow of the lesson and understand the
overall processes and steps of the topic.
2) To thrive in this course, you need not be uber-smart, but you do need to be organized!!
3) I treat this classroom as a community. You are ALL responsible for each other’s behavior and learning, or
lack of it. I will NOT fight with you to deliver a lesson.
Lab Conduct:
1) You must always read and prepare the “Pre-lab write-up” before entering the lab. I will go around and
sign your pre-lab before allowing you to proceed.
2) You are to come prepared to not only perform the lab, but also think about the reasons why you are
performing the lab.
3) DO NOT wear contact lens on lab days. You will be asked to leave the classroom and receive zero.
4) Labs are generally due the following class at the beginning of the class.
Absentiism & Missed Work:
If you are away – you must have a guardian phone the school & excuse you!
-Tests are made up Thursday in W156 at 3:00pm and it is your responsibility to be there no acceptions
-You are responsible to keep up. Assignments, Labs etc. due the day you were away will still be due the day you
return. Any missed work will be due the following class. (Please attach a note to the cover of an assignment that is late for
this reason.)
Due Dates - Assignments are due at the start of class. Late assignments will be accepted however once an assignment has
been marked and handed back, depending on the nature of the assignment, either a mark of zero or an alternative
assignment for a maximum of 50% will be assigned.
Skipping class – You must attend class to be successful
-You will get 0% on any homework/quiz/tests due or assigned that day.
-Any unexcused absences is an N on your report-card and you will not be eligible to use your Unit Test grade to
override averaged marks
Academic Misconduct:
1) Plagiarism: two strikes and you’re out.
First time: Receive zero for lab. Will be disciplined by teacher and administrator. Will
receive call home.
Second Time: Will be removed from course with an F for the course.
Plagiarism includes:
Deliberately lifting text from another source, print or electronic, without citing the source.
Copying word for word the ideas and work of another student.
Taking 1 sentence or more of another student without citing the source.
Using the idea of another student and making it yours through paraphrasing.
2) Cheating: once and you’re gone!
If you’re caught cheating on a quiz or test once, you are immediately dealt with at the
administrative level, and will be removed from the course with an F in the course.