Syllabus - Chittenango Central Schools

Living Environment 2013-2014
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate
his life by conscious endeavor."
-H.D. Thoreau
Mr. Linehan
Course Description:
Living Environment is offered to students who desire an understanding of certain
basic biological concepts. Students will receive an introduction to the biological
sciences. Emphasis is placed on the cellular functions of organisms, genetics, and the
orderly evolution of organisms and processes in nature. An overall view of living
things, their function and the interactions that occur amongst them and their
environment is presented. Discussions and demonstrations are supplemented with
suitable laboratory activities.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
A. Understand and experience a scientific method of controlled experimentation for
problem solving and decision making.
B. Appreciate that all life functions on a molecular and cellular level as well as an
organismic level.
C. Describe how genetic information is passed from parents to offspring.
D. Be aware of the diversity of organisms and their individual solutions to living
E. Understand the importance of evolution to the development of organisms and
their relationship to the ecosystem.
F. Understand the flow of energy and the recycling of nutrients through an
G. Understand the interrelationships and interdependence of all living things.
H. Understand the relevance of biology to your life.
Course Topics:
◊ Ecology- Biogeochemical Cycles/Energy Flow/Ecological Pyramids/Community
Interactions/Ecological Succession/Populations
◊ Intro to Biology and the Microscope- Characteristics of Life/Scientific
Inquiry/Lab Safety/Microscope care, use, and importance
◊ Cell Biology- Cell Theory/Structure and Function/Diffusion and Osmosis
◊ Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration- Chemical formulas and
◊ Biochemistry- Importance of Enzymes/pH/Organic Compounds/Indicators
◊ Mitosis- Cell Cycle and Phases of Mitosis and Cancer
◊ Genetics- Meiosis/Structure of DNA/Protein Synthesis/DNA Replication
◊ Mendelian and Modern Genetics- Human Genetics/Genetic Engineering
◊ Reproduction and Development- Human Reproduction/Fertilization and
Development/Menstrual Cycle
◊ Human Body Systems- Levels of Organization/Endocrine and Nervous/Skeletal
and Muscular/Circulatory and Respiratory/Digestive and Excretory/Immunity and
◊ Evolution- Darwin and Natural Selection/Evidence for Evolution/History of
◊ Human Impact on the Environment- Population Growth/Environmental
Resources/Human Impact on the Environment/Conservation Biology
◊ Regents Review
IV. Grading:
35% Exams and Projects
25% Labs
15% Topic Quizzes/Note Quizzes
10% Homework and Classwork
15% Notes Outlines (Class Notes)
V. Absences:
My attendance policy follows the same guidelines outlined in the student handbook.
Absent students should see me at the beginning of class the day they return. You will
have as many days to make up the work as you were absent. If you miss a quiz or test, be
prepared to make up the assignment the day you return unless you make
arrangements with me. Homework assignments are due the day you return. Good
attendance and participation is one of the best ways to ensure success.
VI. Note Quizzes/Topic Quizzes:
For each unit you will be responsible for completing a Note Outline. These outlines will
serve as your class notes. You will be given at least one Note Outline Quiz per unit. You
will be allowed to use your outline during the quiz. Consequently, it is important to do a
good job on the outlines and save each unit in your binder. Topic Quizzes and Lab
Quizzes may be given at any point but I generally will give you several days notice.
VII. Tests:
You will be given at least five days notice for all unit tests. Tests will employ a variety of
formats such as multiple choice, short answer, and essays. Regents test questions are
most often used.
VIII. Labs and Projects:
Labs and projects will be an important aspect of the course. A minimum of 1200 lab
minutes are needed in order to be eligible to take the Regents Exam. All labs and
projects are due at the beginning of the assigned class period. Late assignments can be
marked down up to one letter grade each day until turned in. If you miss a lab see me
immediately so that we can schedule a time for you to make it up 10th Period.
IX. Homework:
Assigned homework will be checked at the beginning of the class period. Homework
does not have to be entirely correct to receive full credit as long as a valid effort has been
made to do the work. Missed or late assignments will result in a zero unless I specifically
tell you that you can make it up. All late work must be in before each unit test.
X. Classroom Expectations:
In order to maintain the learning environment, five simple rules should be followed at all
A. RESPECT each other. I promise to treat you with respect and expect he same
in return.
B. Be on time and prepared for class.
C. Listen when others are speaking and wait patiently for your turn to talk.
D. Follow directions and procedures that are given to you.
E. Use appropriate language.
XI. Acceptable Use:
Please review the school’s acceptable use policies as they relate to computers and the
internet. Use of the computer lab for computer games, instant messaging, and other
similar uses will not be tolerated.
XII. Materials:
 Colored pencils
 3-Ring binder
 Spiral notebook
 Pen or pencil
All materials should be brought to class every day. Save all notes and hand-outs to help
you prepare for the final exam.
XIII. Extra Help/10th Period:
I am always available 10th Period for extra help. You may also schedule a specific time
for extra help during a free period. Extra help can not be scheduled the day of a test.
XIV. Students with Disabilities
Support services are available for students with disabilities, including but not limited to
those who need assistance with vision, hearing, and mobility. It is my pleasure to receive
your inquiries confidentially, the earlier the better.
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
-Winston Churchill
I have read the enclosed information and I understand the expectations that
Mr. Linehan has for this class.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________
DATE: ________/_________/_________