

Physics with Mrs. Hoekman


Class Materials

Everyday you should bring: physics textbook, all physics worksheets and homework, pencil, and scientific calculator. You will lose credit if you are not prepared.

The Course

Physics is the study of the physical world. For the most part, we will be studying motion. You will learn: the path a ball takes, the distance needed for a car to stop, and the force felt when a jet does a roll more specifically: motion, forces, momentum and energy. We will do many demonstrations and activities to explain these concepts, but large part of physics is explained through math. Specific topics and assignments are availableat . You will need to recall past mathematics lessons and practice at home. We will also practice together in class; it will be easier if you tried on your own first. I am here after school to offer help, but you must try on your own before coming for help.

Grading Policy

Your grade will be calculated using your tests, lab work, and homework. Generally, tests are worth about 40 points, labs 5-10, and homework quizzes 1-5. Your final grade is determined by the equal percentage of your total points earned.

A 98-100% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D 68-69%

A 93-97% B 83-86% C 73-76%

A- 90-92% B- 80-82% C- 70-72%

Anything below 68% is failing.

I do not round grades up.

Extra credit is available only on tests and for winning classroom challenges.


Plan on homework every night!

Homework assignments will be given to you on a chapter outline at the beginning of the unit. You will have the outline with assignment dates there are no excuses for late work.

The unit outline is given at the beginning of every unit. All assignments are available online at

Work will not be accepted after the test for that unit – NO EXCEPTIONS

Tests and Pop Quizzes

There will be three or four tests per term, one at the end of each unit. The dates of all tests are given on the outline. Quizzes will be unannounced but you may use notes.

Everyone must take the test/quiz on test day regardless of prior absences.

Lowest two quizzes will be dropped – if you miss a quiz you cannot take it.

If you must miss the test day you will be expected to take it the next day. o If you chose to postpone the test the test I will deduct 20% per day.

Therefore, five school days after we take the test you cannot earn credit!

No Retakes for any test or quiz

On tests you will lose points if you don’t have a pencil or calculator, forgot your name, or talk to others.

You will get no credit for use an electric device other than a calculator, pass anything to another person, or use any notes/books.


The physics labs directly verify the principles we learn in class. You are responsible for all labs; an absence is not an excuse! Labs must be submitted at google classroom.

If you are absent you must complete the lab on your own

If you are not participating with your group you must complete the lab on your own

You cannot leave class during lab

If you are acting in an irresponsible manor that may ruin equipment or distracts other students I will remove you from lab and you will receive no credit/cannot do the lab .

Grade Reports

You will be able to check your grade at any time on AHConnect . The grades are updated the day after a test (approximately every two weeks) and sometimes more often. It is your responsibility to notify me if there are any errors.

Correct an error within two weeks of when it was recorded or I will not change the grade.

Hall Passes/Late for class

If you are not in class you are not learning. If you are late for class you will be copy a physics page due the next day.


Don’t do it. Stealing answers from any source for any purpose is not acceptable! All work in physics must be written out showing all work - any answers not supported will no be accepted so don’t turn them in. If you are caught cheating you will not get credit for that assignment, lab, quiz, or test and your parents, counselor, assistant principal, and the NHS will be notified.

NO CELL PHONES or other electronic devices

I will take the device for the hour and lock it in my drawer. You may have it back at the end of the hour.

Repeted offencses will be reported to the office.

If you touch any of these devises during a test or quiz you will get zero for a grade.


If you truant a class, you may not make up the work, labs or tests missed that day.


Do not touch any equipment unless you check with me first.

Do not enter the storeroom unless told to.

You will pay for any equipment you break.

I have read and understand the requirements. _______________________

Please sign and return for credit Student

Due on test day



More information and details of the policies are at select your class then introductory slideshow.

Please visit AHConnect and update your email address so you can receive emails.

Call 763-506-6800 if you wish to speak with me.
