“Together we work, learn, pray, grow” “This is a good school” (Ofsted 2015) Corpus Christi Catholic College: General Information about the School Corpus Christi is a happy and vibrant school in which teachers enjoy their work and pupils want to come to school. Staff are supportive and helpful and, in consequence, staff morale is high. There is a strong “can do” culture. The school is near the junction of the A63/A64 roads, about three miles east of Leeds city centre, close to the A1/M1/M62 motorways. The original school buildings date back to 1968 and the school was reorganised as one of three 11-16 Catholic High Schools in Leeds. The school became a Specialist Technology College in 2001. Corpus Christi was one of the schools in the programme for “Building Schools for the Future” and we have undergone a complete refurbishment with some significant new build which was completed in September 2012. The present roll is of 950 students aged between eleven and sixteen years and the school is full in every year group. The school is significantly oversubscribed and enjoys a strong reputation in the local area as a rapidly improving school with a strong Christian and community ethos. The school has a very good pastoral structure, which it is committed to keeping and teachers receive very good back up support. We are part of the Leeds School Centred Initial Teacher Training initiative (SCITT), in partnership with Leeds Trinity University College and student teachers, supply staff and visitors frequently comment on what a supportive and friendly school this is. The school was inspected by OFSTED in June 2015. The Inspectors said: The headteacher’s ambition, vision and high expectations have driven rapid school improvement. The proportion of students who gain five or more GCSE grades at A* to C, including English and mathematics, has risen from below average to average. The progress made by disadvantaged students and others has increased in English and mathematics. In 2014, rates of progress were close to national averages. Good teaching over time enables students to make good progress. Good leadership of teaching and assessment results in continual improvement. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. The calm college atmosphere supports a good work ethic in classrooms. Attendance has improved and persistent absence reduced. School leaders’ work to keep students safe is good. Students act safely and feel safe. Improved governance provides good support and well-informed challenge for senior and middle leaders. Currently the teaching staff establishment is 74, together with 76 support staff. The accommodation includes specialist suites for RE, English, Science, Mathematics, Technology, Music and Drama, the Humanities, Art and Modern Languages. Every teaching area is equipped with an interactive whiteboard. Other areas include a superb hall with an integral chapel, a huge state of the art sports hall with fantastic changing facilities and a fitness suite, which have provided us with the opportunity to offer the local community evening and weekend use of the sports facilities. We have a broad curriculum according to the needs of a diverse range of pupils and much curriculum development has been undertaken, with particular emphasis on GCSE work. We have a strong intervention programme operating across the whole school to support vulnerable learners. We have developed close links with local industries and colleges. There is a good sporting tradition with strong encouragement of a wide range of sports. Extra-curricular activities include visits to Italy (skiing), residential visits and religious retreats, and work experience programmes. The music department in recent years has gone from strength to strength and we have an excellent choir. Over 70 pupils have instrumental lessons and there are a number of strong and developing music groups including The School Band, Recorder Groups and an excellent bi-annual production. Our mission statement – Together we work, learn, pray, grow – has been given a real boost by our new build and refurbishment. Pupils and staff are enjoying and benefiting from the new and improved teaching and learning areas, new facilities and equipment. This is a very exciting time for all of us! This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children, and expects our staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Please email your completed application form and letter to Mrs C Kelly, Business, Finance & HR Manager – kellyc@corpusleeds.org by 12 noon on the closing date. Corpus Christi Catholic College Neville Road Leeds LS9 0TT Tel: 0113 2009010 Email: info@corpusleeds.org