
Leeds Early Start information sharing script for children’s centre staff
Hello, I am…….a family outreach worker, working as part of the Leeds Early Start service. We are a
team made up of children’s centre and health visiting staff who are here to support you and your
family pre-birth and up until your child goes to school full time.
You and your child will be registered with ……..children’s centre who can provide you with support
and additional information regarding family support, child development and childcare.
Your local health visitors are based at……….health centre. Health visitors are responsible for the
Healthy Child Programme. This consists of a schedule of developmental reviews, health promotion,
parenting support, immunisations and screening tests, which promotes and protects the health and
well being of children.
To ensure that you and your family have the best possible service form Early Start, we share
information with other members of the team. Only team members involved with your care will have
access to this information. We will not share any information with other services without your consent
unless there is a danger of harm to a child or vulnerable adult.
Your health records are held electronically on both a national and local system. The national system
holds only basic information about you. The local system holds detailed information about your care.
Only health professionals who are directly involved with your care will be able to see this information.
Other electronic information kept by the Early Start team is stored on a confidential file that only Early
Start team members have access to. Any paper based records kept by the Early Start team is stored
in a looked filing cabinet which is kept in a secured area.