DUCIS Conference


DUCIS Conference

Myth and Reality: Language, Literature, and Culture in Modern Ireland

Dalarna University, 29-30 October 2009

Thursday, 29 October 2009


Registration and Refreshments (Main Entrance Hall)



Official Opening (Lecture Room 1)

Irene Gilsenan Nordin, Conference Convenor

Alf Johansson , Director of Dalarna County Council, and Member of

Dalarna University Board of Governors (to be confirmed)

Andrew Casson , Director of Education and Research, Dalarna


Elin Holmsten , Director of Languages, School of Humanities and

Media Studies, Dalarna University

Plenary Lecture 1 (Lecture Room 1)

Chair: TBA (Dalarna University)

Diarmuid O’Giollain

(Department of Folklore and Ethnology,

University College Cork)

Myths of Nation? Vernacular Traditions in Modernity

Lunch (Vildgåsen) 12.00-13.00

13.00-14.30 SESSION 1: Lecture Room 1

Irish Myths and Other Cultures

Chair: TBA (Dalarna University)

1. John Eastlake (University College Cork)

Jeremiah Curtin’s Scientific Mythology

2. Sigma Ankrava (University of Latvia)

Representations of Irish Myth in Latvian Culture

3. Debora Biancheri (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Exporting the Deconstruction of a Myth: Doyle’s A Star Called

Henry in Italy

Refreshments (Main Entrance Hall) 14.30-15.00


SESSION 2: Lecture Room 1

The Myths of Globalisation

Chair: Mats Tegmark (Dalarna University)

1. David Mitchell Clarke (Universidade da Coruna)

Hard Cases; Dark Times: Gene Kerrigan and the Myth of the Tiger

2. Nessa Cronin (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Ireland after Tara: Revisiting the “Core Values” of National Culture

in Contemporary Irish Writing

3. Billy Gray (Dalarna University)


“The ravages of second hand experience”: Hubert Butler’s

Perspective on the Myth of a Globalised Ireland



Refreshments (Main Entrance Hall)

SESSION 3: Lecture Room 1

Myth and Reality in the Contemporary Irish Novel

Chair: TBA (Dalarna University)

1. Kuan-Hui Liao (National Taiwan University)

The Demythologisation of Natural Beauty: An Ecofeminist Reading

of the Female Body in James Joyce’s ‘Nausicaa’

2. Irina Rasmussen Goloubeva (Uppsala University, Sweden )

James Joyce’s Ulysses and the Myth of Creation: Utopian


3. Helena Wulff


(Stockholm University)

Traces of Tradition: Myth in the Modern Reality of

by Deirdre Madden

Molly Fox’s

19.00-21.00 Reception Dalarna Students Union House, Falun

Friday, 30 October 2009

9.00- 10.00 Plenary Lecture 2

Chair: TBA

(Lecture Room 1)

(Dalarna University)

Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

(School of English, Trinity College Dublin)

Myth, Folklore and Creative Writing



Refreshments (Main Entrance Hall)

SESSION 4: Lecture Room 1

Myth in Contemporary Irish Poetry

Chair: TBA (Dalarna University)


Kärt Vahtramäe

(University of Tartu, Estonia)

The Myth of the Myth Breaker: The Peasant-Poet in Patrick

Kavanagh’s Poetry

2. Anne Karhio (National University of Ireland, Galway)

In Search of “St Elsewhere”: Popular Music and Nostalgia in


3. Katharina Walter (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Echoes of the Chora in Contemporary Irish Women

Poets’ Responses to Female Allegories of the Nation


Lunch (Vildgåsen)

13.00-14.00 SESSION 5: Lecture Room 1







Social Memory, Myth and Popular Culture

Chair: TBA (Dalarna University)

1. Therese McIntyre (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Popular Culture as a Source of History: A Case for the “Kevin

Barry” Ballad

2. Fintan Walsh (Trinity College, Dublin)

On Beauty and Other Ugly Myths

Refreshments (Main Entrance Hall)

SESSION 6: Lecture Room 1

Language Myths

Chair: Jonathan White (Dalarna University)

1. Shane Walshe (University of Bamberg, Germany)

“So, it’s our syntax you’re criticizin’ then?”: Irish English Speech in The Simpsons and Family Guy

2. Peter Sundkvist (Dalarna University)

Stage “Newfie” on Steroids – Yet Another “Oirish” Accent?

Wine Reception Media House

Poetry Reading

Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

Conference Dinner

Svarta Havet (Media House)

(Host: Mats Tegmark , Head of Development for Teacher Education, and Director of Research for Languages, Literature and Culture

(Dalarna University)

