PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM This document provides benchmarks for the Colonies of Phi Gamma Delta to meet on a semester-by-semester basis. These benchmarks will help the colony progress towards chartering, while developing into the top fraternity on its respective campus; however, please note that these benchmarks are only minimum suggestions. The colony will need to work together with local graduate advisory boards, Greek life staff and Headquarters staff to identify additional benchmarks necessary to achieve the goal of becoming the strongest chapter on each respective campus. SEMESTER Assumes colonization ends in mid-fall or mid-spring -- Semester 1 is the initial half-semester of colony operation Colony Operations – Semester ____ Officers are elected ____ Meet with PL and BCA to discuss Colony Operation Guide for Success: The First 40 Days ____ Committee chairmen appointed and all other members assigned to at least one committee ____ Colony mission statement and vision developed ____ Committee structure and meeting schedule developed ____ Colony email list-serve is created for internal communication purposes ____ All pledging forms and fees submitted to IHQ ____ Bimonthly communication with IHQ ____ Monthly Colony Progress Report(s) submitted to IHQ ____ Colony Bylaws are drafted and ratified ____ Colony is represented at all IFC meetings ____ Colony President meets monthly with Greek Advisor to update Greek life office on the Colony’s progress Recruitment – Semester ____ Recruitment Chairman meets with Graduate Recruitment Advisor to discuss Recruitment Guide for Success: The First 40 Days ____ Colony develops recruitment goals and action plan ____ Colony develops minimum standards of scholarship, leadership, and involvement for prospective members PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 2 Recruitment – Semester continued **Recommendation: The colony seeks men with a GPA of 3.0 or higher; bids are not extended to those under a 2.5. ____ Prospective Member list created **Each member is required to provide at least three names of prospective recruits; obtain contact information for each prospect on the list ____ Colony holds (at minimum) two group recruitment events ____ Recruitment discussed at ALL colony meetings ____ Develop recruitment plan for winter/summer break ____ Develop plans for recruitment retreat before the start of next semester ____ Contact graduate brothers for recruitment recommendations ____ Extend bids to prospective members for semester 2 pledge class when appropriate Scholarship - Semester ____ Scholarship Chairman meets with Graduate Scholarship Advisor to discuss development of scholarship program ____ Begin search for a Faculty Advisor if not already secured; if secured, Scholarship Chairman meets with Faculty Advisor to discuss development of scholarship program ____ Colony scholarship program is drafted and sent to IHQ for review ____ Colony institutes study hour requirements for all members ____ Scholarship Chairman encourages all brothers to apply for the AAA scholarship and other Educational Foundation scholarships ____ Scholarship is stressed as a major aspect of recruitment Philanthropy/Service - Semester ____ Organized system developed for recording members’ community service hours ____ Each member completes 5 hours of community service (minimum for a full semester is 15 hours) ____ Colony completes initial community service project (at minimum) ____ Planning begins for major colony philanthropic event for next semester ____ Colony participates in all major IFC, sorority and fraternity philanthropic events Finances - Semester ____ Colony has sent all forms and fees for Founding Father pledge class to IHQ ____ Colony decides on monthly dues ____ Colony develops system for collecting member dues ____ Colony develops budget for remainder of (or next) academic year **Copy of budget sent to IHQ ____ Colony adds $500 to its chartering fund (recommended minimum) PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 3 Graduate Relations - Semester ____ Colony has an active Purple Legionnaire, Pledge Educator and Board of Colony Advisors ____ All committee chairmen have contacted their respective graduate advisors ____ Board of Colony Advisors and Cabinet have met, or are planning to meet at the beginning of semester 2 ____ Colony has planned graduate recruitment event and begins to contact graduate brothers with details ____ Graduate email list-serve is compiled and colony email updates are sent to graduate brothers monthly Member Development - Semester ____ Colony attends all IFC/Greek life educational sessions as a group ____ Colony Historian or Membership Development Chairman has contacted Membership Development BCA member to discuss group educational seminars during semester 2 (e.g., alcohol/drug abuse, personal health, male/female relationships, etc.) ____ All colony members are involved in at least one student organization other than the Fraternity ____ Colony has planned to send three delegates to the upcoming Fraternity event (Fiji Academy – winter, Ekklesia – summer) ____ Founding Father class completes 4-6 weeks of pledge education Other - Semester ____ Colony begins to field intramural teams ____ Colony begins weekly group brotherhood events (dinners/lunches, sporting events, etc.) ____ Colony holds at least one social event – preferably non-alcoholic ____ If housing is available, the colony maintains an alcohol-free living facility SEMESTER First full semester of colony operation Colony Operations - Semester 2 ____ Committees meet weekly, committee reporting structure developed ____ All pledging forms and fees submitted to IHQ on time ____ Bi-monthly communication with IHQ – Director of Chapter Development/Field Secretary ____ Monthly Colony Progress Report(s) submitted to IHQ ____ Colony has developed an internal judicial system including the formation of a Judicial Board ____ Colony develops a working Judicial Board ____ Colony is represented at all IFC meetings ____ Colony President meets monthly with Greek Advisor to update Greek life on colony’s progress ____ Colony holds group retreat to develop goals and action plans for upcoming semester ____ Each member (brother and pledge) is assigned to at least one committee ____ Colony elects new officers immediately following first pledge class initiation. PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 4 ____ If semester 2 is the fall semester, colony officers appoint new committee chairmen in November who will serve a one-year term. **This will ensure that the colony’s officer and committee chairman terms are on a yearly schedule that is similar to most Fiji colonies/chapters. Recruitment – Semester 2 ____ Colony holds a recruitment retreat at the beginning of the semester; the main objectives of the retreat are: • To develop recruitment goals and action plan • To discuss components of a Recruit 365 recruitment program • To train members how to recruit (i.e. prospecting, conversations techniques, five-step recruitment model, prospect tracking, etc.) ____ Colony develops and implements an organized Recruit 365 program ____ Colony successfully recruits semester 2 pledge class ____ Recruitment Chairman meets with Graduate Recruitment Advisor on a regular basis to discuss recruitment progress ____ Prospective member list is maintained throughout the semester and reviewed at one colony meeting per month ____ Recruitment is discussed at ALL colony meetings ____ Colony develops recruitment plan for winter/summer break ____ Colony develops plans for recruitment retreat before the start of semester 3 ____ Colony contacts graduate brothers for recruitment recommendations ____ Colony begins extending bids to prospective members for semester 3 pledge class when appropriate (bids can be extended throughout the semester if the campus allows it) Scholarship – Semester 2 ____ Colony scholarship program is approved and implemented ____ Scholarship Chairman meets with Graduate Scholarship Advisor on a regular basis to discuss the progress of the colony’s scholarship program ____ Scholarship Chairman conducts semi-annual academic review (individual academic conference with each member) ____ Colony continues study hour requirements for all members ____ Colony holds first scholarship dinner ____ Colony has an active Faculty Advisor who conducts at least one educational program with the members each semester ____ Colony submits required paperwork for AAA scholarship awards, encourages all members to apply for additional Foundation scholarships ____ The Colony’s GPA is the highest, or at least ranks in the top three highest GPAs of peer fraternities ____ Scholarship is continually stressed as a major aspect of recruitment PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 5 Philanthropy/Community Service – Semester 2 ____ Organized system is used for recording members’ community service hours ____ Each member completes, at minimum, 15 hours of community service ____ Colony completes, at minimum, one community service project ____ Colony completes, at minimum, one major philanthropic event ** One event each year should benefit one of Phi Gamma Delta’s philanthropies – The Red Cross or USO ____ Colony participates in all major IFC, sorority and fraternity philanthropic events _____ At end of semester 2, Philanthropy/Community Service Chairman develops cumulative philanthropy/community service report for chartering petition Finances – Semester 2 ____ Colony has sent all forms and fees for semester 2 pledges to IHQ ____ If necessary, all tax forms are completed ____ Colony collects monthly dues in a timely manner ____ Colony begins to develop budget for next academic year (in spring semester) ____ Colony finalizes the budget for this academic year (in fall semester) **Copy of budget sent to IHQ ____ Colony holds, at minimum, three group fundraisers ____ Colony adds $500 to its chartering fund ____ Colony should budget for upcoming Fraternity events (Academy, Ekklesia, Recruitment Workshop) Graduate Relations – Semester 2 ____ All committee chairmen communicate regularly with their respective graduate advisors ____ The Board of Colony Advisors and Cabinet meet at least twice and hold a conference call monthly ____ Colony holds at least one graduate recruitment event ____ Graduate Relations Chairman and Graduate Relations Advisor discuss plans for upcoming Pig Dinner ____ Colony distributes initial graduate newsletter – Recommendation: distribute 3-4 newsletters each year Member Development – Semester 2 ____ Founding Father pledge class completes pledge education and members are initiated as colony brothers ____ Colony appoints Pledge Educator to conduct pledge education of the semester 2 pledge class ____ Semester 2 pledge class is initiated after an eight week pledge education program ____ Colony holds at least two ritual meetings each month after Founding Father class is initiated ____ Colony knows the Doxology and other Fraternity songs ____ Colony requests Situation Self Leadership Program for all members ____ Colony attends all IFC/Greek life educational sessions as a group ____ Colony holds, at minimum, one group educational seminar during semester 2 (ex. alcohol/drug abuse, personal health, male/female relationships, etc.) PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 6 **Recommendation: colony holds the seminar in conjunction with a sorority or extends the invitation to the entire Greek community ____ All Colony members are involved in at least one student organization other than the Fraternity **Colony members are encouraged to apply for positions in IFC, student government, orientation leadership, etc. to increase the colony’s presence on campus ____ Colony has planned to send three delegates to the upcoming Fraternity event (Fiji Academy – winter, Ekklesia – summer) Chartering Preparation – Semester 2 ____ Colony forms a chartering committee whose responsibilities include: • Updating the colony website with recent accomplishments and events • Long-term planning for the achievement of chartering goals • Communicating with IHQ and graduate brothers about the colony’s progress towards chartering • Chartering weekend preparations ____ Colony develops a website to double as the chartering petition **All colony accomplishments and events are added to the website (i.e. community service projects, members service hours, philanthropy events, academic success, recruitment success, member bios, etc.) ____ Colony sends bound copy of meeting minutes to IHQ ____ Colony Historian starts to work on the colony history, which is to be completed by chartering Other – Semester 2 ____ Colony is involved in all intramural events (or as many as possible) ____ Colony continues weekly group brotherhood events ____ Colony holds several social events following all Fraternity, IFC and university risk-management guidelines **At least one of these events must be alcohol-free ____ If housing is available, the colony maintains an alcohol-free living facility ____ Colony sends bound copy of meeting minutes to IHQ SEMESTER Colony Operations – Semester 3 ____ Committees meet weekly, committee reporting structure firmly in place ____ All pledging forms and fees submitted to IHQ on time ____ Bi-monthly communication with IHQ – Director of Chapter Development ____ Monthly Colony Progress Report(s) submitted to IHQ ____ Colony is represented at all IFC meetings PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 7 ____ Colony President meets monthly with Greek Advisor to update the Greek life office on the colony’s progress ____ Colony holds group retreat to develop goals and action plans for upcoming semester ____ Each member (brother and pledge) is assigned to at least one committee Recruitment – Semester 3 ____ Colony successfully recruits semester III pledge class **With the addition of the semester 3 class, colony size should be more than half that of the largest fraternity on campus ____ Colony appoints new Recruitment Chairman to immediately begin recruiting semester 4 pledge class ____ Recruitment Chairman meets with Graduate Recruitment Advisor on a regular basis to discuss recruitment progress ____ Colony holds a recruitment retreat at the beginning of the semester; the main objectives of the retreat are: • To develop recruitment goals and action plan • To discuss components of a Recruit 365 recruitment program • To train members how to recruit (i.e. prospecting, conversations techniques, five-step recruitment model, prospect tracking, etc.) ____ Colony’s Recruit 365 program continues to be implemented, evaluated and refined ____ Prospective member list is maintained throughout the year/reviewed at one colony meeting per month ____ Recruitment is discussed at ALL colony meetings ____ Colony develops recruitment plan for winter/summer break ____ Colony develops plans for recruitment retreat before the start of semester 4 ____ Colony contacts graduate brothers for recruitment recommendations ____ Colony begins extending bids to prospective members for semester 4 pledge class when appropriate (bids can be extended throughout the semester) Scholarship – Semester 3 ____ Colony scholarship program continues to be implemented, evaluated and refined _____ Scholarship Chairman meets with Graduate Scholarship Advisor on a regular basis to discuss the progress of the Colony’s scholarship program ____ Scholarship Chairman conducts semi-annual academic review with each member ____ Colony continues study hour requirements for all members ____ Colony holds second scholarship dinner ____ Colony has an active Faculty Advisor who conducts at least one educational program with the members ____ Colony submits required paperwork for AAA scholarship awards for semester 3 pledge class, encourages all members to apply for additional Foundation scholarships ____ The Colony’s GPA is the highest, or at least ranks in the top three highest GPAs of peer fraternities ____ Colony holds first annual faculty reception ____ Scholarship is continually stressed as a major aspect of recruitment PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 8 Scholarship – Semester 3 continued ____ Plans are made for faculty reception next semester Philanthropy/Community Service – Semester 3 ____ Organized system is used for recording members’ community service hours ____ Each member completes, at minimum, 15 hours of community service ____ Colony completes, at minimum, two community service projects ____ Colony completes, at minimum, one major philanthropic event **One event each year should benefit one of Phi Gamma Delta’s philanthropies – The Red Cross or USO ____ Colony participates in all major IFC, sorority and fraternity philanthropic events Finances – Semester 3 ____ Colony has sent all forms and fees for Semester 3 pledges to IHQ ____ If necessary, all tax forms are completed ____ Colony collects monthly dues in a timely manner ____ Colony begins to develop budget for next academic year (in spring semester) ____ Colony finalizes the budget for this academic year (in fall semester) **Copy of budget sent to IHQ ____ Colony holds 2-3 group fundraisers (preferably three or more) ____ Colony adds $5,500 to its chartering fund **Chartering fund should total at least $10,000 prior to chartering weekend (not including initiation fees) Graduate Relations – Semester 3 ____ All committee chairmen regularly communicate with their respective graduate advisor ____ The Board of Colony Advisors and Cabinet meet at least twice and hold a conference call monthly ____ Colony holds at least one graduate recruitment event ____ Colony holds one graduate relations event - e.g., graduate dinner reception, golf tournament, tailgate, etc. ____ Colony distributes graduate newsletter – Recommendation: distribute 3-4 newsletters each year ____ Graduate email list-serve is used to send monthly email updates to graduate brothers ____ Colony begins planning annual Pig Dinner Member Development – Semester 3 ____ Colony appoints Pledge Educator to conduct pledge education of the semester 3 pledge class ____ Semester 3 pledge class is initiated after an eight week pledge education program ____ Colony holds at least two ritual meetings each month ____ Colony knows the Doxology and other Fraternity songs ____ Colony attends all IFC/Greek Life educational sessions as a group PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 9 Member Development – Semester 3 continued ____ Colony holds, at minimum, two group educational seminars during semester 2 (e.g., alcohol/drug abuse, personal health, male/female relationships, etc.) **Recommendation: hold these seminars in conjunction with a sorority or extends the invitation to the entire Greek community ____ All Colony members are involved in at least one student organization other than the Fraternity **Colony members should begin to take leadership positions in IFC, student government, orientation leadership, etc. ____ Colony has planned to send three delegates to the upcoming Fraternity event (Fiji Academy – winter, Ekklesia – summer) Chartering Preparation – Semester 3 ____ Colony chartering committee continues to update the colony website with recent accomplishments and events ____ Colony chartering committee continues planning for chartering weekend • Set chartering date and communicate it to IHQ and BCA • Recommend a Legate to the Archons ____ Colony conducts a Midpoint Chartering Progress Evaluation during a visit from a Fraternity Director ____ Colony chartering committee submits a first draft of the chartering petition to the BCA and IHQ for review and feedback ____ Colony Historian continues to work on the colony history, which is to be completed by chartering Other – Semester 3 ____ Colony is involved in all intramural events (or as many as possible) ____ Colony continues weekly group dinners/lunches ____ Colony holds several social events following all Fraternity, IFC and university risk-management guidelines **At least one of these events must be alcohol-free ____ If housing is available, the colony maintains an alcohol-free living facility **Semester 3 should be the chartering semester; contact the Director of Chapter Development for resources about preparing for the chartering weekend. Chartering weekend preparations should be started well in advance of the chartering date. SEMESTER Although the Colony Semester Progress Program indicates that Semester 3 is the intended chartering semester, it is important to realize that there might be particular instances where a colony does not charter during Semester 3. The progress plan can be adapted in conjunction with IHQ staff. However, regardless of PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 10 chartering, the Colony/Chapter should continue to fulfill the benchmarks set forth by this progress program. This will ensure that the group continues its success. Colony/Chapter Operations – Semester 4 ____ Committees meet weekly, committee reporting structure firmly in place ____ All pledging forms and fees submitted to IHQ on time ____ Bimonthly communication with IHQ – Director of Chapter Development ____ Monthly Colony/Chapter Progress Report(s) submitted to IHQ ____ Colony/Chapter is represented at all IFC meetings ____ Colony/Chapter President and various officers/chairmen meet bimonthly with Greek Advisor to update the Greek life office on the Colony/Chapter’s progress ____ Colony/Chapter holds group retreat to develop goals and action plans for upcoming semester ____ Each member (brother and pledge) is assigned to at least one committee ____ If semester 4 is a fall semester, the Colony/Chapter elects new officers and committee chairmen in November Recruitment – Semester 4 ____ Colony/Chapter successfully recruits semester 4 pledge class ____ Recruitment Chairman meets with Graduate Recruitment Advisor on a regular basis to discuss recruitment progress ____ Colony/Chapter holds a recruitment retreat at the beginning of the semester; the main objectives of the retreat are: • To develop recruitment goals and action plan • To discuss components of a Recruit 365 recruitment program • To train members how to recruit (e.g., prospecting, conversations techniques, 5-step process, prospect tracking) ____ Colony’s Recruit 365 program continues to be implemented, evaluated and refined ____ Prospective member list is maintained throughout the semester and reviewed at ALL colony/chapter meetings ____ Recruitment is discussed at ALL colony/chapter meetings ____ Colony/Chapter develops recruitment plan for winter/summer break ____ Colony/Chapter develops plans for recruitment retreat before the start of semester 5 ____ Colony/Chapter contacts graduate brothers for recruitment recommendations ____ Colony/Chapter begins extending bids to prospective members for semester 5 pledge class when appropriate (bids can be extended throughout the semester) Scholarship – Semester 4 ____ Colony/Chapter scholarship program continues to be implemented, evaluated and refined PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 11 _____ Scholarship Chairman meets with Graduate Scholarship Advisor on a regular basis to discuss the progress of the Colony/Chapter’s scholarship program ____ Scholarship Chairman conducts semi-annual academic review (individual academic conference with each member) ____ Colony/Chapter continues study hour requirements for all members ____ Colony/Chapter holds third scholarship dinner ____ Colony/Chapter has an active Faculty Advisor who conducts at least one educational program with the members each semester ____ Colony/Chapter submits required paperwork for AAA scholarship awards for semester 4 pledge class, encourages all members to apply for additional Educational Foundation scholarships ____ The Colony/Chapter’s GPA should be the highest among all fraternities on campus ____ Colony/Chapter holds second annual faculty reception ____ Scholarship is continually stressed as a major aspect of recruitment Philanthropy/Community Service – Semester 4 ____ Organized system is used for recording members community service hours ____ Each member completes, at minimum, 15 hours of community service ____ Colony/Chapter completes, at minimum, two community service projects ____ Colony/Chapter completes, at minimum, one major philanthropic event **One philanthropic event each year should benefit one of Phi Gamma Delta’s philanthropies – The Red Cross or the USO ____ Colony/Chapter participates in all major IFC, sorority and fraternity philanthropic events Finances – Semester 4 ____ Colony/Chapter has sent all forms and fees for semester 4 pledges to IHQ ____ If necessary, all tax forms are completed ____ Colony/Chapter collects monthly dues in a timely manner ____ Colony/Chapter begins to develop budget for next academic year (in spring semester) ____ Colony/Chapter finalizes the budget for this academic year (in fall semester) **Colony/Chapter sends copy of budget to IHQ ____ Colony/Chapter continues to hold 2-3 group fundraisers Graduate Relations – Semester 4 ____ All committee chairmen regularly communicate with their respective graduate advisors ____ The Board of Colony/Chapter Advisors and Cabinet meet twice collectively (at minimum) ____ Colony/Chapter holds at least one graduate event ____ Colony/Chapter holds one graduate relations event (e.g., graduate dinner reception, golf tournament, tailgate, etc.) ____ Colony/Chapter distributes graduate newsletter – Recommendation: distribute 3-4 newsletters each year ____ Graduate email list-serve is used to send monthly email updates to graduate brothers PHI GAMMA DELTA SEMESTER PROGRESS PROGRAM 12 Graduate Relations – Semester 4 continued ____ Colony/Chapter begins planning second annual Pig Dinner Member Development – Semester 4 ____ Colony/Chapter appoints Pledge Educator to conduct pledge education of the semester 4 pledge class ____ Semester IV pledge class is initiated after an eight week pledge education program ____ Colony/Chapter holds at least two ritual meetings each month ____ Colony/Chapter knows the Doxology and other Fraternity songs ____ Colony/Chapter attends all IFC/Greek life educational sessions as a group ____ Colony/Chapter holds, at minimum, two group educational seminars during semester 4 (i.e. alcohol/drug abuse, personal health, male/female relationships, etc.) **Recommendation: hold these seminars in conjunction with a sorority or open the invitation to the entire Greek community ____ All Colony/Chapter members are involved in at least one student organization other than the Fraternity **Colony/Chapter members should begin to take leadership positions in IFC, student government, orientation leadership, etc. ____ Colony/Chapter has planned to send three delegates to the upcoming Fraternity event (Fiji Academy – winter, Ekklesia – summer) Other – Semester 4 ____ Colony/Chapter is successfully involved in all intramural events (or as many as possible) ____ Colony/Chapter continues weekly group dinners/lunches ____ Colony/Chapter holds several social events following all Fraternity, IFC and university risk-management guidelines **At least one of these events must be alcohol-free ____ If housing is available, the Colony/Chapter maintains an alcohol-free living facility