Generic Risk Assessment for Using Classrooms This Generic Risk Assessment has been prepared for using classrooms for club or societies activities. Standard hazards for using classrooms have been identified and rated. Club/Society committees are responsible for identifying how to reduce the risk of these hazards and implementing ways to do so. You must update this form and submit it to the Students’ Union for approval any time there are any changes. Please ensure you have read the guidance notes on how to complete a Risk Assessment before completion Please complete: Name Of Department/Group: Date last updated: Name and Position: Reviewed / approved by: Location: Hazard likelihood Inevitable Highly likely Possible Unlikely Remote possibility What are the hazards? Slips and trips Definition If the work continues as it is, there is almost 100% certainty that an accident will happen, e.g. Bare, exposed electrical conductors Unstable stacks of heavy boxes Will happen more often than not. Additional factors could precipitate an incident but it is still likely to happen without this additional factor. The accident may occur if additional factors precipitate it, but it is unlikely to happen without them. This incident or illness might occur but the probability is low and the risk minimal. There is really no risk present. Only under freak conditions could there be any possibility of an accident or illness. All reasonable precautions have been taken - This should be the normal state of the workplace/activity. Who might be harmed and how? Club/Society members and visitors may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages Points rating 5 4 3 Hazard severity Very high Definition High Causing death, serious injury or permanent disability to an individual. 4 Moderate Temporary disability causing injury or disease capable of keeping an individual off work/Uni for three days or more Minor injury, which would allow the individual to continue work after first aid treatment on site or at a local surgery. The duration of the stoppage or treatment is such that the normal flow of work is not seriously interrupted. Very minor injury, bruise, graze, no risk of disease. 3 Slight 2 1 Nil Risk Rating L S LXS 2 3 6 Causing multiple deaths and widespread destruction eg. fire, building collapse. What are you already doing? Points rating 5 Risk = Severity X Likelihood Risk Rating Score 1-4 5-9 2 10-15 16-25 Action Broadly acceptable - No action required Moderate - reduce risks if reasonably practicable High Risk - priority action to be undertaken Unacceptable -action must be taken IMMEDIATELY 1 Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? Action by whom? Action by when? Residual Risk Rating L S LXS Generic Risk Assessment for Using Classrooms This Generic Risk Assessment has been prepared for using classrooms for club or societies activities. Standard hazards for using classrooms have been identified and rated. Club/Society committees are responsible for identifying how to reduce the risk of these hazards and implementing ways to do so. You must update this form and submit it to the Students’ Union for approval any time there are any changes. Please ensure you have read the guidance notes on how to complete a Risk Assessment before completion Fire Club/Society members and their visitors may suffer from burns/smoke inhalation in the event of fire. 1 5 5 Using equipment Club/Society members and their visitors may be injured by using equipment incorrectly or if the equipment is faulty or installed incorrectly. Clubs/Society members and their visitors may be injured by moving items (such as tables & chairs). 2 3 6 2 3 6 Manual handling