Academic Intervention Checklist for Teachers

(If behavioral areas are the concern, complete the green packet instead)
Student :_____________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________
General modifications
Conference with parent/guardian
Conference with previous teachers
Conference with student
Work with small group
Work with peer tutor
Work with OU or other adult tutor
Student attends CAP time
Daily progress reports implemented
Preferential seating in the classroom
Use of study carrel / quiet study area
Classroom structure increased
Assignment checklist implemented
Instructional Modifications
Modified or shortened assignments
Alternative assignments
Select assignments not required
Modified or extended time limits
Directions given in another mode
(visual, verbal, or written)
One on one Instruction
Alternate highly or less preferred tasks
Visual Material Used (charts, films, slides, maps, sight
words, flashcards, experience stories, cue cards,
guides, calculators, etc.)
Assignments Xeroxed for student
Intervention Model
Regina B. Blair
Reduced or modified written work
Assignments divided into smaller tasks
Computers used for assignments
(keyboarding, research, etc…)
Modified spelling list
Page number given for answers in text
Text highlighted
Auditory materials used (tapes, text reader)
Texts/books on tape
Assignments read to student
Have students repeat directions
Use timers for assignments
Kinesthetic materials used
(manipuliatives, concrete materials, chalkboard,
templates, puzzles, games)
Alternate seatwork with physical activity
Referral to reading lab
Grading Modifications
Modified grading scale
Daily progress reports
Student correct assignments below 70%
Exams given in a different modality
(teacher read, taped, etc.)
Answers received in a different modality
(Teacher recorded, taped, keyboarded, etc.)
Sample or practice test allowed
Extra credit work accepted
Reduced tests
Alternate assignments for tests
Allow use of notes or text on test
Grade by marking only correct answers
Below grade level mark on report card
Intervention Model
Regina B. Blair
Behavioral modifications
Conference with parents
Conference with previous teachers
Conference with student
Preferential or strategic seating in classroom
Daily behavior progress reports
Removal to another place to work
Rule restatement and verbal feedback
Strategic removal (errand for teacher)
Distraction and redirection
Planned ignored and class ignoring
Loss of privileges or free time
Staying in during free time, recess, or after school
Response–cost system used
Time-out or removal from classroom
Free time as a reward
Proximity control
Allow time and space to cool down
Immediate response to behavior
Change or reduce assignments due to frustration level
Special roles (teacher’s helper, etc.)
Places on a behavior management plan
Intervention Model
Regina B. Blair
Additional Modifications
Intervention Model
Regina B. Blair