Mystery Book Puzzle Project - SchoolWorld an Edline Solution

Mystery Book Puzzle Project
Piece #1 neatly displays the title, author, and student name.
(3 points)
Piece #2 tells the reader about the main character and secondary
characters in the book including important details. (3 points)
Piece #3 describes the main setting(s) in detail.
(locations, time, and time period) (4 points)
Piece #4 describes the problem of the book in detail. (5 points)
Piece #5 tells the reader about the main events of the book in detail.
(5 points)
Piece #6 tells the reader about the climax of the book in detail.
(5 points)
Piece #7 explains the clues in detail that the characters used to
solve the mystery. (5 points)
Piece #8 describes the solution of the book in detail. (5 points)
Piece #9 gives a personal rating of the book and explains the
reasoning for this rating. (5 points)
The writing has been edited for proper spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, and sentence structure. (5 points)
The puzzle content is typed in size 12 font and neatly glued to the
back of each piece. The front of the puzzle pieces are neat,
colorful, and creative. The nine puzzle pieces must have titles and
should be able to fit into a gallon sized zip-loc bag. (5 points)
Total Score (Out of 50 points)