Uploaded by Jeannette Peterson

Mystery Book Project: Puzzle Poster Instructions

Recommended Mystery Books:
Students will have the opportunity to check mystery books out of the school library on
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg
Holes by Louis Sachar
Whale Done by Stuart Gibbs
The Hardy Boys Series
Nancy Drew Series
National Park Mystery Series
Capture the Flag by Kate Messner
The Secret Lake by Karen Inglis
Shadow Jumper by J. M. Forster
A to Z Mysteries Series by Ron Roy
Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure by Alex T. Smith
Club House Mysteries Series by Sharon M. Draper
Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead
The Fairy Tale Detectives by William Buckley
Classic Starts - The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Chris Sasaki
Baby Monkey, Private Eye by Brian Selznick
Malcolm at Midnight by W. H. Beck
The Geronimo Stilton Series by Geronimo Stilton
April Book Project: Mystery Book Puzzle Poster
Name: __________________
Due Date: Friday, April 28
For April’s Book Project, you will select and read a mystery chapter book at
home. (The minutes read will count towards your reading minutes on your
reading log, too.) When done reading the book, you will create an puzzle
poster and present it to the class on Friday, April 28.
Keep this packet and the book in your backpack or planner so you can talk
about it with Mrs. Peterson. - Please have your parent sign below after they
have read about this project.
● Pick a mystery chapter book to read (due Thurs., April 6th)
● Read the book
● Create a 9 piece puzzle about the book on poster board
● Number each puzzle piece and fill with information about your book
(see guidelines on next page)
● You may write by hand or type on the computer
● Any pencil lines needs to be outlined in black so that they “pop”
Book Title__________________________________________________
Student Signature ___________________________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________
Puzzle Book Report Guidelines
Each puzzle piece tells about the book:
# 1 The title, author, student’s name, and an illustration
# 2 A list of the main characters
# 3 A picture/illustration of the main character
# 4 A brief description of the setting and a picture/illustration
# 5 Write about the problem/mystery to solve (beginning of story)
# 6, # 7, & # 8 Write 3 different clues the characters discover. Each clue
should be written on a separate puzzle piece.
# 9 Write your opinion of the book/rate out of 5
Puzzle Project Examples:
Sample Puzzle Shapes: