Welcome to World Cultures

Welcome to World Cultures!
Mr. Kaufman
Miss Netzel
Email: Michael.kaufman@lz95.org
Email: meghan.netzel@lz95.org
Office/Phone: Rm. D 229 (847) 540-4354
Office/Phone: Rm. E210 (847) 540-5424
http://www.lz95.org/classes/worldcultureshistory_mkaufman/ http://www.lz95.org/classes/worldcultures_mnetzel/
World Cultures offers a thematic approach to the teaching of World History, literature and writing. This is a 2
semester, 2 consecutive period, freshman level class. This course is intended for the highly motivated, college prep
student. World Cultures is an integrated curriculum that fulfills both the freshman World History and English I
graduation requirement.
Quarter Grade:
The following grading scale will be used:
A+: 97-100% A: 93-96.9% A-: 90-92.9%
C+: 77-79.9% C: 73-76.9% C-: 70-72.9%
B+: 87-89.9% B: 83-86.9% B-: 80-82.9%
D+: 67-69.9% D: 63-66.9% D-: 60-62.9%
Please note that grades will NOT be rounded. For example, 89.7% is a B+, not an A. This is a school-wide policy.
Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, homework, papers, projects, and participation.
Semester Grade:
1st Quarter -------- 40%
2nd Quarter -------- 40%
Final Exam -------- 20% (The final exam will be comprehensive for the semester.)
Evaluation and Assessment:
Assessment of individual student progress includes, but is not limited to: quizzes, unit tests, homework,
projects, research papers, written assignments, and/or class participation.
In a student centered classroom, we assess and evaluate growth in ways which motivate students to use
language for effective communication. Students perceive themselves as partners with teachers in the learning
process. Students will be encouraged to assess their own competence, determine goals for achievement, and
judge their own performance. As students learn to assess and evaluate their own work, they become
empowered to take increasing responsibility for their learning.
1. Be on time.
2. Be respectful.
3. Be responsible.
4. Be trustworthy.
5. Be caring.
6. Be a good citizen.
Students are expected to come to every class prepared. This includes having all assignments, textbooks,
pens/pencils, a notebook, loose leaf paper, and other relevant materials. Consistent failure to come to class
prepared will be reflected in the final grade.
You will also need a 3-ring binder for each class to put all of your assignments. You will be expected to keep all
of your assignments that are returned to you in this binder. It may be checked for a grade at anytime.
Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the announced due date. Late work will
NOT be accepted, with the exception of excused absences and the use of homework passes. In these
instances, school policy will be enforced- i.e. students will be given the number of excused days plus one to
make up missed work.
Make-Up for Tests:
Students out of school for an excused absence must schedule a make-up time within TWO days of return. This
scheduled time must be within a reasonable (no more than two weeks) time of the absence. Students unable
to attend a scheduled make-up time must give prior notice or a non-changeable grade of 0 will be assigned.
(Arranging make-up work is the sole responsibility of the student.)
Extra Credit:
Extra credit assignments will not be given for work that has not been completed on a
timely basis or for students who have failed to give an honest effort. We believe in the
mastery of learning the material and are willing to allow students the opportunity to
revise an assignment they have submitted on-time and made a good faith effort to do
well; they just simply did not execute the assignment.
All assignments, especially formal assignments, must have a heading on the upper left-hand corner of the paper
with your name, teacher, class, and date. Final paper assignments must be typed in Times New Roman 12point font and double spaced, with the appropriate heading and a title.
Other Policies:
All school rules and policies concerning cheating and plagiarism will be strictly enforced. Unexcused absences
will result in a grade of a 0 for all work collected on day of absence or done during day of absence. NO
Proposed Schedule:
Major Content Areas:
The content of this course focuses on thematic elements in literature and history. The major content areas
-Ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome
-Non-western civilizations (China, India, Africa)
-The Middle Ages
-The Renaissance/Reformation
-Enlightenment/French and Industrial Revolutions
-Mythology/The Odyssey
-Joy Luck Club/Short Stories
-The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet/Short Stories
-Personal Accounts/Poetry
Note: This is merely an outline of the year and is subject to change by addition and/or subtraction.
Throughout the year, we will add several supplemental readings, essays, stories, and poems, etc.