CPD Planning Guide Template

Collections Management Traineeship CPD Plan
Welcome to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plan. This document belongs to you and is intended
to help you think about your career goals and the skills and competencies you will need in order to achieve them.
You should revisit this plan frequently throughout your traineeship and update it as your ideas and goals develop.
We will use this plan when we come back together at the end of your traineeship to review how things have gone,
and where you want to go next.
Key references
In developing your CPD Plan, you will need to refer to two documents:
The Collections Management Competency Framework, and;
The ‘CPD cycle’ model which will form the basis of your traineeship
For ease of reference, these are included as appendices to this document.
Completing this document
During the initial CPD planning workshop, you will be encouraged to write your CPD Plan out on a template
document. After the workshop, you should transfer this plan into this document, so that you can refer to it and
share it with your employer or host institution.
Part one: Reflection
In this section, we will ask you to consider your current role, whether paid or volunteer. What is great about it?
What do you find challenging? We’ll then ask you to look ahead to 5 years down the line. What do you want to be
doing? This is your chance to describe your dream job, so think big!
Describe your current work (max. 300 words)
What’s great about what you do right now?
What would you like to change about what you do right now?
What constraints are you working under? Do you need to be based in a specific location, or earning a specific
amount of money to cover your outgoings?
Part two: Future
Imagine your ideal job in 5 years time. Write down what it would be like (it can either be a highly specific role
that you already know about, or more generally the qualities you’d be looking for from your work).
Part three: Goals
Write down no more than 5 goals you would like to achieve during the year of your traineeship which will help
you achieve your aspirations. Remember to keep them realistic and achievable!
Part four: Competencies
Now we want to map your goals across to the collections management competencies, so that we can start to
identify how you will develop your skills and a more concrete plan of action.
Customer Focus
Write down which of your goals fits into this set of competencies
Technical practice
Write down which of your goals fits into this set of competencies
 Changing & improving
 Building relationships
 Collaboration
Write down which of your goals fits into this set of competencies
 Ethical
 Legal
 Organisational
Write down which of your goals fits into this set of competencies
Part 5: Planning
Now we will ask you to start assembling your more detailed CPD plan. For each of your 5 goals, this sets out what you are going to do between now and the end of October
2015 to achieve it. Don’t worry if it’s not definitive at this point. We’ll be asking you to finalise it in the coming weeks in discussion with your employer or host organisation.
It is important to capture the main elements of what you can do practically to develop your skills. This should include an indication of when you plan to undertake your
workplace-based project.
Write your first development goal here
Goal 1
Start date
End date
Support needed
Write down the competency
you would like to develop
Write down the activity you will
undertake (see Appendix for
examples of activities)
Write down when the activity
will start
Write down when it will end
Write down what support you
anticipate you will need from
your employer/host institution
Write your second development goal here
Goal 2
Start date
End date
Support needed
Write down the competency
you would like to develop
Write down the activity you will
undertake (see Appendix for
examples of activities)
Write down when the activity
will start
Write down when it will end
Write down what support you
anticipate you will need from
your employer/host institution
Write your third development goal here
Goal 3
Start date
End date
Support needed
Write down the competency
you would like to develop
Write down the activity you will
undertake (see Appendix for
examples of activities)
Write down when the activity
will start
Write down when it will end
Write down what support you
anticipate you will need from
your employer/host institution
Write your fourth development goal here (if you have one!)
Goal 4
Start date
End date
Support needed
Write down the competency
you would like to develop
Write down the activity you will
undertake (see Appendix for
examples of activities)
Write down when the activity
will start
Write down when it will end
Write down what support you
anticipate you will need from
your employer/host institution
Write your fifth development goal here (if you have one!)
Goal 5
Start date
End date
Support needed
Write down the competency
you would like to develop
Write down the activity you will
undertake (see Appendix for
examples of activities)
Write down when the activity
will start
Write down when it will end
Write down what support you
anticipate you will need from
your employer/host institution
Part six: Reflect again
This process is intended to help you think about your development, your goals and aspirations for your career. Now
you have set out your goals, the competencies you want to achieve and how you plan to do it, take a moment to
reflect. How do you feel about the process?
It can be useful to take a few moments to write a short note to your future self about your plans and aspirations.
We will be returning to these plans throughout the year, but we will also take time at the end of the process to
review how far you have come. If you want to send yourself a quick note of aspiration or encouragement, do it in
the box below!
Appendix 1: Collections Management Competency Framework
The Collections Management Competency Framework defines the
Collections Management skills and behaviours which a museum needs to
develop, manage and sustain collections so that they can be used by the
public. It is a high level framework which can be used as a starting point
to define, plan and manage the skills you need in your museum.
The Framework has been developed by the Collections Trust in
consultation with the museum sector, as part of an Arts Council England
funded project. It draws on the experience of many people who work in
museums in different roles across the UK, and defines the skill sets of the
Collections Management profession.
Customer Focus
Maintaining a customer focus which responds to customer needs, enhances the use of the collections and validates the museum as authoritative, accountable and
Synthesises and
1. Identifies new narratives
connected to the
collections and
proactively develops links
to new communities
which will develop and
sustain the collections.
2. Drives goals to meet the
needs of communities
who have a stake in the
1. Identifies opportunities for
research which will create new
knowledge about the collections
1. Demonstrates responsibility
for museum goals, activities
and plans and the effect
that they have on the
management and use of the
1. Engages with
communities which have
a connection to the
museum collections, both
proactively and
2. Informs and creates
policies, procedures and
plans which support user
engagement with the
1. Engages with users of the
museum’s collections
authoritatively, respects the
knowledge of others and shares
knowledge in ways which are
audience appropriate
1. Manages collections
1. Uses resources appropriately in a
management activity openly
way which balances use of resources
and transparently
with the needs of the collection,
basing decisions on evidenced
2. Follows agreed policies and
procedures about resource use.
3. Influences policies, procedures and
plans which shape resource
1. Recognises that the museum
has a responsibility to the
users of its collections to
record, interpret and share
narratives connected to its
1. Recognises the museum’s
responsibilities regarding
the use of public resources
in the management of the
Identifies communities
which have a connection
to the museum
1. Identifies new resources and
partnerships, and creates
opportunities which will maximise
the care and management of the
2. Embeds a culture which seeks to
achieve value in the use of resources.
3. Directs policy to provide resources
for collections management which
deliver mission effectively.
1. Uses resources to manage the
collections effectively and efficiently
Technical Knowledge and Practice
Committing to the use of appropriate and up to date standards and practice in the management of the collections
Collections Development
Synthesises and
Collections Access
Collections Information
Collections Care and Conservation
1. Plays a leading role in
the development of
policy and standards in
collections development
2. Sets and monitors
challenging goals in the
improvement and
efficiency of the
museum’s approach to
the development of the
1. Plays a leading role in the
1. Plays a leading role in the
development of
development of
national/international policy and
national/international policy
standards in collections access.
and standards in collections
2. Sets and monitors challenging
goals in the continuous
2. Sets and monitors challenging
improvement and efficiency of
goals in the continuous
the museum’s approach to the
improvement and efficiency of
use of the collections.
the museum’s approach to the
management and use of
collections information.
1. Plays a leading role in the
development of
national/international policy and
standards in collections care
2. Sets and monitors challenging
goals in the continuous
improvement and efficiency of the
museum’s approach to collections
1. Informs and creates
collections development
policies, procedures and
plans to deliver the
museum’s goals
2. Manages collections
development projects
3. Advocates for
appropriate collections
development standards
in the context of a
collections management
4. Works with museum
stakeholders and
communities to develop
the collection
1. Informs and creates collections
care and conservation policies,
procedures and plans to deliver
the museum’s goals
2. Manages collections care and
conservation projects
3. Advocates for appropriate
collections care and conservation
standards in the context of a
collections management policy
4. Works with museum stakeholders
and communities to improve the
care and conservation of the
Informs and creates collections
access policies, procedures and
plans to deliver the museum’s
Manages collections access
Advocates for appropriate
collections access standards for
collections information
management in the context of a
collections management policy
Works with museum
stakeholders and communities
to improve access to the
1. Informs, creates and
implements collections
information policies,
procedures and plans to deliver
the museum’s goals
2. Manages collections
information projects
3. Advocates for appropriate
collections information
standards for collections
information management in
the context of a collections
management policy
4. Works with museum
stakeholders and communities
to improve the quality of
collections information
Carries out procedures
which support the
development of the
collections following
museum policies
Carries out procedures which
enable access to the museum
collections following museum
1. Carries out information
collection, retrieval and
recording procedures using
museum information systems
following museum policy
1. Carries out collections care
procedures following museum
Building positive and collaborative relationships, both internally and externally, which advocate for the effective and creative management and use of the
Changing and Improving
Synthesises and
Building Relationships
1. Builds and drives open and 1. Acts as an ambassador, negotiator
innovative organisational
and advocate to build positive
attitudes to change
relationships which will sustain the
2. Approaches change by
collections on behalf of the
evaluating opportunities,
impacts and risks
1. Builds flexible, supportive and
collaborative working
1. Informs and creates
1. Communicates with all museum
policies , procedures and
stakeholders appropriately and
plans which support
effectively on behalf of the
organisational attitudes to
2. Advocates effectively on behalf of
2. Identifies opportunities
the museums
for improving the
3. Develops and promotes
relationships with stakeholders
management and use of
which will sustain the collections
the collection
1. Demonstrates an ability to
motivate individuals and teams,
and delegate responsibility
where appropriate
1. Is responsive to change
and willing to improve
working practice
2. Is willing to acquire new
knowledge which will
improve the management
and use of the collections
1. Demonstrates an ability to
work with individuals and
2. Demonstrates an
understanding and knowledge
of how museum roles support
organisational objectives and
wider public needs
1. Maintains positive working
2. Maintains relationships with
stakeholders which uphold the
values of the museums
Assuming responsibility for ethical, legal and organisational contexts in the management of collections
Synthesises and
Plays a leading role in
the development of
ethical codes relating to
the management of
Ensures that the
museum sets and
monitors challenging
goals in the continuous
improvement and
efficiency of the
museum’s approach and
use of collections
management ethical
1. Plays a leading role in the
1. Shapes, promotes and
development of
exemplifies a culture within the
national/international legal
museum which supports the
requirements relating to the
effective management and use
management of collections
of the collections
2. Ensures that the museum sets
2. Scans the political context and
and monitors challenging goals
takes account of wider impacts
in the continuous improvement
to develop long term strategies
and efficiency of the museum’s
to sustain the museum
approach to collections
collections and their use
management legal requirements
Informs, creates and
manages collections
management policies,
procedures and plans
with reference to
relevant and current
ethical codes
Advocates for the use of
appropriate collections
management ethical
1. Informs and creates collections 1. Informs and creates collections
management policies,
management policies,
procedures and plans with
procedures and plans with
reference to relevant and
reference to the values and
current legal requirements to
culture of the museum, and
deliver the mission of the
supports those values in all
2. Advocates for the use of
appropriate collections
management legal requirements
1. Demonstrates an
understanding of basic
ethical considerations
which relate to the
management of the
1. Demonstrates an understanding 2. Demonstrates an understanding
of basic legal requirements which
of the values and culture of the
relate to the management of the
museum, and supports those
values in all activities
Appendix: CPD Planning cycle
We will be using the following cycle to support your CPD by encouraging you to reflect on your goals, review your
existing skills and competencies, reflection on the skills and competencies you would like to develop and formulate
a plan to develop them.
Appendix: Activities
The Collections Trust’s Collections Management Traineeships are designed to support your continuing professional
development in a structured way. This means that there is a connection between your goals, the competencies you
want to develop and the activities you will do to develop them.
We have taken the same definition of ‘activities’ as the Museums Association’s AMA Programme. See below for a
brief definition:
Secondments (inside & outside the organisation)
Special projects
Contributing to planning
Liaising with other organisations
Professional or vocational courses
Attending short courses, conferences, seminars and
Writing or reviewing conference papers
Running or contributing to seminars, workshops or
Joining a professional body or organisation
Involvement with a regional network
Reading and reviewing journals, books, newspapers
Using other learning material eg DVDs and podcasts
Using the internet
Networking via social media
Study visits
You should work with your employer and the Collections Trust to ensure that your traineeship covers a wide variety
of different types of activity.