Anne Frank and Family – A photographic memoir Marking the 80th

The Anne Frank Trust UK
Star House
104-108 Grafton Road
Anne Frank and Family – A photographic memoir
Marking the 80th anniversary of Anne Frank’s birth
Anne Frank and Family is a beautiful and poignant exhibition of photographs taken by Otto Frank
of his daughters Anne and Margot before the family were forced into hiding. It has been shown to
much acclaim in Amsterdam, New York and Frankfurt and was launched in the UK at St Paul’s
Cathedral in London, where its opening was covered by several national newspapers, and has
since been shown in museums and galleries in east London, Fife, and Manchester. In November
2008, Stockport Art Gallery hosted the exhibition exceeding visitor numbers by over eight times
their target figures.
The much loved second daughter of Otto and Edith Frank, Anne became the world’s best known
voice of a child trapped in the horrors of war and the Holocaust, thanks to her diary written while in
hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam. Anne’s voice has been introduced to a new generation of
young people this year through the marvellous BBC miniseries shown in January. During that
month, our travelling exhibition Anne Frank and You was attracting one hour long queues to get in
to Coventry Cathedral, and her diary was again at the top of the bestselling books list, some 62
years after its first publication.
Otto Frank was a keen amateur photographer whose skill with a Leica camera spawned numerous
photographs at a time when most families were still only using professional photographers. His
photographs follow a single theme, the life and times of his daughters and the images capture their
formative years playing with friends, enjoying the beach and special occasions.
This 60 frame exhibition is ideal for museums, libraries, town halls and galleries. The Anne Frank
Trust have built a collection of period artefacts to accompany the exhibition, comprising toys,
clothes and books similar to those that feature in the photos. These will encourage children to
reflect on the similarities and differences between their lives and that of Anne Frank’s. As well as a
children’s quiz and visitors’ notes, a 25-minute film, The Short Life of Anne Frank, narrated by
Oscar winning actor Jeremy Irons, accompanies the exhibition, reminding us of the tragic fate of
Anne and her sister so soon after these happy family photographs were taken.
I am enclosing some information about the exhibition, which requires 50 metres of wall or
alternative mounting space.
If you would like to know more, I look forward very much to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Doug Palfreeman.
(Exhibitions Manager)
Mob: 07858 951377
Registered charity no: 1003279